Quaternary Quiz: Lectures 14-26 Flashcards
What were CO2 and CH4 levels like in the glacial-interglacial cycles compared to the present?
Glacials - CO2 250ppm / CH4 450ppb
Interglacials - CO2 280ppm / CH4 650ppb
Present day - CO2 400ppm and CH4 1800ppb!
What is the perihelion and aphelion?
Perihelion - Earth’s closest point to the Sun
Aphelion - Earth at its furthest point to the Sun
Age order for hominids out of Homo heidelbergensis, Astralopithecus afarensis, Homo neanderthalis and habilis?
What and when was the Devensian and the LGM?
Devensian = the last glacial, 110Ka up to 11.7Ka
Last Glacial Maximum, 21Ka (within the last glacial!)
How thick was the last British ice-sheet and where did it extend to? What was Doggerland?
1.5 km thick
To south Wales and north Norfolk, but not linear
Doggerland was a large mass of land (submerged 8Ka) that connected British isles to Europe
Dates of the Younger Dryas and its cause? What ice-sheet re-expanded during it and what is another explanation for it?
12.5-11.5Ka (a cold snap)
Driven by freshwater influx after the Lake Agassiz outburst
Glaciers in Western Scotland
Shocked quartz implies an impact event in N America.
What are Dansgaard-Oeschger events and Heinrich events; how many have occurred in the past 120,000 (DO) and 60,000 (H) years?
DO = abrupt warming events, 25
H = massive iceberg rafting events in North Atlantic, 6
Describe the seasonal atmospheric cycle that drives the Asian monsoon.
What does Loess show?
How does the Asian monsoon vary over glacial-interglacial timescales?
Summer warms land faster than the ocean, where low pressure air rises ocer land, drawing moist air from the ocean, so the winter cycle is reversed.
The grain size of Loess deposits reflects the strength of the winter monsoon winds.
Strong during glacials, weaker in interglacials
What and when is the Eemian?
MIS5e, called the Ipswichian in the UK; the last interglacial dating to 130-116Ka
During the last interglacial, was the UK inhabited? What were the winter ice limits in the northern hemisphere compared to today? How was the sea-level and temperature (average) different?
Yes, along with African wildlife
Winter ice 800km further north
Sea-level 8m higher than today, 2 degrees warmer
Which Milankovitch cycles are of particular importance during the Holocene?
Precession causing summer insolation changes
Describe the global change in climate after 6000 cal yr BP
Decline in northern high temperatures, and a decline in the Asian monsoon due to reduced continental heating
What is the duration of a Bond cycle?
Small, abrupt climate changes in the Holocene; 1500 yr cycles
What and when was the Medieval warm period and LIA? What are the main forcing factors driving climate in the Late-Holocene?
MWP = AD950-1250; warm and moist in the N Atlantic
Little Ice Age = 1300-1870; cold and icy in N Atlantic
Volcanic, orbital and anthropogenic (GHGs, deforestation)
What was the earliest evidence for hominids in the UK?
Happisburg footprints and stone tools, dating to 990-780Ka