Question Examples Flashcards
Wo hast du gewohnt?
Where did you stay?
Where did you stay?
Wo hast du gewohnt?
Was hast du gemacht?
What did you do?
What did you do?
Was hast du gemacht?
Wohin bist du gefahren?
Where did you travel?
Where did you travel?
Wohin bist du gefahren?
Wie bist du gefahren?
How did you travel?
How did you travel?
Wie bist du gefahren?
Mit wem bist du gefahren?
Who did you travel with?
Who did you travel with?
Mit wem bist du gefahren?
Wie ist das Wetter?
How is the weather?
How is the weather?
Wie ist das Wetter?
Wie war das Wetter?
How was the weather?
How was the weather?
Wie war das Wetter?
Wann war das?
When was that?
When was that?
Wann war das?
Wie war der Urlaub?
How was the journey?
How was the journey?
Wie war der Urlaub?
Wie hast du den Film gefunden?
Wie hast du den Film gefunden?
Was liest du gern?
Was liest du gern?
Wo liest du?
Wo liest du?
Bist du süchtig?
Bist du süchtig
Wie lange warst du dort?
How long were you there?
How long were you there?
Wie lange warst du dort?
Welche Probleme gab es?
What problems were there?
What problems were there?
Welche Probleme gab es?
Wie ist dein Stil?
What is your style?
What is your style?
Wie ist dein Stil?
Was trägst du?
What do you wear?
What do you wear?
Was trägst du?
Was trägst du gern?
What do you like wearing?
What do you like wearing?
Was trägst du gern?
Wer ist dein Vorbild?
Who is your role model?
Who is your role model?
Wer is dein Vorbild?
Was hast du in deinem Leben gemacht?
What have you done in your life?
What have you done in your life?
Was hast du in deinem Leben gemacht?