Question Bank Flashcards
OPCON AND TACON – Operational control of RWAI assets remain with the ______________. Once placed in an RWAI alert posture, tactical control resides with ___________________.
OPCON AND TACON – Operational control of RWAI assets remain with the COAST GUARD. Once placed in an RWAI alert posture, tactical control resides with NON-USCG AGENCIES.
TACON: Therefore, operational commanders must understand that ___________ cannot be diverted to other missions away from their primary Airspace Control Alert function and associated secondary law enforcement (LE) mission
TACON: Therefore, operational commanders must understand that RWAI AIRCRAFT cannot be diverted to other missions away from their primary Airspace Control Alert function and associated secondary law enforcement (LE) mission.
TRUE or FALSE: TACON – As the mission dictates, the USSS may have a representative onboard the aircraft; CONR’s instructions take precedence over the USSS agent’s directives if conflicting instructions occur.
FALSE: TACON – As the mission dictates, the USSS may have a representative onboard the aircraft; CONR’s instructions take precedence over the USSS agent’s directives if conflicting instructions occur. TACON onboard representative’s directives take precedence
USCG RWAI aircraft ARE/ARE NOT capable of excuting Authority For Intercept Operations (AFIO) and MUST/NEED NOT comply with all Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances.
USCG RWAI aircraft ARE NOT capable of excuting Authority For Intercept Operations (AFIO) and MUST comply with all Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances.
Authority for Intercept Operations (AFIO): USCG RWAI aircraft ARE/ARE NOT capable of executing and therefore ARE/ARE NOT permitted to declare AFIO…
Authority for Intercept Operations (AFIO): USCG RWAI aircraft ARE NOT capable of executing and therefore ARE NOT permitted to declare AFIO…
Aircrews will not be assigned to RWAI alert duty for more than ____ consecutive hours except for a period of one hour or less prior to the duty cycle to preflight, set the aircraft, brief, and provide alert response overlap with other alert crews.
Aircrews will not be assigned to RWAI alert duty for more than 12 consecutive hours except for a period of one hour or less prior to the duty cycle to preflight, set the aircraft, brief, and provide alert response overlap with other alert crews.
A scramble directive from TACON constitutes authority to close with a TOI to ___________, ____________, and _____________.
A scramble directive from TACON constitutes authority to close with a TOI to IDENTIFY, SIGNAL, and ESCORT (AS REQUIRED).
Once the pilot calls “_________________”, controller will continue to provide _________________ updates inside 5NM from TOI. If a pilot calls “_________________” ADS will cease TOI position calls.
Once the pilot calls “TALLY”, controller will continue to provide RANGE updates inside 5NM from TOI. If a pilot calls “JUDY” ADS will cease TOI position calls.
The information found in the Fighter to ADS Brief (NORAD 9-LINE B) consists of: (9 pts)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
The information found in the Fighter to ADS Brief (NORAD 9-LINE B) consists of: (9 pts)
1. Aircraft Type or WEFT
2. Aircraft Tail #
3. Aircraft Markings
4. Aircraft Lighting/Electrical Systems Working?(Affirm/Neg)
5. Aircraft Passenger Window Shades (Open / Closed)
6. Number of Pilots Present/Uniformed?
7. Aircraft Acknowledge Presence (Hand signals/Guard)?
8. Aircraft Configuration (Gear, Flaps, Abnormal)
9. Remarks
For RWAI scrambles; ___________ minutes after initial scramble call, ADS will initiate ________________ calls in the blind until RWAI checks-in.
For RWAI scrambles; five minutes after initial scramble call, ADS will initiate TOI BRAHS calls in the blind until RWAI checks-in.
Rotary Wing/Low Slow Intercept (LSI) aircraft do not perform the ______________________ mission. Rotary Wing/LSI aircraft should receive a mission of ______________________ (w/ cardinal direction/location) instead of ______________________ .
Rotary Wing/Low Slow Intercept (LSI) aircraft do not perform the HEADBUTT mission. Rotary Wing/LSI aircraft should receive a mission of GUIDE (w/ cardinal direction/location) instead of HEADBUTT.
ATC separation criteria are based upon the expectation that intercept aircraft will remain within a ________________radius and plus/minus _______________________vertical of the TOI once “TOI Intercepted” is declared. It is imperative to flight safety that pilots communicate intentions/requests with ATC prior to any flight element leaving the established bubble to RTB, shadow, flight split up, etc.
ATC separation criteria are based upon the expectation that intercept aircraft will remain within a 5 MILE radius and plus/minus TWO THOUSAND FEET vertical of the TOI once “TOI Intercepted” is declared. It is imperative to flight safety that pilots communicate intentions/requests with ATC prior to any flight element leaving the established bubble to RTB, shadow, flight split up, etc.
ONE Comm Standards – Do not use ___________________ when talking to ATC. Adhere to ATC standards and use ____________________________ when required.
ONE Comm Standards – Do not use BREVITY WORDS when talking to ATC. Adhere to ATC standards and use PLAIN ENGLISH when required.
Intercepting aircraft signals: DAY - Rocking wings from a position slightly above and ahead of, and normally to the left of, the intercepted aircraft and, after acknowledgement, a slow level turn, normally to the left, on to the desired heading.Meaning: __________________________________________
Intercepting aircraft signals: DAY - Rocking wings from a position slightly above and ahead of, and normally to the left of, the intercepted aircraft and, after acknowledgement, a slow level turn, normally to the left, on to the desired heading.Meaning: YOU HAVE BEEN INTERCEPTED, FOLLOW ME.
Intercepting aircraft signals NOTE: ______________________________ or _____________________________ may require the intercepting aircraft to take up a position slightly above and head of, and to the right of, the intercepted aircraft and to make the subsequent turn to the right.
Intercepting aircraft signals NOTE: METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS or TERRAIN may require the intercepting aircraft to take up a position slightly above and head of, and to the right of, the intercepted aircraft and to make the subsequent turn to the right.
Intercepting aircraft signal: DAY-Circling aerodrome, lowering landing gear and overflying runway in direction of landing or, if the intercepted aircraft is a helicopter, overflying the helicopter landing area. NIGHT-Same and, in addition, showing steady landing lights. Meaning: ________________________________________
Intercepting aircraft signal: DAY-Circling aerodrome, lowering landing gear and overflying runway in direction of landing or, if the intercepted aircraft is a helicopter, overflying the helicopter landing area. NIGHT-Same and, in addition, showing steady landing lights. Meaning: LAND AT THIS AERODROME/AIRPORT.
Intercepting aircraft signal: DAY or NIGHT-An abrupt break-away maneuver from the intercepted aircraft consisting of a climbing turn of 90 degrees or more without crossing the line of flight of the intercepted aircraft. Meaning: ____________________________________.
Intercepting aircraft signal: DAY or NIGHT-An abrupt break-away maneuver from the intercepted aircraft consisting of a climbing turn of 90 degrees or more without crossing the line of flight of the intercepted aircraft. Meaning: YOU MAY PROCEED.
Intercepted aircraft signals: DAY or NIGHT-Irregular flashing of all available lights.Meaning: ______________________________.
Intercepted aircraft signals: DAY or NIGHT-Irregular flashing of all available lights. Meaning: IN DISTRESS.
Intercepted aircraft signal: DAY or NIGHT-Regular switching on and off of all available lights but in such a manner as to be distinct from flashing lights. Meaning: _________________________________.
Intercepted aircraft signal: DAY or NIGHT-Regular switching on and off of all available lights but in such a manner as to be distinct from flashing lights. Meaning: CANNOT COMPLY.
RWAI Weather Requirements: For operational RWAI missions, there are ____________ takeoff minimums. To conduct an intercept, the intercepting aircraft shall have the target of interest in sight and remain ______________________________ with no less than _____________________ of flight visibility.
RWAI Weather Requirements: For operational RWAI missions, there are NO takeoff minimums. To conduct an intercept, the intercepting aircraft shall have the target of interest in sight and remain CLEAR OF CLOUDS with no less than ONE STATUTE MILE of flight visibility.
Non-deployed Aircrews (including all RWAI). A flight crewmember shall be relieved from all duty (including collateral duties) for no less than ____ consecutive hours at least once during any ____ consecutive days (192 hours).
Non-deployed Aircrews (including all RWAI). A flight crewmember shall be relieved from all duty (including collateral duties) for no less than 24 consecutive hours at least once during any EIGHT consecutive days (192 hours).
RWAI Weather Requirements: For RWAI training missions, the interceptor and the Track of Interest (TOI) aircraft shall maintain ______________________________ in the training area. The minimum visibility for RWAI training missions is _____________.
RWAI Weather Requirements: For RWAI training missions, the interceptor and the Track of Interest (TOI) aircraft shall maintain VFR CLOUD CLEARANCES in the training area. The minimum visibility for RWAI training missions is 3NM.
RWAI Weather Requirements: The TOI altitude shall allow for a minimum of ___________________ feet between the TOI aircraft and cloud bases or next cloud layer when operating VFR over-the-top. The minimum hard deck for training intercept is ______________________ feet Above Ground Level (AGL).
RWAI Weather Requirements: The TOI altitude shall allow for a minimum of 1500 FEET between the TOI aircraft and cloud bases or next cloud layer when operating VFR over-the-top. The minimum hard deck for training intercept is 1000 FEET Above Ground Level (AGL).
1) ___________________
2) ___________________
3) ___________________
SELECT ONE: UNITS / AIRCREWS designated by Commandant (CG-DCO) to perform TAC-FR, RWAI and AUF CD are authorized to fly night formation flights for training and operational missions.
SELECT ONE: UNITS designated by Commandant (CG-DCO) to perform TAC-FR, RWAI and AUF CD are authorized to fly night formation flights for training and operational missions.
If the TOI aircraft maintains position over a linear geographical landmark or agreed upon ground track, only the ________________________ is required to have the other aircraft in sight at ____________ NM to continue the practice intercept.
If the TOI aircraft maintains position over a linear geographical landmark or agreed upon ground track, only the INTERCEPTOR is required to have the other aircraft in sight at ONE NM to continue the practice intercept.
TRUE or FALSE: Aircraft from the CG Air Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol, or other agencies may be used to conduct day and night training and exercises only when radar services by an air defense ground-based or airborne radar control source are utilized.
TRUE: Aircraft from the CG Air Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol, or other agencies may be used to conduct day and night training and exercises only when radar services by an air defense ground-based or airborne radar control source are utilized.
RWAI Qualification: To be eligible for the RWAI qualification, a pilot must be designated a _________________________ or higher.
RWAI Qualification: To be eligible for the RWAI qualification, a pilot must be designated a FIRST PILOT or higher.
NOTE: The interceptor can be within 45° of the TOI beam, but if the pilot does not maintain__________/___________, the intercept could develop into either a _________________ requiring more assertive maneuvering or a ________ intercept which needlessly increases the time to intercept the TOI.
NOTE: The interceptor can be within 45° of the TOI beam, but if the pilot does not maintain CUTOFF/CBDR, the intercept could develop into either a HEAD-TO-HEAD requiring more assertive maneuvering or a REAR intercept which needlessly increases the time to intercept the TOI.
The shadow position is ______________ feet above the TOI on a _____________° formation angle, approximately _______________feet off the TOI’s left rear.
The shadow position is 200-300’ above the TOI on a 30° to 45° formation angle, approximately 200-500’ off the TOI’s left rear.
WARNING: Use caution while flying abeam another aircraft with reduced lateral and vertical separation. Be prepared to __________ for any TOI movement towards the intercepting aircraft. The typical maneuver is an immediate pitch back recovery to shadow position. The overriding objective is to gain safe separation while maintaining ___________________and ___________/____________________ over the TOI.
WARNING: Use caution while flying abeam another aircraft with reduced lateral and vertical separation. Be prepared to MANEUVER for any TOI movement towards the intercepting aircraft. The typical maneuver is an immediate pitch back recovery to shadow position. The overriding objective is to gain safe separation while maintaining VISUAL CONTACT and ENERGY/TACTICAL ADVANTAGE over the TOI.
T/F: NOTE: The cutoff vector given by ADS IS NOT adjusted for winds and therefore is not an assigned heading. Crews must ensure that the aircraft track is following the assigned cutoff vector.
TRUE: NOTE: The cutoff vector given by ADS IS NOT adjusted for winds and therefore is not an assigned heading. Crews must ensure that the aircraft track isfollowing the assigned cutoff vector.
When aft of the TOI’s beam, do not ___________ as the geometric position needed to establish forward bearing drift has already been achieved.
When aft of the TOI’s beam, do not TURN TO TAIL as the geometric position needed to establish forward bearing drift has already been achieved.
Crews ___________ use night vision goggles (NVGs) for night intercept operations to the maximum extent possible.
Crews SHOULD use night vision goggles (NVGs) for night intercept operations to the maximum extent possible.
In order to provide a rapid scramble order response, crews must maintain a high degree of personal fitness and mental alertness; this includes refraining from any ________________________ or __________________ outside of the RWAI response capability while standing alert duty.
In order to provide a rapid scramble order response, crews must maintain a high degree of personal fitness and mental alertness; this includes refraining from any ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES or OBLIGATIONS outside of the RWAI response capability while standing alert duty.
Once an aircraft is placed in alert status, only _________ can authorize launch of that aircraft or divert that aircraft from its primary RWAI mission.
Once an aircraft is placed in alert status, only TACON can authorize launch of that aircraft or divert that aircraft from its primary RWAI mission.
T/F: Due to the time critical nature of the mission, aircrews are relieved from following ATC guidance and instructions when conflicting instructions from TACON are given.
FALSE: Due to the time critical nature of the mission, aircrews are relieved from following ATC guidance and instructions when conflicting instructions from TACON are given.
NOTE: TOI speed is a(n) ______________ based on TOI radar track data.
NOTE: TOI speed is a(n) GROUND SPEED based on TOI radar track data.
The pitch back is the maneuver’s initial cyclic climb executed to change________ energy to __________ energy, trading off airspeed for altitude.
The pitch back is the maneuver’s initial cyclic climb executed to change KINETIC energy to POTENTIAL energy, trading off airspeed for altitude
WARNING: If both pilots lose visual contact with the TOI at any time during the maneuver, immediately ________________ the maneuver. Maneuver to maintain/establish vertical and lateral separation from the TOI’s last known position and course while making a ______________ call to TACON.
WARNING: If both pilots lose visual contact with the TOI at any time during the maneuver, immediately TERMINATE the maneuver. Maneuver to maintain/establish vertical and lateral separation from the TOI’s last known position and course while making a NO JOY call to TACON
It is vital that crews maintain CBDR until beginning the intercept maneuver. This can be accomplished by keeping the TOI stationary in relation to a distant _________ object on the ground.
It is vital that crews maintain CBDR until beginning the intercept maneuver. This can be accomplished by keeping the TOI stationary in relation to a distant FIXED object on the ground.
For rear intercepts, disengage flight director modes between _____________ from the TOI.
For rear intercepts, disengage flight director modes between 0.5-1.0 NM from the TOI.
For a right beam intercept, the initial point is generally _________________________ to the TOI since the interceptor is required to cross over the tail and take up position on the TOI‘s left side.
For a right beam intercept, the initial point is generally CLOSER to the TOI since the interceptor is required to cross over the tail and take up position on the TOI‘s left side.
Note: During true head-to-head intercepts when a 180° course reversal is required, an initial point of __________ of TOI airspeed is recommended (e.g., TOI airspeed of 120 KIAS may require an initial point of __________ NM).
Note: During true head-to-head intercepts when a 180° course reversal is required, an initial point of 1% of TOI airspeed is recommended (e.g., TOI airspeed of 120 KIAS may require an initial point of 1.2 NM).
When __________ of the TOI’s beam, a slight ______________________ is needed in conjunction with the initial pitch back. This sets up ______________________, which allows safe maneuvering into a shadow position without closing on a CBDR line with the TOI.
When FORWARD of the TOI’s beam, a slight TURN TO TAIL is needed in conjunction with the initial pitch back. This sets up FORWARD BEARING DRFIT, which allows safe maneuvering into a shadow position without closing on a CBDR line with the TOI.
The Shadow position is ___________________________ above the TOI and on a ___________________________ formation angle approximately ___________________________ off the TOI‘s left rear.
The Shadow position is 200 feet to 300 feet above the TOI and on a 30° to 45° formation angle approximately 200 feet to 500 feet off the TOI‘s left rear.
Although not the preferred method of executing the intercept, there may be situations that require the interceptor to _________ the TOI’s tail in order to remain within aircraft limits.
Although not the preferred method of executing the intercept, there may be situations that require the interceptor to CROSS the TOI’s tail in order to remain within aircraft limits.
Use of the _________________________ brevity code should be limited to internal communications during operational missions and not transmitted to TACON.
Use of the TERMINATE brevity code should be limited to internal communications during operational missions and not transmitted to TACON.
If directed to Bugout, take immediate and decisive action to separate from the TOI. The preferred maneuver is a maximum performance _________________ turn, away from the TOI, with an egress in the TACON-directed heading. If conditions permit, initiate a _________________.
If directed to Bugout, take immediate and decisive action to separate from the TOI. The preferred maneuver is a maximum performance LEFT turn, away from the TOI, with an egress in the TACON-directed heading. If conditions permit, initiate a DESCENT.
Normally, the Signal position for dynamic TOIs is off the TOI‘s left side, slightly forward of abeam, and no closer than ______ feet from the TOI. Interceptor should be ______________________ for high-wing aircraft and ______________________ for low-wing aircraft.
Normally, the Signal position for forward moving TOIs is off the TOI‘s left side, slightly forward of abeam, and no closer than 200 feet from the TOI. Interceptor should be LEVEL for high-wing aircraft and SLIGHTLY STEPPED UP for low-wing aircraft.
WARNING: Ensure the LED signboard displays the proper message for the tactical situation for both mission accomplishment and safety. Every intercept mission is different and circumstances will dictate the appropriate message. Pilots and crew must be familiar with the available LED signboard messages. The ______ must ensure the LED signboard displays the proper message, and the ______ must ensure selection of the proper message on the ODK.
WARNING: Ensure the LED signboard displays the proper message for the tactical situation for both mission accomplishment and safety. Every intercept mission is different and circumstances will dictate the appropriate message. Pilots and crew must be familiar with the available LED signboard messages. The PIC must ensure the LED signboard displays the proper message, and the FM must ensure selection of the proper message on the ODK.
Before intercepting the TOI, illuminate RWAI _____ __________________ and display the__________ ___________ on the LED signboard.
Before intercepting the TOI, illuminate RWAI LAW ENFORCEMENT (LE) lights and display the PROPER MESSAGE on the LED signboard.
Once the interceptor is in signal position with the TOI, _______ _______the RWAI LE lights. __________ the LED signboard as the tactical situation changes.
Once the interceptor is in signal position with the TOI, TURN OFF the RWAI LE lights. UPDATE the LED signboard as the tactical situation changes.
Normally, for training standard, the escort position is slightly ___________ the TOI, Forward and left of the TOI, to place the TOI at the ____ degree bearing from the tail, and Airspeed similar to the TOI’s original speed.
Normally, for training standard, the escort position is slightly ABOVE the TOI, Forward and left of the TOI, to place the TOI at the 30 degree bearing from the tail, and Airspeed similar to the TOI’s original speed.
NOTE: Only attempt _________________________ position for cooperating TOIs without radio capability, in a stable flight profile with no _________________________ .
NOTE: Only attempt ESCORT position for cooperating TOIs without radio capability, in a stable flight profile with no ERRATIC MANEUVERING.
During the flight crew inspection of the aircraft, what item shall be checked for proper operation along with RWAI LE lights? ________________________
During the flight crew inspection of the aircraft, what item shall be checked for proper operation along with RWAI LE lights? RWAI SIGNBOARD
After completion of the shut-down procedures, perform the Scramble Set-Up checklist, followed by a thorough aircraft ______________________.
After completion of the shut-down procedures, perform the Scramble Set-Up checklist, followed by a thorough aircraft WALK AROUND.
SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST: Set 29.92” in the SFI and local altimeter setting in the CDU… Place the appropriate ________________________ , ______________________, and ______________ in FPLN MGMT.
SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST: Set 29.92” in the SFI and local altimeter setting in the CDU… Place the appropriate MISSION WAYPOINTS, TFR CENTER, and DESTINATION in FPLN MGMT.
SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST (IDX and CNI): Enter required_______________________, __________________, _____________________, and ___________________.
After completing the RWAI mission brief, _____ crewmembers must conduct an aircraft inspection followed by the full ____________/_____________ procedures.
After completing the RWAI mission brief, ALL crewmembers must conduct an aircraft inspection followed by the full STARTUP/SHUTDOWN procedures.
NOTE: Ensure the _________________ selector knob is on transmit _____ to allow push-to-talk during engine start-up prior to VOX initialization.
NOTE: Ensure the FM LPCAP selector knob is on transmit ICS to allow push-to-talk during engine start-up prior to VOX initialization.
Once Nr stabilizes at 355 RPM, the PM turns on _______________________________, _______________________, and checks the ___________________________.
Once Nr stabilizes at 355 RPM, the PM turns on AVIONICS SWITCHES, ALIGNS THE EGIS, and checks the OVERHEAD PANEL.
During the scramble departure the PF departs the airfield on assigned course at maximum power available and ____ KIAS.
During the scramble departure the PF departs the airfield on assigned course at maximum power available and 65 KIAS.
If ATC clears requested course but cannot initially clear to the requested altitude, consider _________________________ to _________________________ until cleared to climb.
If ATC clears requested course but cannot initially clear to the requested altitude, consider ACCELERATING to MAXIMUM AIRSPEED until cleared to climb.
PM – Once GA is engaged, execute Climbout Checklist (from memory). Program modes on the CDU FD SEL page. Enter vertical speed rate of _______ FPM and select R2. Enter ATC approved ______________________________ and select R1.
PM – Once GA is engaged, execute Climbout Checklist (from memory). Program modes on the CDU FD SEL page. Enter vertical speed rate of 2000 FPM and select R2. Enter ATC approved LEVEL-OFF ALTITUDE and select R1.
PM - During scramble departure and after engaging modes - Secure ________, raise the ___________________________, and turn __________________________________ (as required).
PM - During scramble departure and after engaging modes - PM - During scramble departure and after engaging modes - Secure FLOATS, raise the LANDING GEAR, and turn NR SWITCH to NORM (as required).
PM – Scramble level off - ______ feet prior to level off, execute Level Off Checklist (from memory). ____________________________. On the CDU FD SEL page, enter airspeed ____ KIAS and select L1. __________________ and _______________________________ to ATC.
PM – Scramble level off - 300 feet prior to level off, execute Level Off Checklist (from memory). ACCELERATE to Vh. On the CDU FD SEL page, enter airspeed 120 KIAS and select L1. SET RADALT BUGS and REPORT LEVEL OFF to ATC.
Scramble level off - Recommend for every additional ________ feet above ________ MSL, reduce commanded airspeed by __ kts.
Scramble level off - Recommend for every additional 1,000 feet above 6,000MSL, reduce commanded airspeed by 5 kts.
WARNING: The FD logic will prioritize speed over altitude and aircraft will enter a _________ once it reaches the _____% torque limit.
WARNING: The FD logic will prioritize speed over altitude and aircraft will enter a DESCENT once it reaches the 83% torque limit.
NOTE: TOI speed is a __________ speed based on the TOI’s radar track. TOI track will be dependent on environmental factors such as wind, speed, and _____________________.
NOTE: TOI speed is a GROUND speed based on the TOI’s radar track. TOI track will be dependent on environmental factors such as wind, speed, and DIRECTION.
Maintain CBDR (CUTOFF) to within a minimum of ____________________ of the TOI. Some profiles might require maintaining CBDR longer. Failure to maintain CBDR can result in a __________________________ or ____________________________.
Maintain CBDR (CUTOFF) to within a minimum of 2 MILES of the TOI. Some profiles might require maintaining CBDR longer. Failure to maintain CBDR can result in a MISSED INTERCEPT or PROLONGED TAIL CHASE.
PM - For head-to-head and beam intercepts, at _______________ from the TOI, select _________________, and _____________________________________.
PM - For head-to-head and beam intercepts, at 2 NM from the TOI, select FLT XFER, and ANNOOUNCE “MY COLLECTIVE”.
WARNING: A reduction in collective following disengagement of FD modes may result in _____________________________ and loss of _____________________________ from the TOI.
WARNING: A reduction in collective following disengagement of FD modes may result in AIRCRAFT DESCENT and loss of VERTICAL SEPARATION from the TOI.
“Initial” Point locations:
Head to Head: ____________________miles
Rear: ____________________miles
Beam: ____________________miles.
“Initial” Point locations:
Head to Head: 0.75 – 1.5 miles
Rear: 0.25 miles
Beam: 0.5 – 1.5 miles
PF - Conversion Turn - Applying _________________________ can assist bringing the nose through the horizon, while applying _____________________ can tighten a turn without requiring an increase in AOB.
PF - Conversion Turn - Applying PEDAL PRESSURE can assist bringing the nose through the horizon, while applying AFT CYCLIC can tighten a turn without requiring an increase in AOB.
WARNING: Exercise extreme caution to maintain __________ G forces within aircraft limits.
WARNING: Exercise extreme caution to maintain POSITIVE G forces within aircraft limits.
PM - If the helicopter approaches bank angle limits, physically block the cyclic and inform the PF to increase pitch attitude using the phrase, “__________________________________.”
PM - If the helicopter approaches bank angle limits, physically block the cyclic and inform the PF to increase pitch attitude using the phrase, “AFT CYCLIC ONLY.”
Altitude differentials should be relative to the _______ of the shadow position (i.e., 300 feet above TOI altitude based on an altimeter setting of 29.92).
Altitude differentials should be relative to the TOP of the shadow position (i.e., 300 feet above TOI altitude based on an altimeter setting of 29.92).
CAUTION: Conversion turns may induce a rolling momentum which can require additional ___________________________________ to arrest. The PM shall be vigilant in monitoring the ADI and cyclic movement to quickly detect and overcome rolling momentum as the aircraft nears angle of bank limits. Physical _________________________________________ of the cyclic is imperative. Failure to do so may result in exceedance of _________________________________.
CAUTION: Conversion turns may induce a rolling momentum which can require additional CYCLIC FORCE to arrest. The PM shall be vigilant in monitoring the ADI and cyclic movement to quickly detect and overcome rolling momentum as the aircraft nears angle of bank limits. Physical hands-on GUARDING of the cyclic is imperative. Failure to do so may result in exceedance of AIRCRAFT LIMITS.
WARNING: Do not attempt to move from a _______________________ position to a _______________________ position when in close proximity to the TOI.
WARNING: Do not attempt to move from a STEP-DOWN position to a STEP-UP position when in close proximity to the TOI.
Do not attempt to fly a ___________ position without first stabilizing in a ___________ position.
Do not attempt to fly a SIGNAL position without first stabilizing in a SHADOW position.
WARNING: Escort places the Interceptor in a vulnerable position where loss of visual contact on the TOI is probable. Consider use of a ____________________________ if available.
WARNING: Escort places the Interceptor in a vulnerable position where loss of visual contact on the TOI is probable. Consider use of a HIGH COVER ASSET if available.
STATIC TOI INTERCEPT: PF – Fly at Vh with a _________ altitude step-up on the TOI.
STATIC TOI INTERCEPT: PF – Fly at Vh with a 100-FOOT altitude step-up on the TOI.
STATIC TOI INTERCEPT: PF/PM – At ______, select FLT XFER (disengage modes).
STATIC TOI INTERCEPT: PF/PM – At 2NM, select FLT XFER (disengage modes).
During a Static TOI intercept, at what distance from the TOI does the interceptor initiate a left turn to enter a right orbit? ___________________
During a Static TOI intercept, at what distance from the TOI does the interceptor initiate a left turn to enter a right orbit? 0.5 NM
What airspeed range is used when flying the orbit around a hovering helicopter? _______________________
What airspeed range is used when flying the orbit around a hovering helicopter? 40 to 80 KIAS
What are the Electrical Panel sub-steps checks during the SCRAMBLE CHECKLIST?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
What are the Electrical Panel sub-steps checks during the SCRAMBLE CHECKLIST?
a. BATT RLY switches simultaneously – ON
b. ICS – Checked
What are the sub-steps of the Engine 1 & 2 start of the scramble checklist?
a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________
c. _________________________________
d. _________________________________
e. _________________________________
What are the sub-steps of the Engine 1 & 2 start of the scramble checklist?
a. First Engine – Start
b. OEI – Checked
c. Loadmeter – Checked
d. Second Engine – Start
e. FCS Safety Locks – Locked
What are the sub-steps of the overhead panel check of the scramble checklist?
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
e. _______________________________
What are the sub-steps of the overhead panel check of the scramble checklist?
a. SERVO TEST – Checked
b. PITOT HEAT switches – ON
c. W/S ANTI-ICE switches – As required
d. COOL – ON
e. CABIN LT – As required
The FM/BA must verify the FCS Safety Locks are locked on the _____________________________ Checklist.
The FM/BA must verify the FCS Safety Locks are locked on the SCRAMBLE TAKEOFF Checklist.
When initiating a right roll, the aerodynamic effects on the rotor head will cause torque to momentarily ________________________.
When initiating a right roll, the aerodynamic effects on the rotor head will cause torque to momentarily INCREASE.
ACCELERATION LIMITS: The maximum permissible acceleration is 3.5 to __________ positive G at 6718 pounds. Maximum acceleration under various flight conditions will be detected by illumination of the __________________ load lights on the instrument panel.
ACCELERATION LIMITS: The maximum permissible acceleration is 3.5 to 0.5 positive G at 6718 pounds. Maximum acceleration under various flight conditions will be detected by illumination of the LIMIT load lights on the instrument panel.
CAUTION: Extended use of the __________________ switch above the best rate-of-climb airspeed (Vy) may cause damage to aircraft systems and has the potential to have long-term fatigue effects on the main rotor system.
CAUTION: Extended use of the NR HI switch above the best rate-of-climb airspeed (Vy) may cause damage to aircraft systems and has the potential to have long-term fatigue effects on the main rotor system.
HIGH NR: An audio tone will sound via the ICS system anytime Nr is greater than or equal to _______________ RPM.
HIGH NR: An audio tone will sound via the ICS system anytime Nr is greater than or equal to 380 RPM.
The TRANSITION FLIGHT regime in the MH-65 is defined as: flight from zero to ____________ knots indicated airspeed. The maximum continuous power during TRANSITION FLIGHT is ______% torque.
The TRANSITION FLIGHT regime in the MH-65 is defined as: flight from zero to 80 knots indicated airspeed. The maximum continuous power during TRANSITION FLIGHT is 100% torque.
WARNING: VNE is established for _______ G, straight and level flight only. VNE is ____________________ by maneuvers that increase G loading.
WARNING: VNE is established for 1 G, straight and level flight only. VNE is REDUCED by maneuvers that increase G loading.
Weight Limited Maneuvers: Above 8,900 lb:
a. Shipboard landings
b. All ___________________________________ and AUF tactical training maneuvers
c. Practice single-engine maneuvers utilizing the Training (TRNG) switch
Weight Limited Maneuvers: Above 8,900 lb:
a. Shipboard landings
b. All rotary-wing air intercept maneuvers and AUF tactical training maneuvers
c. Practice single-engine maneuvers utilizing the Training (TRNG) switch
With NR HI switch on, airspeed is restricted to ___________________ and AOB is restricted to _____________________.
With NR HI switch on, airspeed is restricted to 135 KIAS and AOB is restricted to 40 degrees.
Angle of Bank Limitations: Angles of Bank > ____________ less than 110 KIAS; Angles of Bank > ____________ at or above 110 KIAS.
Angle of Bank Limitations: Angles of Bank > 60 less than 110 KIAS; Angles of Bank > 45 at or above 110 KIAS.
Takeoffs and Landings: __________________________
Forward Flight: ________________________________
Takeoffs and Landings: 10,000 feet
Forward Flight: 18,000 feet
How will the aircraft react if it experiences retreating blade stall? ____________________________________________
How will the aircraft react if it experiences retreating blade stall? PITCH UP AND ROLL RIGHT
RBS is avoided by taking immediate action as soon as its onset is recognized. When the onset of RBS is detected or the limit light illuminates, a reduction in collective is the easiest and quickest way to get out if it. However, further action may be required. This includes:
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
RBS is avoided by taking immediate action as soon as its onset is recognized. When the onset of RBS is detected or the limit light illuminates, a reduction in collective is the easiest and quickest way to get out if it. However, further action may be required. This includes:
1. Reducing Airspeed
2. Reducing the severity of the maneuver (rolling out)
3. Ensuring the aircraft is in trim
Possible indicators for the onset of Retreating Blade Stall are a ________________________________ and ________________________________ annunciation.
Possible indicators for the onset of Retreating Blade Stall are a 4 PER REVOLUTION VIBRATION and LIMIT LIGHT annunciation.
At high forward speeds, flight regimes and environmental factors contributing to retreating blade stall include:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
At high forward speeds, flight regimes and environmental factors contributing to retreating blade stall include:
1. Airspeed beyond Vne
2. High blade loading (G-Loading)
3. High density altitude
4. Turbulent air
5. Low rotor RPM
Requirements to maintain RWAI Qualification: ___ static intercepts from the right seat ( ________ NVG aided).
Requirements to maintain RWAI Qualification: 2 STATIC INTERCEPTS from the right seat (BOTH NVG aided).
Requirements to maintain RWAI Qualification: If an RWAI pilot has not completed an RWAI RT flight in the preceding ____ days, a ___________________ RWAI RT flight from the ___________ seat is required before the member is assigned to an operational mission.
Requirements to maintain RWAI Qualification: If an RWAI pilot has not completed an RWAI RT flight in the preceding 90 days, a NVG AIDED RWAI RT flight from the RIGHT seat is required before the member is assigned to an operational mission.
Requirements to maintain RWAI Qualification: Each RWAI qualified pilot shall have completed: ________ RWAI RT flights from the right seat (at least _____ shall be NVG aided) and ___________ RWAI operational exercise from either seat each semiannual period.
Requirements to maintain RWAI Qualification: Each RWAI qualified pilot shall have completed: THREE RWAI RT flights from the right seat (at least TWO shall be NVG aided) and ONE RWAI operational exercise from either seat each semiannual period.