Quarter 1, Test 2 Flashcards
According to Romans 6, the wages of sin result in what?
Romans 6:12-13 instructs us not to offer the parts of our body as instruments of what?
The Cycle of Sin and Delayed Gratification models teach us that remaining ____________ keeps us focused upon living for God rather than living for ourselves.
When Paul states in Romans 9 that “I speak the truth in Christ - I am not lying,” what confirms his conscience in order to have confidence in his decisions?
Holy Spirit
Individuals enjoy being involved in subcultures so that they can be ____________.
This depends upon God’s mercy, not man’s desires or effort
God’s Justice
What develops in us as we build our character?
The action of choosing not to follow the way of love God has set out for people.
What is known as the belied that individuals can be declared righteous through their desires and efforts?
Stumbling Stone
What is known as choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God?
Who do individuals surround themselves with in order to reinforce their comfortable way of life?
The Gentiles receive righteousness through their ___________.
Romans 6:12-13 instructs us to use our body as instruments of what?
In Romans 8, Paul teaches that when we do not know what to pray for, we will have support through _______________.
Holy Spirit
According to Romans 6, what is the gift of God?
Eternal Life
What individuals use in order to be comfortable in their understanding of life
The active refusal of acknowledging the existence of God, coupled with a promotion of the value of living in a lifestyle that promotes the freedom to live however one chooses to do so.
The Jews were not declared righteous, because they tried to attain it through _____________.
This was provided for us so that we could become aware of our sin.
What develops when we persevere through our sufferings?
What was Pilate’s official position that resulted in him being the person who had that authority to make the decision about the fate of Jesus?
Roman Governor of that area
Who did Pilate become aligned with (after previously being in conflict with) over their common interest in resolving what to do with Jesus?
Who were the main individuals pushing for Pilate to sentence Jesus to death?
Jewish Religious leaders
What was the primary goal of Pilate trying to resolve the issue of what to do with Jesus?
To keep the peace
What did Jesus say he DID NOT come into the world to do?
Condemn it
What verse teaches us the “ten finger” prayer that always reminds us of the love and support of Jesus?
Philippians 4:13
What verse teaches us about how God will grant us the desires of our heart?
Psalm 37:4
What verse teaches us that unless you make a daily effort, you can quickly lose the perspective of how much God loves you and what God has done in your life?
Judges 2:10
In any given moment, what is it called when choosing to please yourself rather than doing something you’re supposed to do?
Instant Gratification
In any given moment, what is it called when you choose to put aside the pleasure you want and do the responsibility you don’t feel like at that moment?
Delayed Gratification
The intrinsic gifts and call that have been placed within you and on your life….
Can never be taken away
What metaphor does Paul use to describe how we are connect people to God through the grace of Jesus?
The ingrafted branch
What does Paul use to describe how there are those chosen to share the gospel of the grace of Jesus?
The remnant
Being “fully complete, not lacking in anything” is the definition given for
What is the false god of gratifying selfish behavior mentioned in Romans 11?
The intrinsic passion that drives your life without you even trying, is known as your…
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where?
The Word
What is the “wretched condition” that Jesus is saving humans from?
Sin controlling them
What collision occurs at the start of the Book of Romans?
Man v. Reality
A subculture fulfills which of the following desires in humans?
All of the Above
In Romans 8:8, why does it state the mind controlled by sinful nature cannot please God
Mind set on flesh only thinks about itself. Doesn’t have time to think on God. Only a mind set on the Spirit can please God
Why is a life lead by sinful nature considered death
Sin tries to please the physical which will die
Why does Paul have great sorrow and anguish in his heart at the state of ch. 9
He is sad for the jewish people because they don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah
What does Paul mean when saying- people are “zealous” for God, but their zeal is not based in knowledge
Their faith is based on works and not on faith in Jesus
What are 2 ways Paul describes those who find themselves in a “spirit of stupor”
Cannot see and cannot hear
Explain how God gives us provision through each line of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)
Our Father in heaven- acknowledgment of God
Hallowed be Your Name- acknowledgment of Gods authority
Your Kingdom come- the vision of heaven for all
Your will be done- to serve by evangelizing
On earth- serve them with love
As it is on heaven- serve like in heaven
Give us today our daily bread- give us all we need
And forgive us our trespasses- all the times we were selfish
As we forgive those who trespass us- remind us to be humble
Lead us not into temptation- keep us from falling into selfishness
But deliver us from the evil one- acknowledgment of active devil
Name the 13 parables found in the book of Matthew
Wandering sheep Net
Workers in the vineyard hidden treasure & pearl
Wedding banquet Bags of gold
Weeds Unmerciful servant
Two sons Mustard seed & yeast
Ten virgins Sower
What did Jesus say was the value of teaching in the parables
Learn the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven
Why are individuals excluded from understanding the parables
Choose not to try to understand
Name the 3 manners in which pilate attempted to absolve himself for responsibility in the crucifixion of Jesus
Washed his hands
Attempted to free Jesus
Sign on the cross “king of the Jews”
Name the 3 languages Pilate wrote “king of the Jews” on the cross and explain the significance of each language
Aramaic- language if the jewish people
Greek- common man language
Latin- formal, official language
List 5 examples from Galatians 5 that reinforces when individuals live by the spirit of sin nature
Life by the spirit Life by the sinful nature
- Love 1. Dissension
- Joy 2. Drunkenness
- Peace 3. Discord
- Patience 4. Fits of rage
- Kindness 5. Sexual immorality