Question Words: DID, WOULD, HAD - Contractions Soundboard Flashcards
How’d it go?
Comment cela s’est passé ?
The ending D can be very subtle when followed by a consonant. It’s just a very quick vibration of the vocal cords, it is not released when followed by a consonant. Pay attention to this quick D and try to make it quickly and simply – it may be more subtle and simple than you think!
How’d it be different?
Comment cela serait-il différent ? -> ‘d = would
La phrase “How did it be different?” n’est pas une construction grammaticalement correcte en anglais. Il aurait fallu dire “How was it different?” qui se traduit en français par “Comment cela était-il différent ?”
How’d she seem to you?
Comment t’a-t-elle semblé ?
Why’d we have to leave?
Pourquoi nous devrions partir ? = would
Pourquoi avons-nous dû partir ? = did
Why’d he skip class?
Pourquoi a-t-il séché les cours ? = did
pourquoi sècherait il les cours ? = would
Why’d you call?
Pourquoi m’as-tu appelé ? = did
Where’d that come from?
where had that come from = D’où cela était-il venu ?
where would that come from = D’où cela pourrait-il venir ?
Where’d you go?
where did you go = Où es-tu allé(e) ?
where would you go = Où irais-tu ?
Where’d she see them?
did = Où les a-t-elle vus ?
would: Où les verrait-elle ?
Who’d left when you got there?
Qui était parti quand tu es arrivé(e) ?
Where’d he heard that?
Where’d he
Why’d he been at home?
Why’d he
How’d she known that?
How’d she
What’d the price been when you bought it?
Quel avait été le prix lorsque tu l’as acheté ?
What’d the
What’d already been done about the problem?
What’d already