questionnaires, case studies, interviews Flashcards
What is a case study?
-an in depth detailed investigation of an individual or small group, often involving analysis of unusual individuals or events.
What are the advantages of using a case study?
-rich detail- can help shed light on both specific and general psychological issues.
-only possible method to use- allow psychologists to study unique behaviours
What are the disadvantages of using a case study?
- lack population validity
-researcher may have been biased in their interpretation or reporting method
What are the two main types of interview?
–structured/ formal
-unstructured/ informal
What are the key characteristics of a structured interview?
-there is a pre-determined set of questions asked in a fixed order
-interviews are identical for all participants
What are the strengths of an interview?
-Complex/ sensitive issues are best dealt with face
-the variety and flexibility allows for analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data
-can explain if a participant misunderstands a question
-structured interviews are easy to replicate
-unstructured interviews can help build a rapport
What are the limitations of an interview?
-interviewer effects- interviewers can bias respondents answers
-ethical issues especially if participants dont know the true purpose
-may be demand characteristics as it is face to face
What are the key characteristics of an unstructured interview?
-less controlled
-topic is pre-determined but direction of interview generally isnt- interviewer can explore certain areas with follow-up questions so more detailed answers can be received
What are the characteristics of a closed question? strengths? weaknesses?
-responses are fixed by the researcher
-usually multiple choice/ tick box questions such as ‘yes or no’ and ‘always, usually, never’ etc
-tend to be more simple and quantitative
-data is usually easier to manage/ analyse
-restrict answers, do not allow elaboration
What are the characteristics of an open question? Strength? Limitation?
-allow participants to answer in their own words
-allow freedom of expression and to obtain greater depth/ insight
-harder to analyse
What are the strengths of a questionnaire?
- quick and cheap
-large samples
-quantitative and qualitative analysis
-easy to replicate
What are the limitations of a questionnaire?
- may be misunderstandings
-biased samples
-potentially low response rate
-demand characteristics
Examples of what to avoid in questionnaire questions?
- double barrel questions
-asking for personal details that may make the participant easily identifiable
-inappropriate scales
-a scale that is too ambiguous/subjective
-loaded/ uncomfortable questions