Qualitative Approaches Flashcards
Define Interpretivism
Name a researcher who pushed the importance of interpretivism in qual. research?
The assumption that there are multiple legitimate ways of answering or exploring phenomena depending on the individual context/reality.
Avoid assuming that there is only one legitimate experience of reality - ie. whats common sense to one person may appear irrational to another (eg. lay health beliefs)
Goffman 1961 - important to see the world through the research subjects eyes
Define Naturalism?
How does this relate to PH policy and practice?
The assumption that qual research takes place in a natural environment for a particular phenomena, not in tightly controlled laboratory settings because behaviour is contextual (changes with settings)
Qual research can inform policy implentation - how realistic is it to work on the ground? etc. How will policy be implemented (or not) in real life?
Define a flexible research strategy?
Follows an open research plan
No structured steps like quant research
Define theoretical sampling?
Analysis begins as soon as data collection begins and often the first analysis informs later samples.
When is the use of qual research appropriate?
- When developing new theories or concepts
- As a precursor to quant research - to find out what the variables are, gather info on a phenomenon, What can e measured, esp. if a new area of research
- When quant research is not appropriate - e.g observational or ethnographic research
- It is essential is q’airre design that the language and phrasing is meaningful to the sample.