Qlik Compete Flashcards
Qlik said it’s associative logic is superior to Tableau’s capabilities?
There are different kinds of analyses you may want to do other than associative analysis
a. Qlik requires you to do it one way (inflexible)
b. Associative affects every view (if you select a field/value in one view, it will update every other view – must load values into memory 2x if you want to disassociate and build aliases for repeating values)
Can you do anything similar to Qlik’s associative logic?
Tableau allows you to achieve the same results in many different ways (flexible).
a. Filters
b. Highlights
c. Actions
d. Parameters
Why is Tableau’s capabilities better than Qlik’s associative logic?
Qlikview can’t do the same things we can do
a. We can limit associative logic to only specific views (without having to load into memory)
Qlik does ETL!
- Act as a consultant in addressing their need to organize their data from different data sources
- Data blending may be sufficient to accomplish the goal of combining data from different data sources (or may be a short term solution)
- Describe the path to the ultimate solution which may be one or many things (discuss option of eventually using data warehouse to help manage data)
- Custom SQL/SSIS may allow them to migrate their data into another environment
Qlik does ‘Google like’ search!
- Find out the common scenarios they will need to use the search feature for
- It’s rare that client will need to search for everything in data (majority of cases we will have solution)
- “We don’t do that but depending on what you are trying to do, this is how we would solve it”
- We should never lose deal based on search if we have done our job in addressing other competitive points
Qlik has apps!
- What do they think of when they refer to “app”?
a. Building of dashboard
b. Extensibility (on data and user interface side)
c. Apps can refer to front and back end - Tableau will be adding JavaScript API
- Actions encourage interactivity from end users
- Qlik does not have geocoding built in
a. They use Google maps but charge customers for access to maps
Qliktech Summary
QlikTech has been the poster child for a new end-user-driven approach to BI. Evidence for this can be found in the buzz around it (with a brand many times more prominent than its current market share), its continued growth, and the success of its July 2010 IPO on NASDAQ — the first BI flotation for many years.
QlikTech’s QlikView product is a self-contained BI platform, based on a wholly in-memory data store, with a set of well-integrated BI tools for building highly interactive applications. Anecdotal feedback from QlikView end users invariably centers on how intuitive and likable the product is to use. More than three-quarters of QlikView customers said they selected it primarily for its ease of use for end users (the only vendor on the quadrant where above 75% of those surveyed said this was the case). Moreover, because of this advantage, many of QlikTech’s customers use the product for rapid prototyping, often when another BI platform standard is already in place.
Qlik Strength: In-Memory Data Engine
Although this capability is becoming a commodity in various tools, Qlikview led the move to in-memory desktop analytics and offers a very fast, scalable and feature rich data engine.
Qlik Strength: Associative Search
Powerful filtering mechanism that enables users to search for values in a list box by searching against values in associated data elements.
Qlik Strength: Pixel-Perfect Formatting
Object placement on dashboards are pixel perfect. Have to explicitly define where to place everything. Tableau also has fixed sized dashboards
Qlik Strength: Extensions and APIs
Developers can create custom visualizations and user interface components for use within QlikView.
Qlik Weakness: No Live Data Connections
Users need to load data into memory before being able to analyze their data. For large databases this can be a major issue. Customers won’t be able to leverage their investments in the DB (ex: Teradata, Netezza, etc.)
Qlik Weakness: Middle Tier Required for Large Databases
Qlikview is limited by the memory available on the desktop because it needs to load all of the data into memory. Tableau Desktop and Server connects directly to your live data.
Qlik Weakness: Hard to Use Interface
The interface makes extensive use of wizards, selection criteria, and other UI junk, prior to even showing you the results. A typical shart seems to involve 10-12 screens of configuration. Tableau is true drag-and-drop analysis.
Qlik Weakness: Scripting Required to Connect to Data
Rather tedious connection interface, often involving SQL coding and scripts. Once connected. You get a blank interface and canvas and need to start using the wizards.
Qlik Weakness: Feature Gaps and Overlap
Compare date functionality: Tableau automatically builds a date hierarchy, in Qlikview you must script it – write a calc for year, month and day