Question 6 Flashcards
During this time, The Incan and Aztec societies were flourishing in the Americas. In search of wealth, the Portuguese uses their superior naval power to lead the way towards American colonization. Spainards in the Philippines originally, created colonial governments that mimicked that of Spain, catholic, and semi -feudal. The dutch and the English organized trade in joint stock companies in order to fund their journey to the Americas.
By introducing protestanism, mercantilism, and the encomienda system, the interactions of various groups lead to mass cultural changes during the period 1450 -1750.
New social hierarchies = creolesm mestizosm mulattos and peninsulares (at the top)
The bottom of the social hierarchy treated with less respect
Mercantillism: favorable balance of trade –> rise of middle class
Promoted racial mixing
Encomineda System = Spanish Crown granted to particular Spanish settlers a number of local native people from whom they could require labor, gold, or agricultural produce and to whom they owed “protection” and instruction in the Christian faith.
→ Hacienda system
Spain traded silver from America to Asia
Adapted to incan mita system
less ethnic mixing because the british came with families
British settlers — Puritans in Massachusetts and Quakers in Pennsylvania sought to escape aspects of an old European society rather than to re-create it, as was the case for most Spanish and Portuguese colonists
Women were prosecuted for the crime of “fornication” far more often than their male companions; the inheritance of daughters was substantially less than that of sons; few girls attended school; and while women were the majority of church members, they could never become ministers
The Protestant emphasis on reading the Bible for oneself led to a much greater mass literacy than in Latin America