Question types in America Flashcards
10 marker
Jugment between 2 factors
Factor 1: state factor that is most important w/ q’s wording
– 2-3 reasons why this factor is most important (with examples aka a fact)
– Mini jugmebt why 1 is better than 2 and link back to Question
Factor 2: State with exact working and why this is most important, 2-3 reasons y with facts(examples)
y its better than 1 and link back to Q within this mini Jugment
Conclusion in which the Jugment on whether 1 or 2 was more important
(backed with evidence and explaining why this means its more important)
– in this jugment you can consider how the factors are simular/different as reasons why 1/2 is better than 2/1
– Overall jugment should be worded as 1/2 is more important than 2/1 with the EXACT WORDING the question uses.
20 marker
25-40 min
Intro: answer q in first sentence with exact q wording
– outline why
– outline the factors you will look at
– never do it in 1st person
Factor A
– should be the factor in the question if it names one, or the one you think is most important
– use exact wording
– Y is A most important or sig or successfull and back it up with examples and facts and explain why this means A is most I/s/s
2-3 points on this
e.g. on a Washington sig in Am vic
1point on moral figure
1 point on Battle leadership tatic stuff
(if dev points enough they can be 2 paragraphs)
(Explain y these mean its sig, and link back to Q)
– can even compare these mini factor point things too
– Factor B
– same as A
– do more examples in 1 paragraph tho 2-3 (rather than 2 semi factors that are more developed)
– compare its Sig to factor A and Y its more or less so
– link back ti Q
– Do it again for a Factor C if have time, but not at expence of first 2)
Repeat Y you think sertain factor is most I/s/s and why, with reference to Factors A and B and mabye C on why A is most important
final jugmet should be made with Qs wording
also only state factor C in intro if know gonna write it, cuz if run out it looks bad
If Factor A is in 2 bits
make sure Factor C and B both against Factor C
ie. Washington Q
FB = Other AM gen
FC = British Errors
this is to make sure the essay is ballenced (so do this way :> (probably :)