quality of qualitative research? Flashcards
what are some Criteria of quality?
Credibility (Validity)
Dependability (Reliability)
Transferability (Generalizability)
Confirmability (objectivity)
what is Credibility?
The participant’s “truth”
Gaining the participant’s perspective / lived experience
how would you gain the participants perspective?
Prolonged engagement, inter-rated reliability, iterative process
what is dependability and how do bring it about?
Transparency to ensure the process is understood. But an understanding that it cannot be repeated in an identical fashion
How? “Inquiry Audit”
There is an expectation that even if the same researcher and participant completed the process again – there would be a slightly different outcome
what is transferability and how do you bring it about?
No intention of generalising per participants
Naturalistic generalisation
detailed descriptions from information rich participants (purposeful sampling)
what confirmability and how do you bring it about?
Interpretations are grounded in the data
How? Member checking; Critical friend / peer debrief; Reflexivity; inter-rater reliability
what are the parts of the big tent?
Worthy topic: topic=relevant and timely
Rich Rigor: the study uses significant, abundant, appropriate and complex=theoretical constructs and data and time fields
Sincerity: the study is characterised by= self-reflexivity about subjective values
Credibility: research is marked by=multivocality and member reflection.
Resonance: the research influences, affects or moves particular readers=transferable findings and aesthetic, evocative representation
Significant contribution: the research provides a significant contribution=practically and morally
Ethical: the research considers=procedural ethics and situational and culturally specific ethics
Meaningful coherence: the study=achieves what it purposed to be about and used procedures that fit its goals
criterion vs relativist
Universal: Must use all criteria to ensure trustworthiness (Tracy, 2010);
Relativist: Better to use criteria appropriate for your study (Levitt, Morrow, Wertz, Motulsky, & Ponterotto, 2016).
problems of commonly used approaches to quality
Member checking and inter-relater reliability the most common methods used in sport and exercise science qualitative research to ensure “trustworthiness”