Questions 10 Flashcards
An inability to adduct the small finger is an indiction of _____ and is called ____?
Ulnar nerve dysfunction, wartenburgs sign
Forceful lateral pinch which results in hyperflexion of the thumb IP joint is called?
Froment’s sign
Every patient who receives surgery for a CT release needs therapy to address wound care, pain management, splinting, AROM and stretching.
A positive result on which of the following tests would indicate a likely diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Durkans carpal compression test
- Phalen’s test
- Tinnels sign
Double crush syndrome refers to?
Nerve dysfunction resulting from compression at 2 or more sites
Nerve laceration always requires surgical repair for any recovery of nerve fuction?
Classic carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) symptoms may include all but which of the following?
Parasthesia in the ulnar three digits
Following a nerve laceration and repair, axons regenerate at a rate of?
1-3 mm/day after an initial 3-4 week latency period
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
Pressure in the carpal tunnel
You have a client who sustained a median nerve laceration at the elbow 2 weeks ago. The median nerve has been repaired and an orthosis has been ordered to prevent contracture. What type of orthosis would be best to maintain PROM?
Thenar web spacer
Sweating (sudomotor function) in the area of innervation after a nerve injury indicative of incomplete nerve damage?
A patient had a minimally displaced humeral shaft fracture 2 weeks ago and now wears a humeral fracture brace. The patient presents to OT complaining that their hand does not move well. Given what you know about this type of fracture, your best first step in the eval process would be?
Assess AROM of the wrist
The clinical picture of radial tunnel syndrome is?
Dull ache or burn at the lateral forearm
When a median nerve is damaged at the level of the proximal forearm or elbow, it may result in which of the following hand disorders
ape hand
How is posterior interosseous nerve syndrome different from humeral-level radial nerve palsy?
In PINs, active wrist ext is present, while it is lost in humeral level radial nerve palsy