Quantum Flashcards
Why is the strong force both attractive and repulsive?
To prevent the nucleus from collapsing or exploding
When is the strong force attractive?
> 0.5 fm
When is the strong force repulsive?
< 0.5 fm
What is the force responsible for beta decay?
the weak force
How strong is the weak force? (relative)
1 millionth of the strong force
How does the range of the weak force compare to that of the strong force?
It has a smaller range
What does the weak force act on?
Leptons and hadrons
What are the types of beta decay?
β+ and β-
When does beta decay occur?
When the nucleus emits an electron or a positron
What does a free neutron decay into in beta decay?
A proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino
What does a free proton decay into in beta plus decay?
A neutron, a positron and a neutrino
What type of beta decay is it when a free neutron decays into a proton?
What type of beta decay is it when a free proton decays into a neutron?
Why it called β- decay when a neutron decays into a proton?
An electron is produced
Why is it called β+ decay when a proton decays into a neutron?
A positron is produced