Question Trainer Review Flashcards
Pituitary dwarfism:
delicate features
Lung has re-expanded if
fluid in water-seal chamber does not fluctuate with respirations
Early signs of lithium toxicity (3):
o Fine motor tremors
o Nausea and vomiting
o Diarrhea
At 32 weeks gestation, ultrasound tests for
gestational age
For a toddler with lead poisoning, you should give
MILK (calcium binds to and inhibits lead)
SHARE is a support group for parents who have
lost a newborn or experienced a miscarriage
Early symptoms of LTB (laryngotracheobronchitis):
Inspiratory stridor and restlessness
Purpose of pacemaker:
increases cardiac output
Cellulitis is most common complication of
IV drug abuse
Naproxen sodium side effects (NSAID):
fluid retention and dizziness
Colostomy irrigations should happen
at the same time every day
Action of cortisol:
anti-inflammatory agent, converts proteins and fat into glucose
Cream rinse for lice can repeated after
7 days