Question 1c Flashcards


‘The Treaty of Cambrai in 1529 was the most significant failure of Wolsey’s foreign policy from 1509 to 1530.’ How far do you agree?
- the ‘Field of the Cloth of Gold’, 1520
- War with France, 1522-25

  1. agree
    - 1529: frances I negotaited a peace feal with charles V in treaty of Cam but only notified W wheb it was too late
    - this was bc an alliance w france failed when the french were again defeated by charles and received little help from england, damaging H reputation as a reliable ally
    - w faiked to build an alliance agaibst charles V which left E isolated and vulnerable in europe
    - H no longer had confidence in W’s skills as a diplomat
  2. disagree: failure in field of the cloth of gold
    - diplomatic meeting between eng and france: fortnight of feasting + jousting with no expense spared
    - no agreements actually made but made charles V suspicious that H was taking sides
  3. disagree - war with france failures
    - despite treaty of bruges charles did not help H seize french territory and throne inctead ignored idea yo divide F between E and HRE with H at thrine
    - charles releaed france from capitivity and the war was unpopular and cost 430k
    - failed bc wolseys support of charles v against france in treaty failed
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‘The Act in Restraint of Appeals in 1533 was Cromwell’s greatest achievement as Henry’s chief minister’ How far do you agree?
- The dissolution of the monasteries
- reform of the King’s Chamber

  1. agree bc it kept H happy + contributed to rise
    - H infuriated after Wolsey failed to secure annulment bv he was eager to marry A.B. In addition, Cardinal Campeggio dragged out the case of annulmunt so H was impatient. C’s persuasion of patlianent to pass Act in ROA whereby England became its own empire and would no longer be subjected to foreign rule allowed annulment to take place.
  2. agree bc dissolution of monasteries was not best achievement
    - C organised the shutting down of monasteries over England as well as selling of its gold ornaments. Increased E’s incone but angered people, pushing them to rebel + causing Pil Of Grace in 1536. People resented Cromwell bc they paid for the gold orbaments in churches + bc churches educated the locals.
    - had negative consequences + gave many enemies who were later happy to vote for Act of Attainder which gave way for his fall + execution in 1940
  3. disagree bc Cromwell’s work in reforms
    - 1530s, multiple problems with gov e.g. meetings were disorganised, unrecorded and there were 100 members. Cromeell dealt with this, changing the Royal Council to the Privy Council + introduced 20 well-trained lawyers and administrators to record meetings, which began a modernised gov. also worked in H’s finances (H saw as boring). After dissolution, there was increase of income so C set up a beuracracy to manage finances - Court og Augmentations (property) and Court of First Fruits and Tenths (taxes from clergy)
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‘The impact of the new Protestant religion was the main reason why Henry VIII launched his campaign against the Pope and the Catholic Church from 1529-33’ How far do you agree?
- Thomas Cranmer
- Henry’s desire for a son

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‘Cromwell’s personality was the main reason that he was able to become Henry’s chief minister by 1540’ How far do you agree?
- Cromwell’s service to Wolsey
- the king’s ‘Great Matter’

(came up last year)

  1. agree
    - charismatic + skillful, referred to himself as ‘the great traveller,’ in early 1500s, he left England and his father (who worked several jobs e.g cloth worker + blacksmith) to fight the war with France against Spain. Then moved to Florence and later Belgium where he worked as a cloth worker. moved bavk to England in 1514 where he got married + became a successful business man.
    - varying experuences and wide range of skills (could even speak multiple languages e.g french) were a key to his rise
  2. disagree bc Cromwell’s work in reforms
    - 1530s, multiple problems with gov e.g. meetings were disorganised, unrecorded and there were 100 members. Cromeell dealt with this, changing the Royal Council to the Privy Council + introduced 20 well-trained lawyers and administrators to record meetings, which began a modernised gov. also worked in H’s finances (H saw as boring). After dissolution, there was increase of income so C set up a beuracracy to manage finances - Court og Augmentations and Court of First Fruits and Tenths
  3. disagree bc involvement in ‘Great Matter’
    - Parliament was a minor instituition but C’s organusation of House of Lords (led by nobility) and House of Commons (landowners) provided a way for acts to be passed. saw increase in role of parliament e.g. 1509-1531, 203 acts passed but 1531-40 333 acts passed. C utilised this to persuade parliament to pass Acts including the Act of Supremacy (1534) and Act in Appeals of Restraint (1533) which meant that appeals could no longer go to Pope but Henry. These confirmed break.
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‘The Subsidy of 1513 was Wolsey’s greatest achievement from 1509-1530’ How far do you agree?
- The Eltham Ordinances
- The Treaty of London, 1518

(came up last year)

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