what is qualitative research?
Uses narrative, descriptive approaches to data collection to understand the ways things are and what the research means from the perspectives of the participants of the study.
when would qualitative research be used?
GOES BY YOUR RESEARCH QUESTION AND WHAT RESULTS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Used when one wants to learn about the viewpoints of the people being studied, assess a process over time, generate theories based on participant perspectives, or obtain detailed information about a few people or research sites.
what are some methods of qualitative research?
Ethnographic, Narrative, Grounded Theory
What is ethnographic?
Describing, analyzing, and
interpreting a culture-sharing group’s shared pattern of behavior, belief, and language that develop overtime. Done when the study of a group provides understanding of a larger issue.
what is narrative?
Describing the lives of individuals, collecting and telling stories about people’s lives, and writing of individual experiences. Usually a single person is studied. Used when you want to report one’s story. Offers specific insights.
what is grounded theory?
Systematic procedure used to generate a theory that explains, at a broad level, a process, action, or interaction about a topic. Used when you need a broad explanation of a process. Generates a theory when existing theories do not address your problem
what are the benefits of qualitative research?
Intimate knowledge about one person or
selected group. Personal in nature, with a strong connection with your research question and participants. In-depth view into specific issue
what are the liabilities of qualitative research?
Cannot be used to generalize. Study is based on participant’s knowledge, views, ideas – not based in numbers or much fact. Small sample size.