Qualitative Flashcards
What are the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative?
-focus on the real world and real patients
-High level of detail and context
-Can capture and explain experiences and understandings
-loss of ‘audibility’ (need to trust researchers)
-Cannot predict causations or outcomes
-Generlisable only with caution
What is the iterative method?
It is repeating cycles of data collection until the data pool is saturated
What bias is qualitative research open to?
Information bias due to the nature that researchers collect the data. This requires researchers to be reflexive.
What is a type 1 error in interpretation?
Finding something that is not there e.g. social pressures on participants to give positive answers
or picking quotes to support a hypothesis
What is a type 2 error?
Ignoring someting that is there e.g. overly simplifying the data etc.