Qualitative Research Methods Flashcards
what is a ethnography?
an ethnography is a method of social research, it explores social phenomenon through first-hand observations in their natural settings.
what are the differences between interpretive and social constructionist approach?
Interpretive approach:
- Focuses on an individual’s subjective experience
- Focuses on individuals
- it takes what people say at face value
- people’s words= their truth
- people’s words are a direct reflection of their thoughts feelings, and experiences
- It does not focus on the impact of social forces on the individual or hidden meanings
Social Constructionist Approach:
- There are multiple realities
- Knowledge and reality is ever-changing
- people’s words are not treated as fact, but socially constructed versions of reality
- language is not neutral
- knowledge is seen as social, cultural, ideological, moral, and political
- reality is subjective
- Social constructionist approach treats people as though their feelings, thoughts and experiences are a product of systems of meaning that exist at a sociall level
name and define the 6 approaches to qualitative research
Feminist research : a theoretical and political analysis that focuses on gender and power
Participatory action Research: research that produces knowledge with the express of improving people’s conditions. PAR is a process of research, education, and action.
Narrative Approaches: a study of narratives, placed in their larger contexts
Discourse Analysis: a study of ways in which language constructs particular realities
Ethnography: a method is social research which explores social phenomenon through first-hand observation in their natural settings. it is a study of cultures or groups
Photovoice methods: a participatory approach that involves photographic methods and critical consciousness raising
What is Narrative analysis and when is it used?
Narrative analysis is method of data analysis that is used in a Social constructionist approach. this approach adopts this method of analysis because narratives are constructed based on the social context.Narrative analysis takes place in three stages, 1. Structure of the story, 2. content if the story, 3. social context of the sory
What is discourse analysis and when is it useful?
discourse analysis is a language based approach, discourse refers to any form of text or talk and it is used in a social constructionist. there is Foucauldian Discourse Analysis, discourses facilitate and limit, enable and constrain, what can be said, by whom, where and when.
discourses are systems of meaning which construct “particular versions of the world by proving a framework by which we can understand objects and practices, as well as who we are and what we should do in relation to those systems…
What is Thematic Analysis and when is it used?
thematic analysis involves the searching across a data set…to find repeated patterns of meaning. There is Inductive and Deductive Thematic analysis, Thematic analysis is used in narrative research because it allows the researcher to draw themes and patterns from the data.
Thematic Analysis can be used in both interpretivism and social constructionist, interpretivism = Semantic Themes; social constructionist = Latent Themes
What is reflexivity?
Practicing reflexivity means acknowledging and reflecting on how the researcher ‘s ow presence may affect their research at every stage of the research process.