Questions surrounding IAS + IFRS Flashcards
IAS 21 - FX exchange rate - what are the factors to be considered when determining the currency?
The currency which is used by shareholders and currency of debt finance
Functional currency definition?
Currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates
Explain how goodwill is calculated?
Under business combinations, goodwill is calculated by comparing the fair value of the consideration plus the NCI at acqusition and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired
IFRS 15 - Fair value - what is the standards purpose?
To increase consistency and comparability through the valuation techniques
IAS 37 - provisions - what is the purpose of this standard?
To ensure that appropriate recognition critera and measurement have been met
IAS 37 - when is a provision recognised?
When present obligation has arose as a result from a past event and is probable
IFRS 9 - what is the measurement used?
The equity instruments should be measured at fair value unless irrevocable election is made to recognise changes in fair value through OCI
IFRS 15 - Fair value - what other concept is used to measure FV?
The highest and best use which is the use of a non-financial asset by market participants
IAS 38 - when shall an intangible have an indefinite useful life ?
When all relevant factors have no foreseeable limit over the period which the asset expects to generate cash net inflow for the entity
IAS 37 - if indefinite life what does this mean?
That the entity must test annually impairment annually by comparing recoverable amount with carrying amount to assess for implication of impairment
IAS 37 - how to calculate impairment?
Take the carrying value and compare it to the recoverable amount
IAS 36 - impairment discount rate - what does the standard say?
That the discount rate should be applied that reflects the current market assessment of time value of money and the risks associated with it
IAS 36 - CGU what are these?
Group of assets grouped together
IAS 36 - Disclosure?
Must be disposed of the loss and description of the impairment against which class of CGU