Questions Flashcards
Who are you?
Cò thusa?
Who are you?
Cò sibhse?
Where are you from?
Cò às a tha thu?
Where are you from?
Cò às a tha sibh?
How are you?
Ciamar a tha sibh?
How are you?
Ciamar a tha thu?
Is it?
As in, “Is it sunny?”
A bheil?
As in, “A bheil mi grianach?”
Isn’t it? / Isn’t she?
As in, “Isn’t it lovely?” (outside)
Nach eil i?
As in, “Nach eil i àlainn?”
What’s going on? / What’s up?
Dè tha dol?
Does [object]? / Are [object]?
As in, “Does she?”” / “Are you?”.
A bheil [object]?
As in, “A bheil i?” / “A bheil thu?”.
What is your name?
Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort? (Inform/singular)
Dè an t-ainm a th’ oirbh? (Form/plural)
Is there [ something ]
As in, “Is there frost?”
A bheil [ something ] ann?
What is the weather like?
Cò ris a tha an t-sìde coltach?
Do you have [object]?
As in, “Do you have one?”
A bheil [object] agad?
As in, “A bheil aon agad?”
How many?
Cia mheud?
Is this [color]?
As in, “Is this purple?”
A bheil seo [color]?
As in, “A bheil seo purpaidh?”
Do you like [object]?
An toil leat [object]?
An toil leibh [object]?
Where is she?
Where is he?
Where are you?
Càit a bheil i?
Càit a bheil e?
Càit a bheil thu?
Do you have ?
A bheil agaibh?
Were you?
As in, “Were you tired?”
An robh thu?
As in, “An robh thu sgìth?”
Will it be?
Am bi e?
What is it?
Dè a th’ ann?
Dè th’ ann?
Would you like xxx?
Am bu toil leat xxx.
How old is xxx?
Dè an aois a tha xxx?
Are you a xxx?
An e xxx a th’ annad?
What work do you have?
Dè an obair a th’ agad?
What do you like?
Dè as toil leat?
Will you be xxx?
Am bi thu xxx?
What does she like?
Dè as toil leatha?
How much is it?
Dè na tha e?
What does he like?
Dè as toil leis?
How was it?
Ciamar a bha e?
What number is this?
Dè an àireamh a tha seo?
What are you leaving?
Dè tha thu a’ fàgail?
Do you need xxx?
Am feum thu xxx?