Quantum: Mechanical Model of the Atom Flashcards
What is electromagnetic radiation?
type of energy comprised of an electrical and magnetic component which are perpendicular to each other
What does amplitude, wave length, and frequency mean?
amplitude is the vertical height of the crests
wave length is distance between two adjacent crests
frequency is the number of cycles that pass through a stationary point at a single time
What is the wave equation?
frequency=speed of light/wavelength
What is the speed of light?
3.00x10^8 m/s
What is constructive interference?
When two waves of equal amplitude that are in phase interact with each other they will produce a wave that is twice the amplitude
What is destructive interference?
two waves of equal amplitude that are out of phase interact with each other they will cancel each other out
What is diffraction?
when a wave encounters an obstacle or a slit it bends around it and acts like its a new point source
What is the photoelectric effect?
can be observed by shining a high frequency, low intensity light on a metal, light acts like a particle, electrons are emitted
What is the formula for the number of photons?
Energy of pulse divided by energy of photons
What is the formula to find the energy of photons?
energy=(planck constant)(speed of light)/wavelength in m
What is planck’s constant?
6.63x10^-34 J s
How can you convert nanometers to meters?
divide by 10^9
What is emission spectrum?
light emitted by an element can be
separated into its various wavelengths by passing it through a prism yielding a series of bright lines which is the emission spectrum
What is true of the bohr atom?
- e- move in circular orbits
- e- has only a fixed set of allowed orbits, of a certain potential energy
- e- can only pass from one allowed orbit to another (absorbing energy)
- Passing from a higher to a lower orbit emits light (returning to ground state)
What is the formula for the energy of an electron in a hydrogen atom?
What is the formula for the difference in energy of an electron in a hydrogen or hydrogen like atom? What is z represent?
delta E=-2.18x10^-18(z^2/nf^2-z^2/ni^2)
z is atomic number, 1 for hydrogen, 2 for he+, 3 for Li2+….
What are the problems with the Bohr atom?
cannot explain emission spectrum for multi-electron atoms and no reasoning for the fixed, quantized orbits
What is the de Broglie wavelength formula?
wavelength=plank constant/mass x frequency
What is the formula for Heisenberg’s uncertainty principles? What do variables represent?
(delta x)(mdeltav)=h/4pi
delta x is uncertainty is electron position (in typical atom this is size of atom)
delta v is uncertainty in electron velocity
m is mass and h is planck constant
What is schrodinger equation? What does it allow us to solve for? What do variables represent?
solve for electron position within an atom by giving a wavefunction
trident if wavefunction (orbital)
H represents total KE and PE of electron
E is total energy of electron
What is n, l, ml?
n is overall size of orbital
l is the shape of orbital
ml is the orientation of orbital
If question said light is emitted and you found energy of photon and you need delta e what do you do to E value to make it delta E?
Make it negative because atom emitted a photon (light)
In n is 3 what is the possible values of l?
What is the orbital for each value of l from 0-3?
0 means s orbital
1 means p orbital
2 means d orbital
3 means f orbital