Qmax Physio/ Embryo Flashcards
What’s the function of astrocytes and microglia
Astrocyte: support, repair, remove neurotransmitter, BBB Microglia: phagocytosis
Hormones- cAMP
FSH LH ACTH TSH CRH ADH PTH hCG calcitonin glucagon GHRH
Hormones- cGMP
GnRH ADH gastrin TRH Angiotensin II
Sex cortisol aldosterone thyroxine VitD
Hormones- tyrosine kinase
Very long chain FA is breakdown in?
What are they -Microfold cells -Tuft cells -Paneth cells
Microfold cells: target of Shigella, gut-associated lymphoid tissue of Peyer patch Tuft cells: chemosensory cells Paneth cells: in the crypts of Lieberkuhn, secret defending substances
What’s the function of the nodes of Ranvier
High concentration of sodium channels
1st pharyngeal arch 2nd pharyngeal arch 3rd pharyngeal arch 4th and 6th pharyngeal arch
1st: Maxillary, Mandible, Muscles of mastication, CN V3 chew 2nd: Stapedius, Stylohyoid, Facial expression muscle, CN VII (smile) 3rd: Great horn of hyoid, Stylopharyngeus, CN IX 4th: Most pharyngeal constrictors, Cricothyroid, CN X (superior branch-swallow) 6th: All intrinsic muscles of larynx except cricothyroid, CN X (recurrent, inferior-speak) 4 and 6th: Arytenoids,Cricoid, Corniculate, Cuneiform, Thyroid
Aortic arch derivatives
1st arch is maximal Second=stapedial C (common carotid) is 3rd letter of alphabet 4th arch (4 limbs)=systemic 6th arch = pulmonary and ductus arteriosus
Fetal development time point 2wks 3wks 4wks 6wks 8wks
2wks: Bilaminar disc develops 3wks: Trilaminar embryonic disc 4wks: Neural tube 6wks: Lower limb, finger, ear, and eye 8wks: Fetal movements
Male genital structure develop from?
Mesonephric duct: BEEDS: trigone of the Bladder, Epididymis, Ejaculatory duct, Ductus deferens, Seminal vesicles
Microglia develop from?
Pharyngeal pouch derivatives
Ear, tonsils, bottom-to-top: 1(ear:endoderm-lined structures of ear), 2(tonsils), 3 dorsal(bottom for inferior parathyroids), 3 ventral (to=thymus), 4 (top=superior parathyroids, ventral= C cells)
Penis unclosed: Dorsal? Ventral?
Dorsal: epispadias to bladder exstrophy Ventral: hypospadias (urogenital folds)
Horseshoe kidney is because of ? blocking migration?
CYP21A2 mutation
deficiency of 21-hydroxylase, the most common type of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
CGG trinucleotide repeat
Fragile X:elongated facies with protruding ears, low muscle tone, and macro-orchidism, with varying degrees of intellectual disability
Neural crest cells derive
Enterochromaffincells, Leptomeninges(arachnoid, pia), Melanocytes, Odontoblasts, PNS ganglia (cranial, dorsal root, autonomic), Adrenal medulla, Schwann cells, Spiral membrane, Endocardial cushions( & mesoderm), Skullbones
Female genital structures are derived from
Paramesonephric duct: fallopian tubes, uterus, upper portionof vagina (lower portion from urogenital sinus). Male remnant is appendix testis
Epidermal layers?
come,let’s get sun burned L is only exist in palmoplantar (glabrous) skin
Iron is absorbed at
The absorption of most dietary iron occurs in the duodenum and proximal jejunum and depends heavily on the physical state of the iron atom.
Sertoli cells where? secrete?
- inside tubule (Leydig is outside, testosterone) -anti-Müllerian hormone