Quarter 1 Flashcards
What is the significance of the Day of Pentecost that occurred in AD 29?
On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came up on the disciples who were gathered together and they spoke in many languages.
What did Jesus promise His followers just before He ascended to heaven?
Before His ascension, Jesus promised His followers that they would receive power from the Holy Spirit and be witnesses to Christ in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.
What is a gentile?
A gentile is a person who is not of the Jewish race.
Who was Paul?
Paul the Apostle was Saul of Tarsus after he had an encounter with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, about AD 31, and experienced an incredible conversion to Christ. He wrote most of the New Testament in the form of letters.
Who was Saul of Tarsus?
Saul was a very devout Jew and a Pharisee who persecuted the first followers of Christ because he believers that Jesus spoke blasphemy against God.
When did the believers in Jesus as the Christ first get the name “Christians”?
The first time believers in Jesus were called “Christians” was in Antioch when Barnabas and Paul went there for a year to assemble with other believers and teach them.
Who were the very first missionaries of the Gospel of Christ?
Paul and Barnabas were the first missionaries of the Gospel of Christ. They taught followers how to live as Christians and in spiritual families of God called churches.
When did the Western Roman Empire fall?
AD 476
When did Constantine issue the Edict of Milan?
AD 313
When was Pentecost?
AD 29
Who founded Constantinople?
Who is the Father of the mythological Roman gods?
What does Dominus Noster mean?
Our Lord in Latin
What is reincarnation?
The Hindu belief of coming back to life
What is Ramayana?
A sacred poem of India
Who divided the Roman Empire into two parts?
How long did it take Jerome to translate the Bible into Latin?
23 years
Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?
The Essenes
Who did Nero blame for the burning of Rome?
The Christians
What did St. Patrick use to explain the Trinity to the Irish?
three leaf shamrock
Who kidnapped Patrick when he was 16 years old?
Irish pirates
Who was martyred on February 14, 269 in Rome?
St. Valentine
Who was inspired to read the Bible from children singing?
St. Augustine
Who started more than 300 churches in Ireland?
St. Patrick
Who was a poor monk, priest and secretary to a bishop?
St. Jerome
Who discovered the diameter of the moon?
Who discovered the number of the days of the year?
What is Lupercalia?
Roman festival of love
When did Mount Vesuvius erupt?
AD 79
Who remodeled Masada to be a self-sustaining fortress?
King Herod the Great
Who was the hero of the Second Jewish Revolt?
Where was the term “Christians” first used?
Who were sent out from Antioch as missionaries?
Paul and Barnabas
Who made it a capital crime to be a Christian?
Emperor Trajan
Who killed his mother because he didn’t trust her?
Emperor Nero
What was destroyed by the Romans during the First Jewish Revolt?
The Temple in Jerusalem
Who uncovered evidence that proved the existence of Bar-kokhba?
Yigael Yadin
What is a creed?
A statement of beliefs
What is the lowest place on earth?
The Dead Sea
How was Ignatius martyred?
Thrown to the lions in the Colosseum of Rome