IPOL concept chap3-4 Flashcards
Political concept establishing sovereign jurisdiction within defined territorial borders, and exercises authority through a set of permanent institutions.
- emerged in 16-17th, Europe
- Peace of Westphalie 1648
- Organisational understanding : state “political association that establishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined territorial borders, and exercises authority through a set of permanent institutions”
Montevideo Convention 1933 (Art.1) :
* defined territory
* permanent population
* effectiev government
* capacity to enter into relations with other states
- Nation-state emerged in 19th
= a sovereign political concept within which citizenship and nationality overap.
The principal of absolute and unlimited power
* Legal : supreme legal authority. right to command
* Political : absolute political power. ability to command
* Internal : supreme authority within the state
* External : the state’s place in the international order + its capacity to act as an independent and autonomous entity
Pluralist state
- liberal theory : state as neutral arbiter, represent the common good or public interest
Social contract theory
agreement between individuals through which an organized society/state exists.
Hobbes, Lock, Rousseau
3 main elements :
* hypothetical state-less society (state of nature)
* individuals trying to escape from the state,
* citizens obliged to respect and obey the state, leads to stability and security
Capitalist state
Leviathan state
Chap 4 : Democracy and legitimacy
lat.”legitimare” = to declare lawful
Liberal democracy
Strenghts of direct democracy
- citizens can control more their own destiny
- better-informed + sophisticted citizens, educational benefits
- enable the public to express their own views and interests whithout having to rely on self-serving politicians
- ensure that rule is legitimate –> more people are likely to accept the decisions they have made
Strengths of representative democracy
refers to a minority in whose hands power, wealth or privileges is concentrated
* normative elitism :
* classical elitism : claims to be empirical and sees elite rule as an unchangeable fact of social existence
pluralist democracy aka liberal democracy