ALL IAS + IFRS Flashcards
Fair value measurement - the fair value of an asset is the price which would be receive on that measurement date
IAS 21
The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates - how the currency is translated into the financial statements
IAS 37
Provisions - to ensure the appropriate recognition and measurement is used and information is correctly disclosed
IAS 27
Separate financial statements - this standard requires an entity to account for its investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates either at *COST * IFRS 9 financial instruments * using the equity method under IAS 28 investments in joint ventures
Non current assets held for sale and discontinued operations - when a entity plans to recover its value by selling it rather than using it and a discontinued operation is a component of an entity that has been disposed of or classified as held for sale
Business combinations - when a business obtain controls of a business
Consolidated financial statement - an investor controls invested where it has power over invested, exposure to rights as variable returns and ability to use power to affect the variable returns
IAS 38
Intangible assets - non Monterey item that lacks physical substance. Recognition can only apply if it is probable that the future economic benefits will flow to the entity and the cost can be measured reliability - measured at cost or revaluation and amortised over their useful life
Share based payments - director receives share options or other residual interest in the company net assets
IAS 19
Employee benefits - all forms of consideration expect shares, in exchange for service rendered by employees
Operating segments - reportable segments are those operating segments must be separately disclosed. They must have similar operating characteristics to be disclosed as an operating segment
Revenue from contracts with customers - Must have commercial substance contract, transaction price has been considered, performance obligation throughout service/contract life, allocation of the product to a stand alone item
IAS 16
PPE - recognition based upon the probability that future benefits will flow from the entity from the asset that can be measured reliability
IAS 20
Government grants and disclosure of government assistance - government grant is recognised when there is reasonable assurance that entity will company with the conditions attached to the grant and the grant will be received
IAS 38
Intangibles - must be identifiable from contracts or legal rights / control over benefits of asset / probable future economic benefits such as revenues