Question Prompts Flashcards
What must be true on the basis of the stimulus?
Must be true
What can be properly inferred from the stimulus?
Must be true
What follows logically from the stimulus?
Must be true
What must be false?
Must be false
Which one of the following violates the above argument?
Must be false
All of the following could be true EXCEPT?
Must be false
All of the following could be false EXCEPT?
Could be true
Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the argument?
Soft must be true
Which one of the following most logically completes the argument?
Soft must be true
Which one of the following is best illustrated by the above?
Soft must be true
Which one of the following provides grounds for accepting the argument?
Soft must be true
The argument does the following by…
The argument proceeds by…
Which of the following is the technique/method used by the argument?
What is the point of contention in the argument?
What is the point of issue in the argument?
John and Kate disagree on which of the following?
John and Kate are most committed to disagreement on which of the following
Which best characterizes the point of disagreement in the above argument?
The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that…
The reasoning in the argument is flawed because…
Which of the following is a questionable argumentative strategy?
The reasoning above is questionable because…
What is the role played by the following part of the argument?
The ____ figures in which one of the following ways?
The following parallels the [part of stimulus] in which way?
The following is most similar to…
Which one of the following invokes a principle similar to that in the argument above?
_____ is parallel to the principle in the argument?
The flawed reasoning in the argument parallels/most similar to…
Parallel Flaw
The questionable reasoning in the argument parallels/is most similar to…
Parallel Flaw
The error in the argument parallels/is most similar to…
Parallel Flaw
The argument leads to the conclusion that…
Main point
Which expresses the main point of the conclusion?
Main point
Which one of the following if true most strengthens the argument?
Which one of the following most helps justify the reasoning?
Which one of the following provides the most support for the argument?
The conclusion in the argument is most strongly supported if which one of the following is true?
Which one of the following most logically completes the passage?
Which one of the following principles most helps justify the argument?
Which one of the following provides the strongest counter?
Which one of the following most undermines the logic presented in the argument?
Which one of the following most calls into question the ____ presented in the argument?
Which one of the following is an assumption?
Sufficient assumption
Which one of the following will allow the conclusion to be properly inferred?
Sufficient assumption
Which one of the following will allow the conclusion to follow logically?
Sufficient assumption
Which one of the following will allow the conclusion to be properly drawn?
Sufficient assumption
If assumed…justifies the conclusion…
Sufficient assumption
The argument assumes which one of the following?
Necessary assumption
The argument makes which one of the following assumptions?
Necessary assumption
The argument requires which one of the following assumptions?
Necessary assumption
The argument depends on which one of the following assumptions?
Necessary assumption
The argument must assume which one of the following assumptions?
Necessary assumption
Which, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent conflict?
Which, if true, most helps to reconcile the discrepency?
Which one of the following most helps to explain the phenomenon described above?
Which one of the following contributes to an explanation of the claim cited above?