question one Flashcards
definition of stress
an imbalance between demand(physical or psychological) and response capability under conditions where failure to meet demand is consequential
definition of anxiety
a negative emotional state with feelings of nervousness worry and apprehension
definition of arousal
a blend of physiological and psychological activity in a person the intensity dimensions of motivation
explain stress
two types eustress and distress
eustress is good stress helps you preform challenges you increases intrinsic movement
distress is a bad form extreme anxiety nervousness inability to meet demands
explain anxiety
two types
state situation specific changes moment to moment temporary emotion
trait perceive situations as life threating more likely to occur in a wider range of situations
cognitive symptoms negative thoughts self doubt
somatic physical components HR increase sweating
explain arousal
high-attention becomes to narrow
low-attention is to wide
optimal-perfect focus peak flow
anxiety: impact on performance (positive)
positive mental state
increase self confidence
improve performance
increase energy
increase motivation
increased focus
anxiety : impact (negative)
negative mental state
loss of self confidence
possible injury
decrease in performance
stress:positive impact
improve performance
increase motivation
athletes attention increased
stress:impact negative
extreme anxiety
negative beliefs
arousal : impacts
change in attention
increase in stress and anxiety
flow states
the direction and intensity of ones effort
explain motivation
direction-an individual seeks out situations
intensity how much effort is applied
intrinsic-within a person, engage for pleasure or satisfaction
extrinsic-from an external source may have a valued outcome eg coach or family or environment
motivation impact
more likely to participate if positive, receive rewards and praise
negative unmotivated less likely to take part
over motivation
motivation levels become to high and even dangerous