Quarter 2 Flashcards
What is the lowest rank of the peasants in the Dark Ages of Europe?
During the Dark Ages, who was the man in town responsible for “bloodletting”?
the barber
According to legend, what did Arthur pull out of a stone that led him to become king?
the sword “Excalibur
According to Joseph of Arimathea, where was some of Jesus’ blood stored?
the Holy Grail
Who was the unfaithful queen of King Arthur?
Queen Guinevere
Though he grew up a peasant, who was the king of the Byzantine Empire?
Who grew up in the circus and became a queen?
What was built to be more magnificent than Soloman’s temple?
the cathedral of Saint Sophia
Although Columba had a bad temper, what does his name mean?
After causing a bloody battle in Ireland, where did Columba go to win souls for Christ?
What is the name of the beautiful mountain in Japan?
Mt. Fuji
What is the earliest religion in Japan?
What does Shinto require of its followers?
complete devotion to the emperor and the country of Japan
Who is the founder of the Japanese civilization?
Prince Shotoku
Who was Gregory the Great?
An admired pope of the Middle Ages
How did Gregory the Great eat and dress?
the way simple monks did
How did Gregory the Great help people?
He served the poor and sick through letters of encouragement and charity
What is the largest man-made waterway in the world?
The Grand Canal, in China
Under what dynasty was the Grand Canal built?
the Sui Dynasty
When was the “Golden Age of China”?
The Tang Dynasty 589-618
Who started the Tang Dynasty?
Li Yuan
What philosopher wasTai Tsung (Li Shi Min) influenced by?
Were did Mohammed grow up?
Remembered as the Hegira, where did Mohammed flee for his life?
How many gods did Mohammed believe in?
one, who he called “Allah”
What does “Islam” mean?
submission to God
How was Islam started?
Mohammed claimed to had a dream where the angel Gabriel told him about Allah
Where are the teachings of Mohammed written?
In the Koran
When was Islam started?
What is a Muslim place of worship called?
Who was the only empress to rule over China?
Wu Zetian
When did Wu Zetian take the throne?
According to the epic poem Beowulf, what did the king fight and kill?
a monster named Grendel
How did Beowulf kill Grendel?
By breaking off his arm
Where is the story of Beowulf from?
Sweden and Denmark
When was the story of Beowulf written?
early 700s, story takes place in 500s
How did Beowulf die?
By a fire breathing dragon
What was called the “Pillars of Hercules”?
The Rock of Gibraltar in Spain
Where were the Moors from?
What did the Moors (also called the Berbers) bring to Spain in 711?
wealth and Islam
What belief did Wu Zetian hold to?
What was “The Ornament of the World”?
Medieval Southern Spain, where Jews, Christians and Muslims lived mostly harmoniously
Who was the very successful founder and leader of southern Spain (al-Andalus)?
Abd al-Rahman
What is the only mosque in the world that does not face Mecca?
The Great Mosque of Cordoba, faced Damascus
Who was Pelagius?
A 13 year old boy who was tortured and killed because he would not denounce Jesus to a Muslim king.
Around 850 how many Christians were killed in al-Andalus?
at least 50
Who was St. Boniface?
Apostle to Germany in 718
What is a symbol of “everlasting” love that St. Boniface used in his preaching?
the evergreen tree
Where was Boniface killed?
What does “Iconoclast” mean?
image breaker
Who was Empress Irene?
an empress of the Byzantine Empire who allowed icons in the church if they were regarded only as symbols
Who was nicknamed “the hammer”?
Charles Martel
Who was the mayor of the Franks?
What was the edict that Emperor Leo III (of the Byzantine empire) order?
In 726, he ordered that all statues in the church be removed and that pictures of saints be painted over.
What happened after Emperor Leo III died?
His son Constantine V was ruthless over the issue of icons and had those who resisted the edict be tortured and shut down many churches.
What was the Battle of Tours?
In 732, Charles successfully drove the Muslims out of France and stopped the spread of Islam in Europe.
What is “The Thousand and One Night”?
200 fun and fanciful Arabic stories
Who is Aladdin?
A Chinese boy who steals a genie-filled lamp
What is a scramasax?
A Viking combat knife
What three countries make up Scandinavia?
Norway, Sweden and Denmark
What “Charlemagne” mean?
“Charles the Great” in French
What are the Papal States?
A gift of land given to the pope by Pepin the Short
What is the Treaty of Verdun?
A treaty to divide the kingdom of Charlemagne among his grandsons
According to legend, in order to persuade the Brude and the Picts to Christ, what did Columba draw on the city gates and they flew open?
a cross
After Mohammed died, who oversaw the writing of the Koran?
Abu Bekr
Who helped shape the tradition of the Christmas tree?
St. Boniface
Under the Abbasid dynasty, where was the capital of Islam moved to?
What country is made up of 4,223 islands?
What did Viking women use to fasten their clothes and carry important things, like keys?
Who is “Thursday” named after?
Thor, a viking god
Which present day country is where the Bulgars settled?
What was the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”?
A record of English history started by Alfred the Great
What did Alfred the Great learn before any of his brothers, even though he was the youngest?
What was a lazy Viking child called?
a charcoal chewer