Quantum Universe - Chapter 6 Flashcards
Wein’s displacement law
λmaxT = 2.89810^-3
λ = b/T
Stefan’s Law
Energy quantum radiation / Energy of photon
E = hc/λ
Energy balance of photo electron
Kmax = hf - Φ
Cutoff frequency
F = Φ/h
Relativistic invariant energy equation
E^2 = (pc)^2 + m0^2*c^4
Energy momentum relation
E = mv
E = mc
Compton wavelength of an electron
λc = h/(m0*c)
Bohrs first quantisation condition
Ln = n*h-dash
Bohrs second quantisation condition
hf = E0*(1/n^2 - 1/m^2)
Bohrs radius of the nth orbit
rn = a0*n^2
Ground state of hydrogen
E1 = -E0 = -13.6eV
The nth energy of hydrogen like ion
En = -Z^2E0(1/n^2)
Energy of matter wave
E = hf
De broglie wavelength
λ = h/p = h/mv
Heinsenburg uncertainty principle
ΔxΔp = 0.5h-dash
Momentum and kinetic energy relation
P = sqrt(2mKE)
Lyman α line
H-α line
N=3 m=2
Balmer series
N to N2
Lyman series
N to n1
Kinetic energy and mass relation
K1m1 = K2m2
Paschen series
N to n3
Bracket series
N to n4
Name series in order
Lyman (UV)
Balmer (Visible)
Paschen (Infrared)
Bracket (Infrared)
Pfund (Infrared)