(QC/SENSORY) Flashcards
In the twentieth century, attention was given to
the selection and training of quality assessors
to utilize of formal sensory methods including:
- Use of reference standards.
- Use of formal data analysis methods to
summarize and interpret the quality data.
Over time, QC/sensory evolved in two important paths:
a) Focused on the challenges of initiating and maintaining a QC/sensory program in an organization.
b) Focused on sensory methods that were practical and effective for an in-plant QC function.
- Method used for QC/sensory function:
o Attribute descriptive method
o Different from control method
o In-out method
Focus on a small number of sensory attributes that have been
demonstrated to impact consumer acceptance.
ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIVE METHOD-sensory specifications are based on
consumer acceptance and the attributes descriptive methods are typically applied only to finished products.
Objective of Attribute descriptive method is to provide detailed information on :
Ø What is varying perceptibly/ detectable in the product?
Ø The magnitude of the variability.
Ø The direction of variability relative to the product’s sensory specifications.
Major drawback of attribute descriptive methods:
Ø High level of resources.
Ø Need significant resources to identify the sensory attributes.
Ø Involve parallel descriptive and consumer evaluations of many production samples.
Ø Requires QC program maintenance
Implementing an attribute descriptive QC
- Establish sensory specifications
* Initial sample screening
* Sensory descriptive evaluation and sample selection for consumer testing
* Consumer testing production samples
* Establishing the sensory specifications - Implementing the in-plant QC/sensory function
- Product sampling, data analysis and reporting
Objective Establishing sensory specifications
To develop a set of relevant sensory specifications.
Establishing sensory specifications Involve 2 steps:
- Identification of a small number of sensory attributes (5-15) that influence the consumer’s acceptability of the product.
- Establish of ranges of intensities for each of these attributes (using 15-unit scale).
Initial sample screening
Collection and screening of many production samples.
Number of units of production that need to be collected at this stage must be adequate for
subsequent formal sensory descriptive evaluations and consumer testing
Things to be considered:
- Logistical issue
- Space available to store the sample
- How quick the sample can be evaluated
- Shelf-life issue
b. Sensory Descriptive Evaluations and Sample Selection for Consumer Testing
- To obtain a comprehensive description of all the sensory properties of each sample and to fully characterize the ranges of
Sensory Descriptive Evaluations and Sample Selection for Consumer Testing- goal:
to identify the smallest number of samples
that fully represent the total sensory variability of the product.