questions cours lecture Flashcards
Chap 3 : Politics and the state
What are the different understanding of the state?
- Idealist understanding: state = universal altruism (Hegel)
- Functional understanding: state = a set of institutions that saveguards public order and stability
- Organisational understanding : state = the “political association that establishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined territorial borders, and exercises authority through a set of permanent institutions”
What are the internal features of the state ?
- Sovereignty: absolute and unrestricted authority within defined territorial borders
- Public institutions: responsible for making and enforcing collective decisions
- Legitimacy: decisions of the state are accepted because they are supposed to reflect the common good
- Instrument of domination: monopoly on legitimate violence
- Territorial association: jurisdiction is limited to specific territory and all citizens living within it
What are the external features of the state?
According to the Montevideo Convention (1933):
- Defined territory
- Permanent population
- Effective government
- Capacity to enter into relations with other states
Define a pluralist state
- Liberal thought:
State = neutral arbiter (autonomous) that operates in the general interest and protests “life, liberty and property”
Pluralist state, separation of political and executive power:
Political authority is based on democratic principles giving all citizens an equal voice
Executive bureaucracy is neutral - Neopluralists:
Not all groups are equally powerful
The bureaucratic elites also have interests
Define a Marxist state
- state = instrument of oppression
- It reproduces existing class-based inequalities between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat
- Neo-marxists: state is a dynamic entity, reflecting balance of power in society, stage of struggle
Define the “Leviathan state” / bureaucratic state
- Associated with the New Right
- Leviathan (Hobbes) = expanding seamonster
- State is an autonomous entity that pursues its own interests
- State bureaucracy will inherently pursue growth and needs to be restrained
What is a nation?
- “Essentially contested concept”
- Def (Heywood 2019: 131):
Cultural: A group of people bound together by a common language, religion, history, traditions
Political: a group of people who regard themselves as a natural political community
What is the nation defined as a cultural community?
- Shared language, religion, history, traditions
- Nation as natural entity
- But: emergence of thinking about nation states is 19th century European
- Nation as new form of cultural cohesion based on shared ethnicity/history
- Stable but exclusive -> outsiders can never really belong
What is a nation defined as a political community?
- Group of people bound by shared citizenship
- An ‘imagined community’ (Anderson), bound by ‘invented traditions’ (Hobsbawn -> nationalism creates nations) -> anthems, flags
- Marxism: nation as invention of the bourgeoisie
Define the liberal view of nationalism :
- Inspired by French revolution
- Every nation is entitled to self-determination
- All nations are equal
- Aim: construct a world of sovereign nation states
- But: not at the cost of the individual (hence: universal human rights)
- International legal order necessary to prevent expansion and war
Define the conservative view of nationalism
- Traditionalism, patriotism, defence of historical values and institutions
- Nationalism as means to maintain social cohesion and order
- National unity is threatened from within (e.g. by “progressives”) and without (immigration, EU)
Define expansionist nationalism
- Imperialism -> agressive, militaristic expensionism
- Chauvinism: not all nations are equal, own nation is superior
- Other nations (or races) form a threat
- Myth of glorious past and future
According to Max Weber, what are the three sources of legitimacy/authority ?
- Traditional: that’s how we’ve always done it
- Charismatic: leader as hero or saint
- Legal-rational: based on agreed rules
Chap7 : Political Economy and globalization
What is political economy?
- The science that deals with the interaction between politics and economics
- Consequences of political interventions on the market and the distribution of wealth
- Consequences of economic developments for political decision-making
- State-market relationship
Define mercantilism/economic nationalism
- Mercantilism: heyday in the 15th – 18th centuries
- Goal: to increase the power and wealth of the state
- Inextricably linked to colonialism and imperialism
- Protectionism: discouraging imports through import duties (“tariffs”)
- Economy as a zero-sum game
Define Classical Political Economy
- Economic liberalism / Capitalism
- Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations (1776)
- Emphasis on the individual as economic actor and utility maximizer
- Specialization and division of labour
- The “invisible hand” of the market brings supply and demand together through competition
- Laissez faire
- Economy as “positive sum game”
Define keynesianism
- Laissez-faire resulted in crisis and unemployment
- Government must maintain aggregate demand by investing in employment
- Influential in post-war European economies
- More stability, less inequality, but…
Define neoliberalism
- Market fundamentalism: market solves all economic and social problems
- Stimulating supply through favourable conditions for companies
- Very popular since the 1980s
- Liberalisation of the economy in the US, UK and far beyond
- “Washington Consensus” (stabilize, privatize, liberalize)
But: a lot of inequality and focused on the short term
What is the marxist approach of political economy?
- Class = relation to means of production
- Profit is made by “Extraction of surplus value from workers“
- Exploitation is inherent but normalized (false consciousness / cultural legitimation)
- Commodity alienation
What is the feminist approach of political economy?
- Women and men have been differently affected by the interaction between politics and markets (Brassett et al. 2021)
- Social reproduction = effort required to educate and care for people (and to reproduce workers)
- Kept out of the public/economic sphere
What are the 3 types of capitalism?
- Entreprise capitalism
- Social capitalism
- State capitalism