quail Flashcards
adult male length
the adult bobwhite male measures 10 to 11 inches in length adult bobwhite male measures 10 to 11 inches in length
has a wingspan of 14 to 15 inches,
weighs from five to six ounces.
Quail usually form a weak pairing bond. Hens are not always faithful to their roosters and vice versa.
can incubate the eggs
Either the hen or rooster
how many nestings
Some hens may nest as many as three times, leaving her new mate to incubate the eggs.
nesting peiod
The peak of nesting occurs during May and early June
how many eggs
with 12 to 15 eggs to a clutch.
Incubation period is 23 days.
The young can leave the nest as soon as their down dries and are capable of short flights at two weeks of age
mature size time
Quail reach mature size from 14 to 16 weeks of age
remain in covey
remain in coveys until they break up in April when the members pair off for breeding.
mortality rate
Bobwhite quail have a high annual mortality rate. A 70 to 80 percent population turnover annually is common.Food shortage, cold, adverse weather (drought or excessive rain), predators, and disease cause this high mortality.
life span
Potential life span is four to five years. Average life expectancy is less than one year.
food matter
The quail’s food consists of about 15 percent animal matter and 85 percent plant matter.
what kind of food
The animal food is predominantly insects such as beetles, weevils, caterpillars, and crickets. The plant matter is composed mainly of seeds and fruits, although some green vegetation is consumed.Plants that produce a smooth, hard seed such as ragweed, croton, and partridge pea are important food plants.Quail use agricultural crops including corn, grain sorghum, legumes, soybeans, and other small grains.
loafing cover
Low growing woody plants provides loafing cover and should not be over 200 to 300 feet apart.
canopy cover
Canopy cover of brush at 5 – 20 percent is considered desirable for bobwhites. However, too much canopy (above 20 percent) is not desirable for habitat
nesting cover
Nesting cover is critical with 250 – 300 basketball sized clumps of grass (little bluestem, or hulahoop size clump of prickly pear) needed per acre. this works out to one clump about every 12 – 13 feet over an acre
shrub thickets
Shrub thickets, eash up to 1⁄4 acre, provide escape cover and are needed on about every 15 acres.
home range
The annual home range of a covey varies from 10-80 acres. Bobwhites spend 75% of their time in a core area of 22 acres
core area
Bobwhites spend 75% of their time in a core area of 22 acres
No more than 5-15% of an area should be disked.
Hunted and unhunted areas exhibit the same annual rate of turnover that is usually 70 to 80 percent
woody plants
As a general rule, approximately 10 to 25 percent of the area should be left in woody plants if optimum quail habitat is the goal.
water factor
Water held in plants often exceeds bobwhite requirements by a factor of 10,000.