Quick Revision Summary Flashcards
How did the government cause the boom?
Because republicans didn’t believe in high taxes and had a policy of lassaiz faire
How did share confidence cause the boom?
Encouraged many to buy shares in companies helping it gain money to expand and benefit the economy
How did ford help the boom?
10,000 model Ts were sold in the first year and one in every 2 cars sold was a model T by 1920 working the economy
How did mass production help the boom?
Goods could be made much more cheaply, dropped car price to $300 from $850
How did hire purchase help the boom?
People could buy items they couldn’t usually afford by paying bit by bit
How did advertising help the boom?
More people wanted products they didn’t always need
How did radio improve?
Went from 1 to 508 radio stations
Give an example showing cinema improved?
100 million tickets were being sold each week
What was significant about jazz in the 1920s?
Everyone would listen to it when traditionally only blacks would and lots heard it though night clubs and in radio performances
Give some cultural developments of women in the 1920s
Got the vote in 1919
Drove cars alone
Many were flappers
How did sport develop in the 1929s?
It was the first time players were seen as celebs and would get to games in cars or would listen to them on the radio
What did the prohibition cause?
When was it
- 1/2 of prohibition agents dismissed for being corrupt
- there were more speakeasies than saloons before the prohibition
Jan 1920
Give some facts about organised crime due to the prohibition
There were 130 gang led murders in Chicago I’m 1937 and 1938
St valetines 1929 14th feb
Organised gangs made $2 billion from illegal alcohol sale
How were racial tensions increasing during the 1920s?
The KKK has 6 million members by 1924
The Jim Crow law enforced segregation
Give examples of political discrimination against communists and immigrants
April1920 Sacco / Vanzetti killed via electric chair despite having 107 people confirm they were elsewhere on the night of the robbery
The red scare
How did immigration reduce in the 1920s?
- immigration quota act limited no. of immigrants to 357,000 per year
- in 1929, immigration was reduced to 150,000 per year and immigration from Asia was blocked completely
Why did businesses go bankrupt?
Average share prices dropped by 40 cents leading a total loss of $8 billion to share holders
What were the stages of the walls street crash?
1) Banks recalled loans
2) businesses went bankrupt
3) unemployed people spent less
4) bankrupt companies laid off workers
5) production dropped
How did Roosevelt restore confidence in 100 days?
Spoke to people through radio so they could get to know him as a person and he introduced the emergency banking act so people could trust banks again closing over 5000 banks
How did Roosevelt tackle unemployment in 100 days?
- PWA gave funds of $3300 million for materials, build school and hospitals to create jobs for the unemployed
- Economy Act cut pay of anyone working in the government, navy or airforce by 15%
How did Roosevelt help farmers in 100 days?
FCA leant money to farmers that couldn’t keep up with loan payments
How did WWII Boost American industry?
Over 1/2 a million businesses grew
CocaCola became world’s most successful soft drink
How did WWII end unemployment?
14 million were working in factories to produce wartime goods
How did WWII change life for African Americans?
2 million produced materials in factories and many were officers in the marine or army
How did WWII change women’s lives?
Equal pay became available in 4 states
6 million had war jobs by 1945
1 in 3 aircraft workers were women
What was HUAC?
1938 House Un American Activities Committee set up to explore communism in the government and education
How did WWII Increase consumer spending?
20 million had radios by 1939 and TVs became more prominent
How did televisions change after WWII?
In 1958, tv ownership increased by 83.2%
How did youth culture change after the war?
Rock n Roll became associated with young gangs and crime
They drove cars
What was McCarthyism?
Where senator Joseph McCarthy made people scared of communism through many lies and half truths
Give entertainments among post war society
Sport, cinema, tv and radio
How did the NAACP help ?
1954 Desegregation of schools
Who was Rosa Parks… when? What?
1955 Refused to stand up on a bus for a white person triggering peaceful protests fro back rights
How did Martin Luther King continue peaceful protests?
Set up the bus boycott
What did Greensboro see the start of?
July1960 Desegregation of lunch counters by Ezell Blair and 3 other men
Who were freedom riders?
Black activists for civil rights who deliberately rode segregated buses in 1961
What happened in August 1963?
Great March of Washington DC
What were some laws in 1960 that show progress of the civil rights movement?
Civil rights act
Voting Rights Act
What was a legal challenge of the civil rights campaign?
White juries were usually always against African Americans
What were some effects of the Bus boycott?
15000 buses were empty and so black People were getting around in carpools
Give some examples of non violent direct action
Bus boycott of 1955
Greensboro sit in of 1960
Give some violent tactics from Malcom X and the Black Panthers
- black power movement
- burning down houses
Name some civil rights acts
Voting rights act
Equal pay act
Give some info on Kennedy’s new frontier
- Aimed to improve America
- gave more jobs to African Americans than ever before
- made $900 million available to businesses
- increased the minimum hourly wage from $1 to $1.25
Give some info of Johnson’s Great Society
- Introduced the voting rights act
- tightened air and water control
- made housing act 1968 for low income families to afford housing
How did women campaign for equal rights?
Set up NOW which had 40,000 members after only a few years of establishment
Got equal pay act of 1964
What were some oppositions to equal rights?
Stop ERA campaign prevented equal rights from being part of the constitution
Southern voters and politicians were still for segregation
How did schools desegregate
May 1954
Brown vs topeka
Girl had to walk to segregated school 2miles away, non segregated 0.5miles
Supported by NAACP
What case did women win that meant they had more control
Roe vs Wade 1973
Jane roe
Women can abort a child