Hotel Problems Flashcards
die Disko war zu laut
the disco was loud
the disco was too loud
die Disko war zu laut
der Fernseher war kaputt
the TV was broken
the TV was broken
der Fernseher war kaputt
die Dusche war kalt
the shower was cold
the shower was cold
die Dusche war kalt
das Zimmer war zu klein
the room was too small
the room was too small
das Zimmer war zu klein
das Essen war ekelhaft
the food was disgusting
the food was disgusting
das Essen war ekelhaft
es gab kein Schwimmbad
there was no swimming pool
there was no swimming pool
es gab kein Schwimmbad
das Personal war unhöflich
the staff were rude
the staff were rude
das Personal war unhöflich
es gab Kakerlaken
there were cockroaches
there were cockroaches
es gab Kakerlaken
die Bettwäsche war schmutzig
the bedding was dirty
the bedding was dirty
die Bettwäsche war schmutzig