Questions Flashcards


The cultural conditions in Europe at the turn of the 14th century were crucial for the future development of the Renaissance.’ How far do you agree?


-Italian city-states (Florence, Venice and Rome), were centers of trade and commerce, lead to accumulation of wealth among the merchant classes.
-Wealth allowed the patronage of artists and intellectuals, who produced the celebrated works of art and literature in the period.
-Patronage led to the development of a new class of humanists, studied the classical works (Ancient Greek and Roman). Humanists such as Pico della Mirandola, Petrarch, and Boccaccio believed in the power of reason and human potential, which became the basis of the Renaissance.
-rediscovery of classical texts and the invention of the printing press
-invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th.
-mass production of books, making knowledge more widely available.
-revival of interest in the works of ancient Greek and Roman authors, such as Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero, which had been largely forgotten during the Middle Ages.
-influenced the development of new ideas and philosophies that would shape the Renaissance.
-decline of the medieval feudal system
-rise of centralized monarchies and nation-states.
-The monarchies and nation-states, more stable and prosperous than the feudal systems that preceded them.
- stability and prosperity allowed for the patronage of the arts and sciences, which led to the development of new ideas and innovations.
-cultural conditions in Europe at the turn of the 14th century were indeed crucial for the future development of the Renaissance.
-accumulation of wealth among the merchant classes, the rediscovery of classical texts, and the decline of the feudal system all contributed to the cultural landscape of Europe
-paving the way for the Renaissance.

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‘Political and economic conditions determined the Renaissance more than any other factor.’ How far do you agree?



-Some argue that it was primarily driven by cultural and intellectual factors

  • emphasize the role of political and economic conditions.

Para 1:

-One of the most important political factors rise of powerful city-states in Italy.

  • Florence, Venice, and Genoa.

-Wealthy, through banking + trade.

  • developed sophisticated systems of government.

-competitive and entrepreneurial spirit.

  • centers of patronage.
  • wealthy merchants.

-Wealth enabled commissioning of works of art sponsorship of scholars and writers.

-allowed for the development of new ideas and artistic styles that characterize the Renaissance.

Para 2:

-Political fragmentation during Renaissance led to the rise of individualism and secularism.

  • absence of a strong centralized authority greater autonomy and experimentation in the arts and sciences.
  • decentralized political system also facilitated the spread of ideas across different regions and encouraged intellectual exchange.

Para 3:

  • economic conditions played a crucial role in Renaissance.
  • growth of trade and commerce in Italy and Northern Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries led to an increase in wealth and a corresponding rise in demand for luxury goods.
  • wealthy merchant classes, were the primary beneficiaries of this economic expansion.

-They became the patrons, commissioning works of art, sponsoring the education of talented individuals.

Para 4:

  • Expansion of trade.

-Increased European contact with other cultures (Islamic world and East Asia.)

-led to exchange of ideas, introduction of new technologies, such as papermaking and printing, which facilitated the dissemination of knowledge.

Para 4: However…

  • misleading to say political and economic conditions were the sole determinants of the Renaissance.
  • Cultural and intellectual factors, significant role.
  • revival of classical learning, renewed interest in ancient texts and ideas.

-Led to development of new methods of scholarship = humanism.

  • growth of science was fueled by advances in mathematics, astronomy, and natural philosophy, as well as the application of empirical methods.

Para 5:

-Renaissance was a complex and multifaceted phenomenon

  • reductionist to explain in terms of political and economic factors.

-E.g. Religion, crucial role, shaping culture + society of period.

-as well, developments in technology, E.g. printing press.

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‘Visual arts and literature continued to change throughout the Renaissance period (c1400-c1600)’ How far do you agree?



-explore the extent of change throughout the period.

Para 1:

  • profound change in the style, techniques, and subjects of art during this period.

-Artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael, sought to create more realistic and naturalistic works than those of their medieval predecessors.

-Achieved: use of techniques such as perspective, shading, and the use of light and shadow.

  • result was a new level of realism and depth in art.

Para 2:

  • Renaissance also saw a shift in the subject matter of art.
  • medieval art focused primarily on religious themes

-Renaissance art: depict the human form and secular subjects.

-reasons: revival of classical learning, rediscovery of ancient texts, acted as new source of inspiration for artists.

  • focused on individualism.

-Artists expressing their own unique vision and style.

Para 3:

-literature also underwent significant changes.

-rediscovery of ancient texts, Development in humanism, renewed interest in the study of language and literature.

-Writers: Petrarch and Erasmus, revived classical styles of writing and developed new vernacular literature.

Para 4:

-One of the most significant developments in renaissance literature: emergence of sonnet form.

-Sonnet, 14 line poem, specific rhyme scheme, popular among renaissance writers.

-used to express personal feelings + experiences.

Para 5:

-emergence of new literary genres, E.g. novel and essay.

-1st novel: Spanish: La Celestina, 1499.

-Marked departure from the traditional epic and romance genres.

-Essay form used, Montaigne and Bacon contributing to its development.


-Did continue to change.

-Built on traditions of the past, seeking new techniques and styles.

-Rediscover of ancient texts + development of humanism = new inspiration.

-Focus on realism, individualism + human form.

-traditional forms of art and literature were still produced and drawn on for inspiration.

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‘In art, there were many Renaissances in Europe in the period ‘c1400-c1600’ How far do you agree?



-many Renaissances within this broader period, with different regions experiencing distinct cultural and artistic movements.

Para 1:

-Italian Renaissance. (birthplace)

  • Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael creating works that transformed art in the 15th and 16th centuries.
  • renewed interest in classical learning, humanism, and individualism.

-Perspective, chairoscuro, other techniques, chaged painting and sculpture at the time.

Para 2:


-Not confined to Italy.

-Other regions of Europe, their own culture and artistic movements.

-Nothern Renaissance (Belgium, Netherland, Germany).

-Characterized: Naturalistic painting style, details of everyday life.

-Artists: Jan Van Eyck, Albrecht Durrer, own, distinctive styles, focus on precise observations of the natural world.

Para 3:


-Elizabethan England, 16th century, Renaissance in its own right.

-Playwrights, Shakespeare, created works that heavily influenced classical lierature, reflected unique political and cultural context of England.

-Scientific +technological innovation, Francis Bacon +William Gilbert significantly contributed to science and philosophy.

Para 4:

-Another Renaissance…

-Spanish Golden Age.

-16th-17th century.

-Flowering Spanish literature: Miguel de Cervantes and Lope de Vegra creating works exploring love, honor and morality.

-Visual arts: Creation of Escorial, grand architectural complex – symbol of Spanish power and wealth.


-Many Renaissances in Europe.

-Italian, most known.

-Other regions had distinct cultural + artistic movements, reflecting their own unique, political, social and economic contexts.

-Give examples.

  • demonstrating the breadth and depth of cultural and artistic innovation that characterized the Renaissance as a whole.
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‘Christian humanism was central to the cultural development of the Renaissance. How far

do you agree?



-Significant role in cultural development.

  • prominent humanists such as Erasmus, Thomas More, and Michel de Montaigne.
  • combined their Christian faith + interest in classical literature and philosophy

-Humanism that was both intellectually rigorous and spiritually uplifting.

-Christian humanism – central influence – cultural development of Renaissance.

-seen in art, literature, and philosophy.

Para 1:

-Erasmus works – demonstrates role of Christian humanism – in cultural development.

-Erasmus – sought to Reform church from within – promoting persona + inwardly focused Christianity.

-’The Praise of folly’ - by Erasmus, -satirical critique on churches corruption + hypocrisy, ued classical lit and philosophy to make its points.

-Believed true Christian spirit = humility, compassion, intellectual curiosity.

-sought to revive virtues through writing + teaching.

Para 2:


-Thomas More – demonstrates role of Christian humanism – in cultural development.

-English humanist.

-Combined Christian faith +commitment to social justice and political reform.

-Work: ‘Utopia’, political satire, ideal society based on principle of Christian humanism.

-True Christian spirit = communal living, sharing property, universal education – promoted these through writing political activism.

Para 3:

-Michel se Montaigne – demonstrates role of Christian humanism – in cultural development.

-French humanist.

-Promoted skeptical + tolerant approach to religion +philosophy.

-Famous works: essays – personal reflection on ranges from: friendship + love to politics +religion.

-True Christian spirit: intellectual curiosity, flexibility, cultural diversity.

-Promoted with writing + intellectual conversations with humanists.

Para 4:

-In addition…

-Christian humanism in visual arts.

-Leonardo de Vinci – last supper.

-Michelangelo, Sistine chapel.

-Explicitly religious, reflecting Christian humanist values: spiritual introspection, intellectual curiosity.

-Similarly: Philosophy of Renaissance – influenced by Christian humanism.

  • scholars sought to reconcile the teachings of the Bible with the insights of classical philosophy and science. (E.g. Pico Della Mirandola – join Christianity and Plato.)


-Indeed central: Erasmus, More, and Montaigne + visual arts and philosophy.

  • Christian humanism helped to revive the spirit of intellectual inquiry and spiritual renewal that characterized this remarkable era in European history.
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