Questions Flashcards
Which of the following is the Title that protects race?
Title VII
Which of the following investigates businesses and individuals for enforcement of laws regarding protected classes?
Which of the following ensures that employees retain access to medical coverage after involuntary termination?
Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
Which of the following is NOT a protected Title VII class?
a. Race
b. Age
c. Sexual preference
d. Religion
C. Sexual preference
Which of the following is NOT an example of traditional authority?
a. supervisor
b. Vice president
c. Bishop
d. Secretary
d. Secretary
Which of the following is responsible for ensuring employee safety?
Which of the following is NOT a way to deal with risk?
a. Assuming
b. Avoiding
c. Shifting
d. Deflecting
Which of the following is an example of environmental stress?
a. construction noise
b. Strong perfume
c. Peers
d. Broken heating unit
Construction noise
Which of the following is an example of Maslow’s first level of needs?
Which of the second stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of need?
Safety needs
When you choose the best action for each situation
Situational leadership
When supervisor asks for opinions in making decisions
Participative ledership
Which of the following is a union function?
Negotiate pay
Which of the following is an example of Maslow’s third level of needs?
Which of the following is Not part of a training program?
a. Job sharing
b. Job rotating
c. Temporary promotion
d. Promotion
Which of the following is an industry commonly known to have line employees?
Hands off leadership
Laissez faire leadership
Which of the following tells employees and others what is the main purpose of the company is
Mission statement
A policy can be defined as a ________ action course that serves as a guide for the identified and accepted objectives and goals.
A totalitarian leader
Autocratic leadership
Which of the following is NOT a supervisory function?
a. Marketing
b. Planning
c. Staffing
d. Organizing
Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward?
If a plant manager is tasked to reduce costs by 10% this is an example of what kind of goal?
Which of the following shows the relationship between employees and their peers?
Organizational chart
Which of the following shows alternate paths for decision making?
Decision tree
When a supervisor administers a questionnaire among participants that have never met it is called
Delphi technique
Which of the following shows timelines for projects?
Gantt chart
Who created Theory X and Theory Y?
Douglas McGregor
When two groups or individuals work together to resolve a problems it is called
What is it called when a third party is facilitating negotiations?
An employee that works on an assembly line performing the same task again and again is an example of
Job specialization
Two receptionists work at Widget, Inc., one in the morning and one in the afternoon. They are example of
Job sharing
When a person acts as expected as part of the group they are portraying thier
Who first studied job motions with bricklayers, studying how fewer hand motions made the work faster?
Frank Gilbreth
When someone is producing at standard it is called
What is it called when a third party of empowered to resolve a disagreement it is called?
Who was proponent of bureaucracy?
Max Weber
What is formal complaint called?
고충 조정 신청자
Which of the following industries is part of dynamic environment, meeting the market is constantly changing and updating?
Which of the following can NOT be discussed in a job interview?
a. Education and Degree
b. Children
c. Previous Wages
d. Personality
To motivate line employees and keep them interested in their work, supervisors may institute any of the following BUT
a. Job specialization
b. Job rotation
c. Mentoring
d. Four day work weeks
Job specialization
The grapevine of the organization is everything BUT
a. Formal
b. Generally accurate
c. Verbal
d. Exists in every organization
When a supervisor believes that all employees like work it is called
Theory Y
This scientific study originally tested worker’s output and light, later revealing unintended consequences
Hawthorne Effect
Referent power is the same as
Charismatic leadership
Referent power 지시력, 영향력
Legitimate power is the same as
Traditional leadership
Regarding sexual harassment which of the following is Not true
a. Offender can be same or opposite sex
b. Victims do not have to be harassed personally but affected through environment
c. Harasser must be a superior employee
d. Harassment may occur without economic injury
Harasser must be a superior employee
Who created a system of human needs and motivation?
Abraham Maslow
Long term success through customer satisfaction
Total Quality Management
Who was responsible for developing the 14 principles of management?
Henri Fayol
The way that people communicate with each other using their bodies
Body language
Leadership characteristics that inspire employees is called
Agreement of members of a group on a decision is called
Leaders that use group ideas to make decisions
Which is NOT a factor that influences the favorableness of the leader?
a. Leader-member relations
b. Task structure
c. Leader position power
d. Charisma level
Charisma level
Which of the following best describes rule utilitarianism?
A person considers an action independently of a situation and determines whether it is more often moral or immoral to determine how to classify it in all situations.
단기간의 행복을 위해 최대의 행복을 주는 행동을 삼가할 수 있는 규칙을 만들고 그 시대의 다수의 행복을 위해서 적용되는 규칙
A person is given the opportunity to volunteer at a local food bank. They consider the other things they could do at that time, such as cleaning and watching TV. They know that the work that they do could really benefit people at the food bank, whereas the other activities only benefit themselves. They decide that the service is the best decision for them. What type of ethical theoty does their thought process and decision follow?
나의 손이 더러워 질지라도 모두의 행복을 위해서는 나는 그 지저분한 일을 할 수 있어야 한다
Act utilitarianism
A person examines a situation, considers all possible actions they could take and decides which one would end most favorably for all involved.
Act utilitarianism is interested only in an action’s impact when judging if that action was good
Which of the following is Not a communication pattern?
a. Chain
b. Circle
c. Wheel
d. Arc
When someone receives too much information and cannot tell what is important from what is not it is called
When someone deliberately tempers with a massage, leaving out information, it is called
Which of the following is NOT an organizational theory?
a. Classical organization
b. Mechanistic
c. System
d. Assembly
When information is communicated informally in an organization it is called the
The organizational structure where a group performing a specialized task reports to a manager in that same area
The organizational structure where there are staff departments that support other department
Line and staff
The organizational structure where organizations are structured around a special project or event
When you are secretary and there are seven levels between your role and the CEO, your organization is considered to be
When the controls of an organization are centralized, the communication between departments will be
Which of the following is NOT an aspect of an organic organization?
a. Decentralized control
b. Horizontal lines of communication
c. Loose roles
d. Incentive programs
Incentive programs
When a manager makes a decision then looks for information to justify the decision, it is called
implicit favorite model
When you are selecting a new location for a second office, this decision would be considered
When you make a routine, everyday decision it is called
When you find the answer to your problem but settle for something else is an example of the
Bounded rationality model
When you choose the solution that has the greatest benefit for you
Econological model
Which of the following moral theories considers the action resulting in the greatest benefit to all people as the most moral action?
Act utilitarianism
This practice is called maximizing utility
Cost benefit considerations would be most typical of which of type of ethics?
The idea behind utilitarianism is to “Maximize utility.” In other words the focus is on considering the benefits and costs and if the benefits are greater than the coasts then the action is moral.
If you are authoritarian, you ascribe to
Theory X
The organizational structure where organizations are divided by products or divisions
A manager who believes that all people are valuable and want to contribute to their best ability you ascribe to
Theory Y
Who believed that managers make decisions based on their assumptions of human nature?
Which of the following is NOT a contributor to an employee’s attitude?
a. Previous jobs
b. Education
c. Peers
d. Family
When an interest in the people’s problems affects the outcome, not the changes themselves, it is known as
Hawthorne Effect
When a person acts as expected as part of the group they are portraying their
When Someone is producing at standard it is called
When an employee puts in extra time and effort with the hopes of receiving a large bonus, this employee is being motivated by
When your manager completes a job review with you regarding your performance they give you
Which is the final stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Which defense mechanism occurs when someone transfers their thoughts and feelings onto others?
Which is the first stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Physical needs
When communication is given from the CEO to his subordinates it is called
Top down
The intent of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was to
Restore stakeholder confidence in the securities market after a series of scandals in the early 2000s.
Information that is difficult to measure is called
If you believe that all people are good- you ascribe to this school of thought
Standards or principles
Which of the following is NOT a factor with Job satisfaction?
a. Hours
b. Pay
c. Benefits
d. Vacation location
Vacation location
When a person responds to a neutral stimulus ___________ is being used.
Classical conditioning
Getting a scholarship because of good grades is an example of
Extrinsic reinforcement
Risks to the organization when individuals have chronic stress include all BUT the following
a. High turnover
b. Aggression in the workplace
c. Absenteeism
d. High morale
High morale
Which of the following is the second step when forming a group?
How well the group works together is called
Which of the following is NOT a contingency theory of leadership?
a. Path-goal model
b. Life cycle model
c. Vrrom-yetton model
d. ERG theory
ERC theory
The ERG is a theory of motivation, not leadership.
Leaders that centralize power and decisions in themselves
Statistics belong to which “family”?
Six Sigma strives for
Perfection in processes and product.
For a company to be a perfect Six Sigma, they must have no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities.
Which contingency theory focuses on the readiness of the employees?
Life cycle model
Which of the following companies was NOT implicated in a scandal in the early 2000s?
a. Enron
b. Coca-cola
c. Tyco International
d. All of the above were implicated in scandals
All of the above were implicated in scandals
Due to the various different scandals occurring in the early 2000s, federal regulations concerning businesses were tightened. One example of this is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.c,
Who was the author of the path-goal theory?
Robert House
Which of the following are barriers to making decisions?
a. Statistics
b. Lack of statistics
c. Emotions
d. All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following is NOT a level of management according to Henri Fayol?
a. Planning
b. Organization
c. Commanding
d. All of the above are levels of management
All of the above are levels of management
Which of the following moral theories is NOT consequentialist?
a. Teleology
b. Act utilitarianism
c. Egoism
d. Kantian Ethics
Kantian Ethics
Kantian Ethics determines morality based on the morality of the action itself, not its consequences. It is deontological.
Utilitarianism is a type of
Utilitarianism considers the consequences of an action and the extent to which they benefit society in determining morality, therefore it is consequential.
Fast food places do not pay their workers less than minimum wage because it is against the law. Which of Kohlberg’s stages does this describe?
Stage 4
In stage 4, people are motivated primarily by authority, such as the law.
A Billboard is an example of
One-way communicationL
Leaders that give the group total freedom
A worker who is always honest with their cash drawer must be a good mother as well because she is “honest” and “honest” people raise good children. This thought process describes
The halo effect
The halo effect is when one person’s positive or negative traits influence their other traits.
The parity principle stems form
A manager delegating a task
The manager should give the employee the resources and independence to complete the task the manager has given him. The employee should use those resources needed, but no more than neccessary.
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. Type B personalities are generally less efficient than Type A personalities because they are so relaxed.
b. Type A personalities and type B personalities are both efficient, they just do things different ways.
c. Type B personalities are laid back and casual, which makes them unhealthy and increases their risk.
d. Type A personalities are generally less efficient than Type B personalities because they have so many focuses that they never get any one project finished.
Type A personalities and type B personalities are both efficient, they just do things different ways
The hot stove method of discipline includes which of the following?
a. A warning
b. Immediate discipline/ consequence
c. Consistent application
d. All of the above
All of the above
Herzberg believe that increasing which of the following would increase job satisfaction?
Depth is related to job enrichment, which was Herzberg’s focus.
Some people believe that women earn less than men because female held jobs have been historically devalued, and women should be given equal pay for equal work. This belief is called
Comparable Worth
This idea is that jobs typically held by women receive lower pay on average than jobs typically held by men. Advocates of comparable worth work to ensure that jobs typically held by women that require the same amount of effort and risk as jobs typically held by men (even though they may not be similar) receive equal pay.
Which of the following is NOT true of sexual harassment?
a. The claimant must be able to prove a hostile work environment was created.
b. Sexual harassment is any repeated, unwanted behavior of sexual nature.
c. Sexual harassment can apply to physical actions, words, images and written material.
d. The primary factor in sexual harassment cases is the intent of the action.
The primary factor in sexual harassment cases is the intent of the action.
On the contrary, the primary factor is the effect of the action, pr how it perceived, not the intent.
Which of the following is NOT a type of discrimination investigated by the EEOC?
a. Gender
b. Disability
c. Education
d. Religion
The EEOC investigates situations of discrimination based on age, gender, disability, race, color, or religion.
The EEOC investigates violation of the
Civil Right Act of 1964
Which person created the five management functions?
Henri Fayol
Henri Fayol is credited with creating the five management functions which are
1. planning
2. organizing
3. commanding
4. coordinating
5. controlling
Which of the following is NOT a type of resistance?
a. Logical
b. Psychological
c. Sociological
d. Biological
Which are friendships which cause the development of in-groups and out-groups?
Vertical-dyad linkages
There are friendships which cause the development of in-groups and out-groups in a working environment. The in-groups receive favorable treatment such as interesting assignments, promotions and raises. The out-groups are the groups which do not share the mutual respect and obligations of a vertical-dyad linkage, and therefore are at a disadvantage. In-group workers tend to be more productive and enthusiastic.
Which of the following is NOT a part of the path-goal theory?
a. Provides a lear path
b. Helps remove barriers to the problems
c. Increases the rewords along and at the end of the route
d. None of the above
None of the above.
Factor that always stays the same
When a person is responsible for the outcome of completing a task well it is called
Which of the following was established first
c. WHO
d. A and B were established at the same time
GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) and NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) are the two primary international trade agreements in the United States. GATT was established in 1948 and NAFTA was established in 1994.
Which of the following is NOT a consumer protection right?
a. Right to return products without restriction (right of Return Act)
b. Protection against misleading adverisments (Truth in Advertising Laws)
c. Fair and clear lending practices (Truth in Lending Act)
d. Purchased items will work properly (Warranty protection)
Right to return products without restriction (right of Return Act)
There are many consumer protection laws that protect both consumer and suppliers in the United States. These laws included provisions for price, information, warranties, credit, lending, and other aspects. The right to return a product, however, is based on individual agreements between consumer and suppliers.
A ban on trade is known as a(n)
An Embargo occurs when a nation bans trade with another nation. Typically it is used as a political maneuver to cause distress to the rival nation’s economy. An alternative is high tariffs (or taxes) on imported goods.
Which Federal agency would handle claims of workplace discrimination?
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
The commission was established under the Civil Right Act in 1964 and it reviews over 100,000 cases per year. The EEOC covers discrimination based on age, Ethnicity, gender disability, and many matters.
What does “T” represent in the SWOT matrix?
The SWOT matrix is used to determine the merits of a particular business move. The acronym stands for strenghts, weakness, opportunities and threats.
Which of the following BEST describes groupthink?
A phenomenon in which individuals desire group harmony and consensus and will not voice dissent.
Groupthink can lead to less optimal decision making because employees will wish to follow the group mindset rather than push for change.
A start-up company sets goals and standards for themselves based on the performance of their competitors. This is an example of
Benchmarking involves setting goals and measuring progress. It is a common way of monitoring business health, and also incorporating new practices that have been successful for other.
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of management by walking around
a. Large, secluded management offices
b. Employees comfortable with approaching management
c. High levels of contact between management and employees
d. Increased productivity and morale
Large, Secluded management offices
Which of the following is NOT a need associated with McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory?
a. Achievement
b. Happiness
c. Affiliation
d. Power
The needs (Achievement, Affiliation, Power) are learned with time and each individual is motivated by a desire to obtain them.
Bureaucratic control emphasizes which organizational element?
Hierarchy and authority
The ability of consumers to influence price or other market aspects is known as
Market control