Organisation Flashcards
What does Action on Hearing Loss do?
Campaigning and lobbying, with the help of members, to change laws and government policies.
What does BDA stand for?
British Deaf Association
What is British Deaf Association?
Deaf-led British charity that campaigns and advocates for deaf people who use British Sign Language.
What does NDCS stand for?
National Deal Children’s Society
What is National Deal Children’s Society?
The leading charity for deaf children in the UK. The NDCS aims to provide services for every deaf child who needs them – no matter what their level or type of deafness or how they communicate.
What does RAD stand for?
Royal Association for Deaf people
What is the Royal Association for Deaf people?
From supporting children, young people and their families; to helping Deaf people find work; to befriending older people; we are here to make sure the people who use our services get the support they want, when they need it and that it is accessible to them.
What does the UKCoD stand for?
UK Council on Deafness
What is the UKCoD?
The umbrella body for voluntary organisations working with deaf people in the UK whose mission is to assist organisations and the sector as a whole to maximise the positive impact they have for deaf people.
What does the UKDS stand for?
UK Deaf Sports
What is the UK Deaf Sports?
Opportunities for more deaf people to participate in sport throughout their lives & more deaf athletes to perform on the world stage.
Primary hand makes “V” shape - fingertips touch open palm of secondary hand a few times - twisting at the wrist between each touch.
Both hands make “V” shape with index and middle fingers. Hands move alternately backwards and forwards from mouth.
Primary hand, held above upturned palm of secondary hand, starts open then closes as moves towards signer - repeated.
Primary hand made into a fist with thumb extended rests on upturned palm of secondary hand (can be signed without thumb extended).
Index fingertip and thumb tip touch to for “O” shape on upper chest then move forward.