quantum physics Flashcards
What are de broglie waves?
De Broglie said that if photons are particles with wave like properties then why couldn’t other particles act in the same way.|He suggested the wavelength of particles could be described using |λ=h/p=h/γmv |for which we usually use to describe a photon
How did De Broglie come to this relation?
we know from the photoelectric effect and blackbody radiation that E=hv and we defined E=pc for a massless particle travelling at the speed of light…|we can then equate the relationship…|p=hv/c|and thus we can say |λ=h/p||De broglie suggested we could use this relation to describe particles of mass and not just photons.
How was the De Broglie hypothesis proved?
if we look at the wavelength of an electron moving at 10⁷ m/s (v<
What is the wavefunction, .ψ, of an particle?
the wavefunction, which has a value at every point in space and time, is related to the probability of finding the particle at that point in space and time. ||ψ is the amplitude of the wave associated with a particle, it can have both positive and negative values. |ψ itself is not the probability and is not directly observable from experiments|the wavefunction is often expressed as a complex quantity even though physical observations can only be real.
How do we define the absolute magnitude of our wavefucntion ψ?
as ψ can be a complex quantity it can be written as |ψ=a+ib ||ψ|=|a+ib|=√(a²+b²)||ψ|²=ψψ*| =a²+b²||we have defined the complex conjugate ψ=a-ib to find the absolute magnitude of ψ.||ψ|² is useful for when we start to deal with complex numbers.
How is |ψ|² used to defined the probability of finding a particle?
if we have a small volume around some point (dx in one dimension and dv in 3 dimensions), then the probability of finding the particle in that volume is given by…|1D: P(x) dx = |ψ(x)|² dx|3D: P(x,y,z) dv = |ψ(x,y,z)|² dv||note in one dimension, its the probability of locating its x coordinate, not the exact location of the particle.
What are the differences between the quantum and classical interpretations of the wavefunction?
in classical physics, the wavefunction is zero everywhere in space except at a single point where it would have a nonzero value. |this point corresponds to the classical position of the particle.||in quantum theory we can have any type of wavefunction we like, |as we spread out the weight of the wavefunction over space, we also distribute the probability of finding that particle.|it no longer makes sense to talk about the position of the particle as the particle can be found in a range of positions
What are the consequences of the new quantum definition of the wavefunction?
- we shouldnt talk about the position of a particle |2. if we look for a particle, we will always find that it is either there or not there, and since the particle must always be somewhere, we know that in one dimension -∞
What does the wavefunction allow us to calculate ?
- the probability of finding a particle |2. the average value of other physical quantities called expectation values. |for an arbitrary function f(x), its expectation value is determined by |||once we know the wavefunction of a system we can determine the relevant parameters that describe it
How can we then model a particle using the wavefunction?
- consider a wave with wavelength λ and wavevector k=2π/k so that |ψ(x)=Asin(kx) |this wave has a perfectly defined wavevector K and therefore momentum p.|however the probability of locating (|ψ|²) is spread equally over many different locations so it is fully delocalised, meaning it has no clearly defined position. |2. to change this, we use the principle of superposition. If we add another component tot he wave with a different wavelength then there will be both constructive/destructive interference.|3. the particle will then be more likely to be in some places than other places |4. the more wavevectors/wavelengths we superimpose, the more localisation we can make the particle have. |5. allows us to create a wavepacket (group of superimposed waves which together form a travelling localised disturbance)|THIS MODEL IS WHAT WE REGARD AS REPRESENTING A PARTICLE
What are the limitations of the model of the particle?
by adding more components to the wave with different wavevectors, we can more clearly define the location of a particle but the overall wavevector or momentum becomes less clearly defined||therefore if we think of a particle as having a wavefunction that describes its probability, then there is a fundamental limit on how precisely we can measure quantities like position.
How do these limitations lead onto Heisenburg’s uncertainty principle?
first case: many wavelengths/wavevectors superimposed|range of values we’d expect to find x is narrow so uncertainty in position is small but the wavelength is not well defined as not many oscillations so ∆p large.||second case: less wavelengths/wavevectors superimposed |the wavelength is well defined so ∆p small but the position is not well defined so ∆x large||we can see there is a trade off between ∆x and ∆p. After mathematical analysis we see that the best we can do is the shape of a bell curve in terms of minimising both where…|∆x∆p=h/4π||For all other wavefunctions then, the product of ∆x∆p≥h/4π (=hbar/2)|(h(bar)=h/2π)|this is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ||the uncertainty in position and momentum arises because of oscillations in the wavefunction of a particle in space.
How the uncertainty principle relates to measurements we take?
∆x∆p≥h/4π |if we assume the electron is moving slowly enough to ignore relativistic corrections. |if we measure electron with uncertainty 1µm, ∆x=1µm|∆p≥h/4π∆x|∆v≥h/(4mπ∆x)|so after a period of one second, the elctron could have moved |∆x≥h/(4mπ∆x)×1 second|which here we work out to be 58m if initial uncertainty in measurement is 1µm.
What happens if we consider the oscillations of the wavefunction in time?
ψ(x,t)=Asin(kx-ωt) |E=hv=h(bar)ω|ans the uncertainty principle tells us that |∆E∆t≥h(bar)/2||t is the time that a particle will stay in a certain state before switching to another state. This means that a particle can only have a perfectly defined energy if stays that way forever (doesnt interact with anything) |if it does interact with something this causes a change in its state after a certain time, then there must be some uncertainty in its energy.||a consequence of this is that we are allowed to violate the conservation of energy, if we do so for short amounts of time.
Describe the particle in a box/quantum well model
An important consequence of quantum theory is the quantisation of the energy of a particle. |-|1. consider a particle in free space|-if there is nothing to interfere with the particles motion, then it has no restriction on its motion.||2. Now, we put this particle in a box with infinitely hard walls |-we consider this problem in one dimension for simplicity |-the problem is also called the quantum well due to shape of the potential looking like an infinitely deep well. ||3. The potential between x=0 and x=L is 0, while it is infinite everywhere else |-since the particle being in area of infinite density would require it to have infinite energy, ψ must be equal to zero everywhere except between 0 and L.|(set of solutions is the same as that of a string stretched between two fixed points) ||4. If we analyse the mathematics of this situation we find that when you confine a particle to a finite space, the energy levels are quantised,|- this is in contrast for a free particle for which the K.E spectrum is continuous
What is the mathematical proof we obtain from the quantum well example for quantised energy levels
this can also be proved using Schrodinger equation
What does this mean for the energy levels of a confined particle?
particles can only occupy discrete energy levels |E=h²n²/8mL² |the energy increases with n², and so the energies allowed aren’t equally spaced, but get further apart as n gets larger. |(no wavefunction for n=0 as wavefunction 0 everywhere so by definition the particle cant exist) ||this is not true for a free particle which has a continuous kinetic energy spectrum.
How can we use Shrodingers equation?
if we know the potential V(x) of a system, we can understand the physics of a system by simply solving the Schrodinger equation for the appropriate wavefunction and corresponding energy values.||-i.e. we must find the wavefunction that is consistent with the Schrodinger equation for a particular potential
What are the constraints on the wavefunction?
- it must be properly normalised |(means that the probability that the particle is found in the considered domain is equal to 1 and thus the integral of the square of the wave function in the domain is equal to 1)||2.must be continuous and single valued ||3. for finite values of v(x) the first derivitive of the wavefunction d/dxψ(x) must also be finite, continuous and single valued
How can we find the parameters of this equation?
we have two unknown parameters which we can find using boundary conditions |at x=0 ψ=0=Asin(0) + Bcos(0) |so B=0|at X=L, ψ=0=Asin(kL)+Bcos(KL)| Asin(kL)=0|so KL=nπ|so K=nπ/L||ψ(x)=Asin(nπx/L)|if we plug this into the time independent Schrodinger equation and solve for the derivitives, again we fine that |E=h²n²/8mL²
What is the general use of the Schrodinger equation?
we have the time independent Schrodinger equation and from a given potential we can calculate the set of solutions ψ[α] with corresponding E[α] where [α] is a set of parameters that characterise the set of solutions.|-in our example this is a single integer, n, however it can be more complex. |- these solutions characteristic of a particular potential so they are often called “eigen functions” and “eigen values”||in most cases the set of energy levels will be discrete rather than continuous. This quantisation of energy levels is very common in quantum mechanical systems where the particle is confined to a finite space.
How can we use the Schrodinger equation in real life?
by looking at a physical system you figure out what the potential must be and then solve the wavefunctions for that potential.|-often you wont need to solve the Schrodinger equation for a completely new potential as you can look at the potential and approximate it with one that we do know how to solve.||e.g. we may not be able to solve the schrodingers equation for the potential shown in a way we could write down so would resort to numerical methods but if we are only conserneed with the area in the boxed region we can approximate that of a simple harmonic oscillator and obtain solutions.
How do you solve the Schrodinger’s equation in reverse?
- measure the difference in energies between different energy levels of a system (e.g. optical absorption)||-look at the spectrum of the energy levels and observe its characteristic behaviour, we can figure out what potentials give rise to such a system and use this to understand the system itself.|||e.g. energy levels seperated by n², then we know its not a simple harmonic oscillator but we might be able to interpret it as a quantum well and use the spacing of energies to extract parameters like mass of the confined particle or the width of the well.
What is quantum tunnelling?
quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it classically cannot surmount.
How can we use the Schrodinger equation to explain the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling?
In the region where v=0 we already know the solutions here are characterised by sin waves |in the region of the barrier, we get…
How can we solve the Schrodinger equation according to to the different conditions of energies of the particle compared to that of the barrier
- E>U, the particles energy is larger than the barrier, then k>0 and the solutions to this are simply sin and cos as before.|-we can apply our boundary conditions, matching the values of the wavefunction and the first derivative of the wavefunction at x=0 and x=L and find solutions.|we find the particle can travel over the barrier just as it would classically but there is now a finite probability that the particle will be reflected even though classically it has more energy than the barrier|only in the limit E»U does the probability for this reflection go to zero and we obtain the classical result.|||If E
What are the implications of these solutions to the wavefunction?
As we have determined that the wavefunction, the probability of finding the particle on the other side of the barrier is always non zero even though classically it doesn’t have enough energy to go over the barrier.
What is the probability of transmission?
if we find the probability that the particle gores to the other side of the barrier, which we call the transmission coefficient,T. |We find that in the limit of a very wide barrier or high barrier so U»T||T∼e^-2KL|where L is the width of the barrier
What does this probability of transmission and reflection imply?
quantum theory tells us not only is there a finite chance that a particle with ire energy than a barrier may be reflected back from the barrier but alsi that a particle with mire energy than a barrier may be reflected back from the barrier.|But also that a particle with less energy than the barrier may actually be able to get “through it” to the other side ||(like saying you can walk through an open door and bounce back or could walk through a closed door and get through)
How can we observe the effects of tunnelling?
we can’t observe the particle in the barrier as its existence there is not allowed but due to uncertainty it can exist there virtually for a brief period of time, it can make it to the other side where we can observe it. ||This will never be observed in the classical regime ad the likelihood is too small but can be observed in the quantum regime.|-it explains the radioactive decay process of many unstable nuclei|- if we place two metals close enough together that electrons in one can tunnel to the other. Usually no net flow but if we apply a voltage between the plates we get a current even though it is an open circuit