Qualitative Methods Flashcards
Qualitative research is concerned with text based data.
What is primary data?
What is secondary data?
Primary = surveys, interview, focus groups.
Secondary = news, newspapers, social media, articles, blogs etc
Qualitative methods question an _______ reality. It argues that there can be _______ ______ of reality. It focuses on the ________, _________ and _________ of reality.
QRM questions an objective reality
can be multiple versions of reality
focus on experience, construction and interpretation of reality
What 4 things do researchers say qualitative methods is associated with?
personal experiences of events
natural settings
seeking deeper thruths
What are the 3 central questions of qualitative research methods?
to count/discover the name
measure listen and observe
questionnaire or talk with someone
Qualitative methods is a _________ approach. The data is _______ but _____, and tends to be theory _________.
subjective approach with narrow but rich data
theory generating rather than testing
What are the 7 main qualitative research ANALYSIS methods?
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)
Grounded theory
Narrative research
Conversation Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Focus Groups
Thematic Analysis
What are the 3 main methods of data collection?
Focus groups
Interviews draw out personal ______, ________, _______ and _________ on a matter, and is especially useful when someone has a ______ ______ in the matter.
interviews draw out opinions, beliefs, experiences, perceptions, motivations etc
useful when someone has a personal stake
What are the 3 main advantages of interviews?
rich and detailed data
can be flexible
can use smaller samples
What are the 4 main disadvantages of qualitative interviews?
Time consuming
lack of breadth with small samples
people unwilling to disclose sensitive info
less control than with surveys
What are the 3 types of interview methods, describe them?
Which is most commonly used?
Structured - pre-determined topics
Unstructured - list of topics, but free to roam, strongly participant led
Semi-structured - list of questions, but allowing for participant to discuss - open ended questions
Most commonly used
Semi-structured interviews are ______ and ______ to the participant. They include _____-______ questions to allow for further _______ and ______ in detail.
Flexible and responsive to participant
open ended questions allow for richness in detail and further discussion
What is transcription?
Process of turning video/audio recordings into text
What are the 3 key criteria of an interview, and what do they achieve?
Interview schedule - to build trust/rapport with participant
Order of questions - to creative a flow of topics, and not ask sensitive questions too soon.
Wording of questions
When wording questions what 3 things can we avoid?
Open questions to avoid yes or no answers
Non leading questions
Questions which discuss multiple topics - confusing
Focus groups place ______ between ________ as the key feature. Groups typically contain __-__ people. The researcher acts as a _________, and discussion is based around a series of _____ and ______.
Focus groups have interactions between people as key feature
typically 6-8 people
Researcher acts as a moderator
Based around series of questions and topics
Participants in focus groups may be based on ___-________ groups based on ________ experiences. Focus groups may not always contain _______, but group_______ and reacting to ______.
Groups may be pre-existing based on shared experiences
may not always be about discussion but group tasks and reacting to stimuli
What are the 3 main advantages of focus groups?
Flexibility - can explore unanticipated issues, and allows for responding, challenging etc - rich data
engages everyday talking about topics
can facilitate personal disclosure
What are the 4 main issues with focus groups?
Logistical difficulty of setting up groups
can get off topic easily - hard to manage
ethical issues of confidentiality
transcription may be time consuming
Mixed methods involves the combination of ________ and _______ methods. Give an example
combines qualitative and quantitative
focus groups may inspire a questionnaire
Describe the 3 main types of qualitative sampling?
convenience sample - whoever is available
purposive sample - an aim to gain understanding of a type
Theoretical sampling - use data analysis to guide selection of future participants to learn more
Qualitative methods tend to use ______ samples than quantitative.
What is the data saturation method of sampling?
selecting participants until no knew themes/knowledge is added to the data