Questionnaires Flashcards
What is survey research?
A cross-sectional design in which data are collected primarily by self-administered questionnaire or by structured interview to collect quantitative or quantifiable data
What is the definition of a questionnaire?
A collection of questions administered to respondents. When used on its own the term usually denotes a ‘self administered questionnaire’
What is the definition of a structured interview?
A research interview in which all respondents are asked exactly the same questions in the same order with the aid of a formal interview schedule
What is sampling error?
The difference between a sample and the population
- a biased sample does not represent the population which can encourage sources of bias which may be due to the use of non-probability sampling, inadequate sample frame or a high response rate
What must the researcher ensure they do before actually conducting the survey?
- Must decide to conduct an original study
- Must decide on the specific data collection method and design
- Must pilot the survey before it is rolled out into the final stage
Can researchers use pre-existing data or conduct secondary data analysis?
Yes, surveys such as the Understanding Society survey contain large amounts of data that could be used.
- longitudinal study on about 40,000 households interviewed annually on issues such as income and wealth, housing, health and household organisation
What does probability sampling reduce?
Sampling error and allows for inferential stats
What helps sampling error?
Larger sample sizes and response rates
- the larger the sample size the more precise and representative it is likely to be, as sample size increases sampling error decreases, so it is important to be honest about the limitations of your sample
What is response rate?
% of sample who agree to participate (or % who provide usable data)
- this is important because the lower the response rate, the more likely representativeness is compromised
Do postal questionnaires tend to have low or high response rates?
Associated with low response rates
- using a friendly covering letter, use stamps not franking, hand sign cover letter, use white envelopes not brown, take care with presentation = higher response rates
What are the four types of survey method?
Postal, online, telephone, face-to-face
- telephone & face-to-face are forms of structured interviewing
What are the advantages of postal questionnaires?
- Cost effective
2. Respondents complete in their own time giving more opportunity for considered responses and less intrusive
What are the disadvantages of postal questionnaires?
- Response rates are typically lower than other survey methods
- Researcher is not there to provide explanations
- Respondents may misunderstand or interpret the questions in a way the researcher does not intend
What are the advantages of online surveys?
- Cost effective
- Faster response
- Attractive format
- Fewer unanswered questions
- Better data accuracy as errors in data entry can be avoided
What are the disadvantages of online surveys?
- Lower response rate
- Restricted to online populations
- Confidentiality and anonymity issues if you are returning a survey by email
What are the advantages of telephone surveys?
- Opportunity for clarification of misunderstandings
- Higher response rate than mail, use of repeat calls
- Can use encouragement
What are the disadvantages of telephone surveys?
- More costly as more labour intensive
- Not suitable for all types of questions if respondent needs to consult records/ documents
- Not suitable for respondents with hearing impairments
What are the advantages of face to face surveys?
- Response rates are slightly higher than telephone
- More control over the interview situation - can provide clarification
- Respondent can provide more detailed answers, can be more complex
What are the disadvantages of face to face surveys?
- More expensive due to labour and travel costs
- Respondents are more likely to provide socially desirable answers
- Less likely to report very personal behaviours/ attitudes and potential safety concerns
How long should questionnaires be?
Relatively short, only 4-6 sides which includes the key questions
What is an open question?
Asks respondents to construct answers using their own words
- generate rich and candid data and don’t pre-judge the answer which allows for unusual responses, can also develop closed questions
- can be time consuming and require more effort from respondent and researcher
What is a closed question?
Force respondents to choose from a range of predetermined responses
- they are quick to answer and easily completed and are generally easy to code and analyse due to reduced variability in recording and interpretation and increased comparability of data
- there are no spontaneous answers and the choice is forced so must be careful to avoid overlap and that the choice is not exhaustive - frustration due to a lack of options
What are the five types of closed questions?
Single answer, Multiple answer, Rank order, Numeric, Likert type format
What is a single answer question?
Expected to choose one answer from a list
What is a multiple answer question?
Must select as many as apply
What is a rank order question?
Rank the options provided
What is a numeric question?
Asking for a number/ figure from participants
- useful for researchers but difficult for respondents to answer accurately e.g. poor at numerical estimation
What is likert type format?
Specifies the strength of agreement/ disagreement, evenly balanced scale is needed
What order should questions be put in?
Start with interesting, easy to answer closed questions, and leave demographic questions till the end (e.g. age/ gender/ marital status/ income etc.)
Do you need to include a pilot?
Yes, good quality studies may have more than one pilot - through a dynamic (mini) pilot or a full pilot (dress rehearsal)
What does a pilot do?
It will ideally review all aspects of the questionnaire/ fieldwork process, what questions work, sequence of questions, experience using instrument, gauging respondents experience
Can you use questions from other questionnaires?
Yes, as long as they aren’t patented and use clear, neutral, simple everyday language (include definitions if necessary), avoid double questions and ambiguous words
Do surveys require critiquing?
Yes, in order to identify who is not being represented, have to ensure everyone is recognised and represented regardless of whether it is an extreme minority (2%) or a much larger proportion