Questions from the Treasure Chest (2019 final exams (2)) Flashcards
Hay quality and thus nutritional value is influenced by
a. environmental factors like water supply and soil type
b. stage of maturity when cut
c. how long it is left in the sun after cut
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above:
environmental factors like water supply and soil type
stage of maturity when cut
how long it is left in the sun after cut
Regarding different hay types
a. they may be combined in one bale, for example 3-way hay
b. oat hay is a grass hay
c. Bermuda hay is a legume hay
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
they may be combined in one bale, for example, 3-way hay
oat hay is a grass hay
Legume hay
a. is generally lower in protein than grass hay
b. is generally lower in calcium than grass hay
c. is generally lower in nutrients than grass hay
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
none of the above
Note: protein, calcium, and nutrient levels are actually higher in legumes (alfalfa)
Legume hay include(s)
a. timothy hay
b. clover
c. alfalfa hay
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
alfalfa hay
The amount of leaves (vs. stems) in hay is important because
a. the leaves are higher in nutritional value like protein, vitamins, and minerals
b. the stems are higher in poorly-digestible fiber
c. it affects the quality of the hay and monetary value
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
the leaves are higher in nutritional value like protein, vitamins, and minerals
the stems are higher in poorly-digestible fiver
it affects the quality of the hay and monetary value
When inspecting a hay shipment, important things to check for are
a. mold
b. stage of maturity at cutting
c. smell
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
stage of maturity at cutting
When inspecting a hay shipment, MORE important things to check for are
a. animals or animal parts
b. color and moisture
c. other plants that aren’t the hay
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
animals or animal parts
color and moisture
other plants that aren’t the hay
Regarding pelleted diets fed to herbivores
a. they serve as a consistent source of nutrients
b. they may be able to compensate for specific nutrient deficiencies in the hay
c. the act as a higher fiber source than hay or browse
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
they serve as a consistent source of nutrients
they may be able to compensate for specific nutrient deficiencies in the hay
Regarding digestive tract anatomy
a. herbivores are either ruminants or hind-gut fermenters with fermentation occurring in the cecum and colon
b. a colobus monkey is a hindgut fermenting folivorous omnivore (bordering on herbivore)
c. a pig is a ruminant herbivore
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
herbivores are either ruminants or hind-gut fermenters with fermentation occurring in the cecum and colon
Note: colobus is ruminant, so it can’t be a hindgut fermenter, and pig is nonruminant
Regarding commercially grown seeds and nuts
a. alone, they are a balanced diet
b. they tend to be low in fat and energy
c. they tend to be very palatable
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
they tend to be very palatable
The following statements are accurate when discussing zoo feeding
a. since omnivores eat a broad array of diet items in the wild, the best feeding strategy is to feed them a broad array of items in captivity and let them choose what they need
b. parrots should be fed a primarily commercial seed diet (like sunflower, etc.) to mimic the seeds they would eat in the wild
c. using a nutritionally complete product as the foundation for an animal’s diet is often the ideal approach to feeding
e. all of the above
e. a and b only
using a nutritionally complete product as the foundation for an animal’s diet is often the ideal approach to feeding
Some toxic foods include
a. avocado for birds and reptiles
b. chocolate for dogs
c. xylitol for cats
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
avocado for birds and reptiles
chocolate for dogs
xylitol for cats
MORE toxic foods include
a. tomato leaves for dogs, cats, and birds
b. kale for a desert tortoise
c. carrots for herbivorous reptiles
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
tomato leaves for dogs, cats, and birds
T or F: Grapes or raisins may be toxic for dogs
The following statements are correct
a. kale is high in oxalates which binds calcium
b. broccoli can be goitrogenic due to binding iodine
c. an example of a good, dark, green, leafy vegetable is escarole
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
all of the above:
kale is high in oxalates which binds calcium
broccoli can be goitrogenic due to binding iodine
an example of a good, dark, green, leafy vegetable is escarole
T or F: Fruit, seeds and pits, and the foliage of the tree (leaves and branches) must be evaluated individually for the type being fed and the species of animal to be fed to prevent toxicity
The following statements are correct
a. spinach is high in oxalates which binds calcium
b. cabbage can be goitrogenic due to binding iodine
c. an example of a good dark green leafy vegetable is endive
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above:
spinach is high in oxalates which binds calcium
cabbage can be goitrogenic due to binding iodine
an example of a good dark green leafy vegetable is endive
The following items are NOT good choices for herbivorous reptiles:
a. dandelions
b. rose petals
c. hibiscus
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
none of the above
The process of dietary evaluation is a zoo setting includes
a. knowing what the consumed diet is
b. knowing the appropriate nutrient standards for the animal
c. knowing what the diet is as presented
d. all the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
knowing what the consumed diet is
knowing the appropriate nutrient standards for the animal
knowing what the diet is as presented
When discussing pelleted feeds for herbivores
a. a complete pellet is made to be fed with minimal hay, and is also called a balanced ration
b. a concentrate is a concentrated energy source and often called grain
c. a concentrate is not a balanced ration and usually lower in fiber so more hay must be fed
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
a complete pellet is made to be fed with minimal hay, and is also called a balanced ration
a concentrate is a concentrated energy source and often called grain
a concentrate is not a balanced ration and usually lower in fiber so more hay must be fed
Regarding feeding browse
a. secondary plant compounds can be dangerous (toxic) in some species
b. it should be quantitated as a part of the diet if eaten
c. it is necessary in the diet of some herbivores
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
secondary plant compounds can be dangerous (toxic) in some species
it should be quantitated as a part of the diet if eaten
it is necessary in the diet of some herbivores
T or F: Browse is by definition: woody plant material including leaves and stems
Regarding equine nutrition
a. horses are grazers
b. water is a very important nutrient for horses
c. they eat roughly 1% of their body weight in forage
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above
horses are grazers
water is a very important nutrient for horses
they eat roughly 1% of their body weight in forage
Herbivorous ruminants can be divided into
a. concentrate selectors that are eating leaves, fruit, and flowers
b. browsers that are eating in bulk and eating a high fiber diet
c. grazers that are eating grass
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
all of the above:
concentrate selectors that are eating leaves, fruit, and flowers
browsers that are eating in bulk and eating a high fiber diet
grazers that are eating grass
T or F: The healthiest way to put an herbivore on a diet is to just cut the percentage of pellets in the diet and leave the percentage of hay the same
a. tend to be less sensitive to the Amino Acid composition of food since microbes can make protein
b. may eat their own feces to ingest vitamins created in the large intestine if they are hindgut fermenters
c. need to have diet changes happen slowly when being fed in zoos
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above
tend to be less sensitive to the Amino Acid composition of food since microbes can make protein
may eat their own feces to ingest vitamins created in the large intestine if they are hindgut fermenters
need to have diet changes happen slowly when being fed in zoos
In ruminants
a. fruit can cause explosive fermentation
b. a young calf is functionally a non-ruminant
c. a balanced ration may be formulated using the lowest cost items available to keep prices down for domestic dairy cattle
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above
fruit can cause explosive fermentation
a young calf is functionally a non-ruminant
a balanced ration may be formulated using the lowest cost items available to keep prices down for domestic dairy cattle
T or F: Generally speaking, and certainly true for dairy cattle, in mammals lactation increases nutritional demands even more than pregnancy
In developing feeding programs for non-domestic species when no data is available, the following may be helpful
a. evaluating feeding behavior and strategy in the wild
b. looking at the oral and gastrointestinal tract anatomy
c. extrapolating from similar species whose requirements are known
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above
evaluating feeding behavior and strategy in the wild
looking at the oral and gastrointestinal tract anatomy
extrapolating from similar species whose requirements are known
The following is true about processed diets
a. processing a diet can increase its nutrient availability
b. they may use byproducts of other industries which automatically means they are a poor source of nutrition for the animal
c. unprocessed food is always better for animals than processed food
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
processing a diet can increase its nutrient availability
T or F: Cultivated fruit, as discussed in this article, has more sugar and less fiber than wild fruit sources
T or F: Cooking food, for example boiling and throwing away water, or baking, can cause changes in food item content
Problems with fiber and water include
a. too much water in a diet can cause diarrhea
b. too much fiber in a diet can cause impaction
c. not enough fiber in a diet can cause diarrhea
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
too much water in a diet can cause diarrhea
too much fiber in a diet can cause impaction
not enough fiber in a diet can cause diarrhea
General rules for feeding primates include
a. feed them exactly twice a day exactly at the same time
b. give them food hidden, scattered, or in other ways that they have to “work” for it
c. hunters should be fed raw meat along with the proper amount of chow
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
give them food hidden scattered, or in other ways that they have to “work” for it
T or F: Computer programs exist to calculate diets for zoo animals
Good online nutrition and food reference sources include
a. USDA for a wide variety of information
b. ASPCA for toxic plant information
c. for reptile information
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above
USDA for a wide variety of information
ASPCA for toxic plant information for reptile information
The NRS (National Research Council) has published the dietary requirements for fifteen specific animal groups, including
a. rabbits
b. mink
c. nonhuman primates
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above
nonhuman primates
Herbivorous ruminants can be divided into grazers and browsers
a. grazers eat less often than browsers in the wild
b. size usually correlates with the feeding strategy in the wild
c. starch and fiber levels are the same in these two categories in captive diets
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
grazers eat less often than browsers in the wild
T or F: A creep feeder is a feeder where smaller (or younger) animals can access food that larger (or older) ones can not
T or F: Different hay types may be combined in a bale, for example three-way hay is a third each of different types of hay
Note- Trick question. Three-way hay is just 3 different kinds of hay together, not necessarily specifically a third of each
T or F: Oat hay and bermuda hay are commonly fed grass hays
T or F: Herbivores have digestive tract anatomy that has fermentation occuring either in (a) modified stomach (s) or in the large instestine (cecum and colon): aka foregut or hindgut
Note- Herbivores are FOREGUT fermenters
T or F: A parrot is a simple stomached omnivore
Note- Parrots have a two-chambered stomach. They are generalist herbivores
T or F: An elephant is a ruminant herbivore
T or F: A colobus monkey is a hindgut fermenting folivorous omnivore (bordering on herbivore)
T or F: A desert tortoise is a hindgut fermenting herbivore
T or F: Generally speaking, per unit body mass, energy requirements INCREASE as body mass DECREASES
Folivorous primates
a. eat large amounts of browse in the wild
b. are often treated more like herbivores than omnivores in their diets in captivity
c. should not receive much (if any) domestic fruit in their diet
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above
eat large amounts of browse in the wild
are often treated more like herbivores than omnivores in their diets in captivity
should not receive much (if any) domestic fruit in their diet
Good fruit choices for animals that are an iron storage disease concern include
a. fruits high in Vitamin C
b. fruits high in tannins
c. fruits like grapes, fig, and blackberries
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
fruits like grapes, fig, and blackberries
T or F: Commercial fruits are often high in sugars which can lead to explosive fermentation in foregut fermenters
T or F: The healthiest way to put an herbivore on a diet is to just cut the percentage of pellets in the diet
In domestic ruminants
a. a creep feeder may be used
b. a young calf is functionally a non-ruminant
c. a balanced ration may be formulated using the lowest cost items available to keep prices down
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
a creep feeder may be used
a young calf is functionally a non-ruminant
a balanced ration may be formulated using the lowest cost items available to keep prices down
a. should be quantitated as part of the diet if eaten
b. is by definition: woody plant material including leaves and stems
c. can be toxic or cause an obstruction of the digestive tract
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
should be quantitated as part of the diet if eaten
is by definition: woody plant material including leaves and stems
can be toxic or cause an obstruction of the digestive tract
Regarding kitchen (commissary) sanitation
a. it is a USDA violation to use wooden cutting boards
b. USDA requires adequate lighting
c. USDA requires food must be stored to protect it against contamination by vermin
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
USDA requires adequate lighting
USDA requires food must be stored to protect it against contamination by vermin
T or F: Per the USDA, removal of unconsumed food (meat for example) must occur within 24 hours from presentation of the food
Note- 12 hours
Commissary sanitation standards include
a. having food on the floor of a refrigerator or freezer
b. bags should be sealed, or secondary containers used and labeled
c. soaking sponges in lemon juice as the best way to disinfect them
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
bags should be sealed, or secondary containers used and labeled
If stored or prepared improperly, food can break down via
a. oxidation
b. desiccation or water loss
c. leaching of nutrients into fluids
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
all of the above:
desiccation or water loss
leaching of nutrients into fluids
When evaluating fish for quality, the following are true
a. breaks in the skin are not a concern
b. bloating or protrusion of the viscera is a concern
c. eyes should be clear
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
bloating or protrusion of the viscera is a concern
eyes should be clear
When thawing frozen fish
a. the preferred method is to use a microwave and set it to defrost
b. the preferred method is under running water at 21 C (70F) or below
c. the preferred method is in a refrigerator
d. all of the above methods are equally acceptable
e. none of the above methods are acceptable
the preferred method is in a refrigerator
Regarding USDA regulations
a. USDA specifies the type of disinfection used in commissaries
b. USDA requires areas where animal food is prepared must be cleaned at least once daily and sanitized at least once weekly
c. USDA says that thawed fish should be kept iced or refrigerated only for 30 minutes before feeding
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
USDA requires areas where animal food is prepared must be cleaned at least once daily and sanitized at least once weekly
Improper handling of meat and prey items can lead to
a. nutrient loss
b. increased bacterial load and sick animals
c. a USDA citation
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
nutrient loss
increased bacterial load and sick animals
a USDA citation
Indicators that meat may have been thawed and re-frozen include
a. water or ice buildup on the boxes or floor beneath the boxes
b. moist, slimy, or discolored wrapping
c. brown meat
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above
water or ice buildup on the boxes or floor beneath the boxes
moist, slimy, or discolored wrapping
brown meat
Regarding USDA meat and fish regulations
a. frozen foods once thawed may be re-frozen and thawed only one more time
b. specific refrigerator and freezer temperatures are not specified
c. meat and fish must be used within 24 hours after thawing
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
meat and fish must be used within 24 hours after thawing
a. proper freezer and refrigerator temperatures are important
b. while 12 hours is given from food presentation to removal, it is likely to be a shorter time before meat spoils
c. meat should be fed cold but not frozen
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
proper freezer and refrigerator temperatures are important
while 12 hours is given from food presentation to removal, it is likely to be a shorter time before meat spoils
meat should be fed cold but not frozen
T or F: USDA regulations state that food must be wholesome, palatable, free from contamination, and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to maintain the animals in good health
Regarding Vitamin C
a. it enhances iron uptake
b. it is also called ascorbic acid
c. a deficiency can lead to a syndrome called scurvy
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
it enhances iron uptake
it is also called ascorbic acid
a deficiency can lead to a syndrome called scurvy
Vitamin C
a. is a fat soluble vitamin
b. needs to be given in the diet of rabbit, but not guinea pigs
c. needs to be given in the diet of primates and bats
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
needs to be given in the diet of primates and bats
Regarding the toxicity of vitamins
a. Vitamin K is the most toxic vitamin
b. generally, fat soluble vitamins are less likely to cause toxicity than water soluble vitamins
c. Vitamins A and D can be toxic if given in excess
d. a and c only
e. all of the above
Vitamins A and D can be toxic if given in excess
Which vitamin(s) are fat soluble
a. folic acid
b. Vitamin D
c. thiamine
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
Vitamin D
T or F: When feeding animals that eat a predominately fish diet in captivity, thiamine and Vitamin E are two vitamins that are very important to supplement
Regarding Vitamin E
a. it is a fat soluble vitamin
b. it is often linked with a mineral, Selenium
c. alpha-tocopherol is another name for the active form of this vitamin
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
it is a fat soluble vitamin
it is often linked with a mineral, Selenium
alpha-tocopherol is another name for the active form of this vitamin
Regarding water soluble vitamins
a. niacin is one
b. they may be leached out of fish during thawing, or other foods if soaked in water
c. it takes longer to develop a deficiency than with fat soluble vitamins
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
niacin is one
they may be leached out of fish during thawing, or other foods if soaked in water
Vitamin A
a. is also called the “sunshine vitamin”
b. plays a major role in vision
c. is often found in yellow and orange produce like carrots
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
plays a major role in vision
is often found in yellow and orange produce like carrots
a. are organic compounds
b. are necessary in small amounts in the diet
c. sometimes act as catalysts to make a reaction in the body happen
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above
are organic compounds
are necessary in small amounts in the diet
sometimes act as catalysts to make a reaction in the body happen
T or F: Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin necessary for blood clotting
Regarding B vitamins
a. riboflavin is one
b. they often have nervous system or metabolism functions
c. rumen microflora can make many of them
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
riboflavin is one
they often have nervous system or metabolism function
rumen microflora can make many of them
T or F: When a diet is analyzed, the ash content is determined by incinerating a food sample at high temperature, leaving only minerals
Regarding minerals in the diet
a. excess can lead to stone formation in the digestive tract
b. excess can lead to crystal or stone formation in the urinary tract
c. geographic variation in where food is grown can cause changes in content
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
excess can lead to stone formation in the digestive tract
excess can lead to crystal or stone formation in the urinary tract
geographic variation in where food is grown can cause changes in content
A trace mineral important for normal wool, hair, and skin pigment
a. Sodium
b. Iodine
c. Copper
d. Selenium
e. Iron
A macromineral important for formation of hemoglobin
a. Sodium
b. Iodine
c. Copper
d. Selenium
e. Iron
A macromineral that is also called an electrolyte and important for nerve impulse transmission
a. Sodium
b. Iodine
c. Copper
d. Selenium
e. Iron
A trace mineral needed to make thyroid hormone
a. Sodium
b. Iodine
c. Copper
d. Selenium
e. Iron
A trace mineral that interacts with a vitamin as an anti-oxidant and prevents muscle breakdown
a. Sodium
b. Iodine
c. Copper
d. Selenium
e. Iron
Potassium is
a. a macromineral
b. also called an electrolyte
c. imperative for the body to function on a cellular level
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all the above:
a macromineral
also called an electrolyte
imperative for the body to function on a cellular level
Regarding minerals
a. the group can be divided into macrominerals and microminerals (microminerals are also called trace minerals)
b. the most abundant ones in the body are calcium and phosphorus
c. magnesium is important for normal muscle function
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
the group can be divided into macrominerals and microminerals (microminerals are also called trace minerals)
the most abundant ones in the body are calcium and phosphorus
magnesium is important for normal muscle function
Forms of Vitamin D include
a. ergocalciferol
b. phylloquinone
c. retinol
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
Coprophagy in some animals
a. means the animals are eating feces
b. is a way of getting nutrients that are being made in the digestive tract
c. always indicates a behavioral abnormality
d. a and b only
e. none of the above
means the animals are eating feces
is a way of getting nutrients that are being made in the digestive tract
Regarding Iron Storage Disease
a. hemosiderosis refers to toxic cells due to too much iron in them
b. hemochromatosis refers to too much iron in the cells
c. tannins can prevent iron absorption in the digestive tract
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
tannins can prevent iron absorption in the digestive tract
Common species to be concerned about feeding too much iron include
a. toucans and touracos
b. some rhino species
c. uakaris, a South American primate
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above:
toucans and touracos
some rhino species
uakaris, a South American primate
Treatment and prevention for Iron Storage Disease
a. includes repeated phlebotomy, since the body has no natural way to get rid of excess iron
b. includes giving a drug to bind to the iron, called chelation, and the kidneys excrete this
c. includes changing the diet to stop the process
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
includes repeated phlebotomy, since the body has no natural way to get rid of excess iron
includes giving a drug to bind to the iron, called chelation, and the kidney excrete this
includes changing the diet to stop the process
NSHP, nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, refers to
a. a problem that is secondary to (caused by) improper nutrition
b. a problem where the parathyroid glands secrete elevated levels of parathyroid hormone to pull Calcium out of the bones and into the blood
c. the thyroid gland secreting elevated levels of calcitonin to get rid of excessive Calcium via the kidneys
d. a and b only
e. a and c only
a problem that is secondary to (caused by) improper nutrition
a problem where the parathyroid glands secrete elevated levels of parathyroid hormone to pull Calcium out of the bones and into the blood
T or F: Normal metabolism to create the active form of Vitamin D involves the liver and kidney
Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) syndromes include:
a. rickets- this usually refers to young growing bones
b. fibrous osteodystrophy- describes bone being replaced by connective tissue
c. osteoporosis- meaning bones with holes in them, or porous bones
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
rickets- this usually refers to young growing bones
fibrous osteodystrophy- describes bone being replaced by connective tissue
osteoporosis- meaning bones with holes in them, or porous bones
Depending on the species, causes for metabolic bone disease include
a. improper Ca:Phos ratio in the diet
b. lack of sunlight or UVB light
c. improper Vitamin D in the diet
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
all of the above:
improper Ca:Phos ratio in the diet
lack of sunlight or UV light
improper Vitamin D in the diet
“Gut-loading” crickets
a. refers to feeding the crickets a balanced diet for a cricket
b. means balancing a cricket as a diet item right before they are fed to an animal
c. if done correctly for Calcium, means they should be fed 25% Calcium
d. b and c only
e. none of the above
means balancing a cricket as a diet item right before they are fed to an animal
Some nutritional differences between cats and dogs are
a. cats are facultative carnivores and do not need the AA taurine in the diet like dogs
b. dogs are more sensitive to toxic plants than cats
c. cats need Vitamin A, dogs can make it from plant precursors
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
cats need Vitamin A, dogs can make it from plant precursors
Regarding types of dog food diets
a. canned has a lower percentage of dry matter than dry kibble
b. canned has a higher percentage of dry matter than semi-moist
c. semi-moist has a higher percentage of dry matter than dry kibble
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
canned has a lower percentage of dry matter than dry kibble
Regarding carnivores, this group refers to
a. a group that includes insectivores, or insect eaters
b. animals that only eat meat
c. animals that predominately eat food of animal origin
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
a group that includes insectivores, or insect eaters
animals that predominately eat food of animal origin
Regarding strict carnivores
a. they derive most of their energy from protein
b. they do not have the ability to metabolically handle a high carbohydrate diet
c. they are good at gluconeogenesis
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
all of the above:
they derive most of their energy from protein
they o not have the ability to metabolically handle a high carbohydrate diet
they are good at gluconeogensis
Different options for feeding big feline carnivores in human care include
a. feeding a variety of prey items
b. fasting one or more days a week
c. feeding a balanced commercial raw meat diet designed for them
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above:
feeding a variety of prey items
fasting one or more days a week
feeding a balanced commercial raw meat diet designed for them
Regarding Calcium and Phosphorus
a. the individual amounts must be correct in the diet
b. the ratio in the diet generally should be 4:1
c. they are the minerals found in the highest amount in the body
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
the individual amounts must be correct in the diet
they are the minerals found in the highest amount in the body
Regarding BARF diets
a. they are fed because some proponents feel that processing destroys essential nutrients, and this diet is more “natural”
b. BARF stands for bones and raw food
c. they can transmit pathogenic bacteria to pets and people
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
all of the above:
they are fed because some proponents feel that processing destroys essential nutrients, and this diet is more “natural”
BARF stands for bones and raw food
they can transmit pathogenic bacteria to pets and people