Quantum Phenomena Flashcards
Define the photoelectric effect
Electrons are emitted from the surface of a metal when electromagnetic radiation above a certain frequency is directed at the metal
Give 3 properties of the photoelectric effect which cannot be explained with the wave theory of light
1) Photoelectric emission doesn’t occur unless the incident electromagnetic radiation is above a threshold frequency
2) The number of electrons emitted per second is proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation (provided the frequency is greater than the threshold frequency)
3) Photoelectric emission occurs without delay as soon as the incident radiation is directed at the surface (provided it is greater than the threshold frequency)
Give the 2 incorrect predictions made by the wave theory of light for the photoelectric effect
- Emission should take place with waves of any frequency
- Emission would no take no longer using low intensity waves than using high intensity waves
What was Einstein’s explanation for photoelectricity?
He assumed that light is composed of wavepackets (photons) each of energy equal to hf
- When light is incident on a metal surface, a surface electron absorbs a single photon and gains energy equal to hf
- This electron can leave the metal surface if the energy gained from the single photon exceed the work function, Φ
Give the equation for the energy of a photon
E = hf
Give the equation for the energy of a photon in terms of its wavelength
E = hc / λ
Define the work function
The minimum energy needed by an electron to escape from the metal surface when the metal is at 0 potential
Give the equation for the maximum kinetic energy an emitted electron can have
Eᵏ(max) = hf - Φ
Give the equation for the threshold frequency
f(min) = Φ / h
Describe the energy of each vibrating atom
It is quantised (only certain levels of energy are allowed)
Describe a vacuum photocell and its usual set-up
A vacuum photocell is a glass tube that contains a metal plate (a photocathode) and a smaller metal electrode (the anode).
When light of a greater frequency than the threshold frequency is directed at the photocathode, electrons are emitted from the cathode to the anode.
An attached microammeter measures the photoelectric current, which is proportional to the number of electrons transferred from the cathode to anode per second
Give the equation for current for a photoelectric current
Number of photoelectrons transferred per second = I / e
where e is the charge of the electron
Describe the relationship between the intensity of incident light and the maximum kinetic energy of an emitted photoelectron
The intensity of incident light DOES NOT affect the maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron. This is because the energy gained by a photoelectron is due to the absorption of one photon only
Explain why the number of photoelectrons emitted per second is proportional to the intensity of the incident light
- The photoelectric current ∝ Intensity of incident light
- Light intensity = energy per second (carried by light)
- Energy per second ∝ no. of photons per second on cathode
- Because 1 surface electron absorbs 1 photon to escape the metal surface:
- No. of photoelectrons emitted per second ∝ intensity of incident light
What would you use to measure the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted for a given frequency of light?
A photocell
For a graph of Eᵏ(max) against frequency, what do the following components represent:
i) gradient
ii) y-axis intercept
iii) x-axis intercept
i) h
ii) c = - Φ
iii) Threshold frequency f(min) = Φ / h
Define ionisation and give examples
Any process of creating ions
- Alpha, beta and gamma radiation create ions when the pass through substances and collide with the atoms of the substance
- Electrons passing through a fluorescent tube create ions when they collide with the atoms of the gas or vapour in the tube
Describe how you would measure the ionisation energy of a gas atom
A heated filament emits electrons at increasing speed which are attracted to an anode.
The potential difference between the anode and the filament is increased so as to increase the speed if the emitted electrons.
An attached ammeter only records a very small current due to the electrons reaching the anode. No ionisation takes place until the emitted electrons reach a certain speed.
At sufficient speed, the electrons can ionise gas particles, knocking more electrons out of the gas atom. Ionisation near the anode causes a much greater current
Give the equation used to calculate the ionisation energy of a gas atom by the potential difference required to ionise it
Ionisation energy of gas atom = eV
where V is the pd across the ionising tube, and e is the charge of the electron
Define the electron volt
The electron volt is a unit of energy equal to the work done when an electron is moved through a pd of 1V
Work done = qV
The work done when an electron moves through a potential difference of 1V is 1.6x10⁻¹⁹ J = 1 eV
Describe excitation by collision
Where a gas atom absorbs all the kinetic energy of a colliding electron without being ionised. This causes the electrons in the gas atoms to become excited and thus promoted to higher energy levels.
This happens at certain energies which are characteristic of the gas
Define excitation energies
The energy values at which an atom absorbs energy
Describe an experiment used to calculate the excitation energies of a gas
By increasing the pd across a gas filled tube containing an electron emitting filament and an anode and measuring the pd when the anode current falls
Define ground state
The lowest energy state an atom can be in
What happens to an atom in the ground state that absorbs energy
One of its electrons move to a shell at higher energy, so the atom is now in an excited state
Describe the energy levels when the ionisation level is considered as the 0 reference level for energy
The values for the energy levels show the energy levels relative to the ionisation level, (rather than showing the energy needed to excite them to that level if the ground state was considered as the 0 reference level for energy)
Explain the cause of de-excitation
Excited electrons are more unstable than electrons at a ground state, so emit a photon of light to become more stable and reach the ground state
Describe the properties of the emitted photon when an electron is de-excited to a lower energy level
The change in energy levels is equal to the photon emitted:
hf = E₁ - E₂
Explain the excitation of an electron by photon absorption
An electron in an atom can absorb a photon and move to an outer shell where a vacancy exists - but only if the energy of the photon is exactly equal to the gain in the electron’s energy
Explain why a fluorescent object may emit visible or white light, even though it absorbs UV
Because an atom in an excited state can be de-excited directly or indirectly to the ground state (regardless of how the excitation took place).
The atom can therefore absorbs photons of certain energies, and then emit photons of the same or lesser energies.
Explain how a tube containing mercury gas at a low pressure can emit visible light if the emission of mercury is mostly UV
The tube is coated in a fluorescent coating.
- Ionisation and excitation of the mercury atoms occurs as they collide with each other and with electrons in the tube
- The mercury atoms emit ultraviolet photons, as well as visible photons and photons of much less energy when they de-excite
- The UV photons are absorbed by the atoms of the fluorescent coating, causing excitation of the atoms
- The coating atoms de-excite and emit visible photons
Give the average wavelengths of deep violet and red light
deep violet ≈ 400nm
red ≈ 650nm
Describe an emission spectrum
Coloured lines on a black background where the position of the line indicates the wavelengths of light emitted by an atom
How can elements be identified by their emission spectra?
The wavelength of the lines of the emission spectra of an element are characteristic of the atoms of that element. No other element produces the same pattern if light wavelengths because the energy levels of each type of atom are unique to that atom
When is the particle nature of light observed?
The photoelectric effect
When is the wave nature of light observed?
The diffraction of light
What did de Broglie hypothesise?
- Matter particles have a dual wave-particle nature
- The wave-like behavior of a matter particle is characterised by a wavelength, its de Broglie wavelength, which is related to the momentum, p, of the particle by the means of the equation:
λ = h / p
Give the de Broglie wavelength of a particle in terms of its velocity
λ = h / mv
Describe an experiment that shows the dual wave-particle nature of an electron
- A narrow beam of electrons in a vacuum tube is directed at a thin metal foil. The rows of atoms in the foil cause the electrons in the beam to be diffracted (just as a beam of light is diffracted when it passes through a slit
- The electrons in the beam pass through the metal foil and are diffracted in certain directions only
- The electrons form a pattern of rings on a fluorescent screen at the end of the tube
Describe how a beam of electrons can be produced
- The beam is produced by attracting electrons from a heated filament wire to a positively charged metal plate, which has a small hole in its centre
- Electrons that pass through the hole form the beam
- The speed of the electrons can be increased by increasing the potential difference between the filament and the metal plate
State the effect on the de Broglie wavelength when electrons are faster, and state the effect this has on the diffraction pattern seen on a fluorescent screen
As the speed of the electrons increases, the de Broglie wavelength decreases, since λ = h / mv
Since the de Broglie wavelength decreases, the diffraction rings become smaller because there is less diffraction