Questions Flashcards
What is your name?
ndex and middle finger extended (held together) of primary hand start on forehead - twist and move forwards.
YOU - Point index finger towards person you are referring to.
WHAT - Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements (with questioning expression).
My name is Liam
NAME - Index and middle finger extended (held together) of primary hand start on forehead - twist and move forwards.
ME - Index finger points at yourself.
WHAT? - Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements.
LIAM - Fingerspell name “L-I-A-M”.
How old are you?
AGE - Flat hand with palm facing yourself. Fingertips wiggle on tip of nose.
YOU - Point index finger towards person you are referring to.
WHAT? - Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements (with questioning expression).
I am 35 years old
AGE - Flat hand with palm facing yourself. Fingertips wiggle on tip of nose.
ME - Index finger points at yourself.
WHAT? - Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements.
35 - Sign the number “35” starting by tip of nose.
Where do you live?
LIVE - Tip of middle finger (primary hand) moves up and down on side of upper chest.
YOU - Index finger points at person you are referring to.
WHERE? - Both hands open with palms facing upwards - both hands make small repeated movements left and right in front of body (with questioning expression).
I live in London
LIVE - Tip of middle finger (primary hand) moves up and down on side of upper chest.
ME - Index finger points at yourself.
WHERE? - Both hands open with palms facing upwards - both hands make small repeated movements left and right in front of body (with questioning expression).
LONDON - Extended index finger makes circular movement around ear.
What job do you have?
WORK - Both flat hands at right angles - one above the other. Bottom edge of primary hand taps top edge of secondary hand.
YOU - Index finger points at person you are referring to.
WHAT? - Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements (with questioning expression).
I work as a teacher
WORK - Both flat hands at right angles - one above the other. Bottom edge of primary hand taps top edge of secondary hand.
ME - Index finger points at yourself.
WHAT? - Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements.
TEACHER - Extended index fingers of both hands start in front of mount then move away from signer and twist out to point forwards.
Index finger and thumb tips touch to make make “O” shape which traces question mark shape in front of body.
Primary hand with index fingertip and thumb tip held together (in an “O” shape) moves forward from mouth.
Index finger extended and held vertically with palm forward - makes small repeated side to side movements.
Both hands open with palms facing upwards - both hands make small repeated movements left and right in front of body.
Flat primary hand held against cheek - fingers wiggle.
Closed primary hand with index finger extended. Primary arm held across chest so index finger is by shoulder of secondary arm.
Both “clawed” hands with palms facing upwards - backs of knuckles on each hand tap against each other twice.
Primary hand with extended index finger pointing upwards makes small circles.
Primary hand with thumb and little finger extended makes side to side motion in front of body.
How many?
Open primary hand held in front of body with fingers pointing upwards - fingers wiggle.
How old?
As “how many?” but by tip of nose.