Question 2 (if Representation) Flashcards
How long should you aim for the answer for question 2a to be if it is representation?
It is a short answer question so 2-4 sentences.
How long should you spend on question 2a?
5 minutes.
In this question they specify a representation that we have covered, once you have read the question how should you answer it?
Identify two images/symbols/stereotypes/archetypes and explain how they are a plausible symbol for that area of representation.
How to get full marks for question 2a.
Explain your answer through the construction of specific codes within the media text, linking to a media myth and if they reinforce or challenge a dominant ideology.
e. g. “1. the stereotype of a metrosexual man. As the main character has carefully styled hair and manicured hands, codes which are traditionally feminine and therefore challenge traditional myths of masculinity.
2. the female character is smaller and lower in the composition compared to the man, she is wearing a floaty, flowery dress, has long flowing hair and passive body language. Codes which together reinforce a
Question 2b is a medium length answer question therefore how much should you write for it?
Between half and a full page.
How long should you spend on question 2b?
10 minutes.
What does question 2b ask of you?
This question is asking you to deconstruct the example provided and think about the purpose of everything you see and how each part of the media text has been constructed to create a representation of a group/place/issue/event.
How do you answer question 2b?
Think about everything you have analysed in question 1, however this time from the point of view of representation.
Identify at least 10 specific things that lead you to this, be concise do not waffle. Use of visual codes Use of iconography Use of technical codes Use of character or celebrity Use of language
For each thing you identify just give a one sentence explanation.
How do you get full marks (2b)?
Link how these codes together to identify how they support/challenge media myths (myth of romance, myth of beauty etc) and if these support/challenge any dominant ideologies. (e.g. patriarchal or colonial ideologies)
For question 2c, how much should you write?
This is a longer answer question. (at least 3 paragraphs no need for an intro or conclusion)
Aim for between 1 ½ - 2 pages
How long should you spend on question 2c?
15-20 minutes.
What is question 2c asking from you?
This question is asking you to recall and explore 2 or 3 examples (case studies) that you have prepared in class and revised. One paragraph per example. Be concise, do not waffle! Pack in as many media terms as possible, through the description of your examples.
What questions should you remember for question 2c?
Try to remember this set of questions. Each example should use one paragraph to answer these questions.
- WHO/WHAT is being represented? WHO has created the representation? And WHO are the target audience?
- HOW has the representation been constructed? – explore primary and secondary codes - what symbols denote this representation and what connotations can you identify? What has been selected and rejected?
- WHY is the representation created in that way? What is the intention? Why might they have included certain stereotypes/archetypes?
- WHAT is the effect of the representation – Is it a positive or negative viewpoint, is it to challenge or reinforce an established viewpoint? i.e. What dominant ideologies are being supported/challenged?
For full marks on question 2c.
Refer to 3 examples that you have prepared and revised.
Try to make sure that each example approaches representation from a different viewpoint – i.e. demonstrates a different stereotype and whether this has been used in a positive or negative way.