Phrases Flashcards
I like
Is toil leam
I do not like
Cha toil leam
I have .
Tha agum.
I do not have .
Chan eil agum.
You have .
Tha agad.
You do not have .
Chan eil agad.
Very good.
Glè mhath.
Thank you.
Tapadh leat.
Thank you.
Tapadh leibh.
Excuse me.
Gabh mo leisgeul. (Casual)
Gabhaibh mo leisgeul. (Formal/plural)
I am.
As in, “I am James”.
Is mise.
Is mise Seumas.
Ceart gu leòr.
Good .
I have (object) on/on me/at me.
As in, “I have a shirt on”.
Tha (object) orm.
As in, “Tha lèine orm.”
I do not have (object) on.
As in,”I do not have a shirt on”.
Chan eil (object) orm.
As in, “Chan eil lèine orm”.
You have (object) on/on you.
As in, “You have a skirt on.”
Tha (object) ort.
As in, “Tha sgiort ort.”
Help me.
Cuidich mi.
Not much.
Chan eil mòran.
Many thanks.
Mòran taing.
You are welcome.
‘S e ur beatha. (formal)
‘S e do bheatha. (informal)
I need to go.
Feumaidh mi falbh.
Do not worry.
Na gabh dragh.
Speak slower.
Bruidhinn nas slaodaiche.
Say that again.
Can sin a-rithist.
Math fhèin.
You are welcome.
As in, “You are welcome, grandfather.”
As in, “You are welcome, boy.”
‘S e ur beatha. (formal?)
‘S e do bheatha. (informal?)
As in, “ ‘S e ur beatha a sheanair.”
As in, “ ‘S e do bheatha, a bhalaich.”
Oh dear.
Òbh òbh.
There is [object].
There is not [object].
As in, “There is snow.”
As in, “There is no snow.”
Tha [object] ann.
Chan eil [object] ann.
As in, “Tha sneachd ann.”
As in, “Chan eil sneachd ann.”
A [object] is here.
As in, “A dog is here.”
Tha [object] ann.
As in, “Tha cù ann.”
we have [object]
As in, “We have an auntie.”
Tha [object] againn.
As in, “Tha bráthair againn.”
I would like [object].
As in, “I would like butter.”
Bu toil leam [object].
As in, “Bu toil leam ìm.”
[person] has a [something].
As in, “Calum has a shoe.”
Tha [something] aig [person].
As in, “Tha bròg aig Calum.”
they have [object]
As in, “They have a sister.”
As in, “Tha piuthar aca.”
He has [object].
As in, “He has a dog.”
Tha [object] aige.
As in, “Tha cù aige.”
This [object 1] has a/an [object 2].
As in, “This house has a wall.”
Tha [object 2] aig an/am [object 1] seo.
As in, “Tha balla aig an taigh seo.”