Question 2 (If Audience) Flashcards
Question 2a as audience is what length of an answer?
No more than 2-4 sentences.
How long should you spend on question 2a?
No more than 5 minutes.
How do you get full marks for question 2a if it is 4 marks?
To get full marks you must identify audience groups that are:
Distinctly different
Appropriate (right for the text)
What fan groups are you advised to give?
Fan groups interested in the text.
e.g. fans of the genre, fans of the main star, fans of the director, fans of the writer etc.
How should you define the fan groups?
By giving simple demographics, i.e. “Audience 1, Fans of fantasy films – white, males, aged 16-25”
“Audience 2, Fans of Orlando Bloom – white, females, aged 20-35”
^ Perfect answer.
If the question is 6 marks, how do you get full marks?
By defining psychographics as well as demographics, for instance, “Audience 1, Fans of fantasy films – white, males, aged 16-25, B’s, C1’s, and some E’s, who read lots fantasy of books, especially Tolkien, and enjoy playing World of Warcraft, generally fitting into Reformers and Explorers within the Young and Rubicam’s 4 C’s Model”
For Question 2b as audience what should you aim for as an ideal length of answer?
Between half and three quarters of a page.
To make sure you are clear on what the question is asking you what should you do?
Underline key words.
How long should you spend on question 2b?
About 10 minutes.
What should you do first when answering this question?
Identify the correct audience group.
After completing the first bit, what should you do next?
Identify and define at least 10 specific codes that links to this audience. For example:
• Use of visual codes - What colours, font styles have been used that suit the audience interests/gender/age etc.
• Use of Role-models to aspire to (celebrities/stars) – How does their clothes, hair, make up, activity and advice suit the audience. (How are they specifically of interest to the audience?)
• Use of Narrative Codes and Characters that might be of interest to certain audiences.
• Use of Genre Codes that might attract a certain fan group.
• Use of Language and Mode of Address – How does the language in the headlines, cover lines, tag lines, exclusive content, puffs/plugs target/appeal to the (supposed) interests of the main audience. Identify uses of mode of address, slang, hyperbolic language, instructional language, inclusive language and how these things are making the audience feel the media text is talking to them and involving them.
Question 2c is the longest of the three parts. If it is audience, how much should you write?
Between 1 and a half and 2 pages.
How long should you spend on question 2c?
15-20 minutes.
What does question 2c ask if it is Audience?
To recall 2 or 3 revised and prepared case studies.
Identify what the question is asking you by…?
Underlining the key word/words.
Other than underlining key words, what else do you have to identify in question 2c?
The point of view of the choices made by media producers,
Or the point of view of the audience
When writing about your case studies, what should you do?
Use 2 or 3 examples that have been prepared before the exam, which come from different media formats.
For each example you should write a concise paragraph. Include many specific parts of your case study, do not be vague.
You could mention: Visual codes, layout and design, language and mode of address, content, technical and audio codes, use of images, use of stars/celebrities/presenters, use of narrative, genre as well as demonstrating knowledge of audience theories.
Identify the theory as this will add context to your answer then expand through a deconstruction of appropriate media codes and how they support the theory.
When you identify individual codes use the correct terminology and structure, so identify the codes, describe them with specific details, analyse them considering connotations (e.g. how might the audience respond/react to the code).
A good answer looks like:
“The text includes numerous close-up shots of the face of the main star, where the first shot includes typography to anchor the name of the star to the image of their face. These shots are lit softly, including a back light, adding a glow around their head. The result is that fans of the main star encouraged to focus on their identity and emotions, being attracted to their heroic position in the text the fans will respond favourably to the text.”
A bad answer looks likes:
“There are lots of close-ups of the main star, to attract their fans.”
What are the audiences theories that you should apply to your case studies?
Two Step Flow
Reception Theory
Uses and Gratifications
What shouldn’t you do in this question?
Only use one example. It will result in a loss of marks.