Questions from the midterm Flashcards
The Delphic principle is..
Know yourself
Telos means
Ethics, as discussed in class, in ancient Greece may be defined as:
The practice of freedom
What is NOT one parameter in ethics asw discussed by Michael Foacault?
Ethical domain
Know yourself in Ancient Greece meant
Know your limits
Aristotle discerned three forms of appeal. Which one is NOT one of them?
The best for most people or the worst for the least people possible refers to the following concept:
This is a concept that ranges from not merely such format and often directly coercive apparatuses of intervention as state administrations and their police but also the great variety of more informal incitements and incentives that ask or invite human actors to govern themselves.
It refers to that stuff which demands attention and fashioning if a given actor is to realize himself or herself as the subject he or she would be
Ethical substance
It refers to the manner in which a given actor evaluates and engages the criteria that determine what counts as living up to being a subject of one or another quality or kind. also, what the subject has access to or not in order to transform himself/herself
Mode of subjectivation
It refers to the particular work that a given work has to perform on his/her ethical substance in order to become a subject of a certain quality or kind
It refers precisely to the subject that is the end of any given actors striving
What is the general meaning of the word “Parrhesia”?
To say everything
If we appeal to someone by means of character or credibility we are using:
This term refers to persuading someone by appealing to his/her emotions:
This term refers to convincing someone by means of reason:
What author famously theorized governmentality?
Michael Foucault
What author famously theorized and explained the ethical domain?
Michael Foucault
If you were part of the nobility (aristocracy) you would definitely have this form of capital that most people do not have
Institutionalized social capital
If you inherit a piano and you know how to play the piano because you are also a musician, the piano is your…
Objectified cultural capital
The use of reason that a person may make of it in a particular civil post or office with which he or she is entrusted refers to the following use of reason:
Private use of reason
What does “technology”, as it is used in the material you have read, etymologically refer to?
Techne, meaning “know-how”
What technology permit us to use signs, meanings, symbols or signification?
Technologies of sign systems
What technologies permit individuals to effect by their own means or with the help of others a certain number of operations on their own bodies and souls, thoughts, conduct, and a way of being, so as t transform themselves?
Technologies of the self
What technologies determines the conduct of individuals and submit them to certain ends or domination?
Technologies of power