What does the QBC STAR measure
(1) Hematocrit (Hct)
(2) Hemoglobin (Hgb)
(3) Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
(4) White Blood Cells (WBC)
(5) Granulocytes
(6) % Granulocytes
(7) Lymph/Mono
(8) % Lymph/Mono
(9) Platelets
__________ is the most frequently ordered lab. It supplies useful information regarding the concentration of the different cellular and non-cellular elements of blood and applies to multiple disorders.
Red Blood Count (RBC)
(a) Normal adult ranges:
Males 4.5-5.9 ^6 cells/μL
Females 4.5-5.1 ^6 cells/μL
Normal adult ranges:
1) Males _______
2) Females _________
1) Males 14-17.5 g/dL
2) Females 12.3-15.3 g/d
Hemoglobin Critical value (low)
<8 g/dL
_____________ is the main component of the red blood cell. It is a protein that serves as the vehicle for the transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
hemoglobin (Hgb)
The Hgb concentration provides a direct indication of the what?
oxygen-transport capacity of the blood.
As the major content of RBCs, Hgb is proportionately low in patients’ with what issue?
Hematocrit (Hct)
Normal adult ranges:
1) Males 42 - 52%
2) Females 37 - 47%
________ is the ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to that of the whole blood
Hematocrit (Hct)
The Hct is usually about __ times the Hgb.
___________ are lab test used to specifically assess red blood cell characteristics.
-This are useful in the evaluation of anemias, polycythemia and nutritional
-Essentially, they assess the size and Hgb content of the RBC.
RBC indices
Red Blood Cell Indices
______ is an estimate of the average volume (size) of RBC’s and is the most clinically useful of the RBC indices. It is calculated from the hematocrit and the red cell count.
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
Red Blood Cell Indices
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
Normal Range
76-96 fL/cell
Red Blood Cell Indices
An increase in the MCV is normally associated with
B12 or folate deficiency
Red Blood Cell Indices
A decrease in the MCV implies some abnormality in Hgb synthesis and most likely caused by
an iron deficiency
Red Blood Cell Indices
________ is the amount of hemoglobin per RBC
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
Red Blood Cell Indices
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) range
27-32 pg/cell
Red Blood Cell Indices
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
_______ seen in Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
______ seen in an iron deficiency
Red Blood Cell Indices
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Normal Range
30 - 35 g/dL
Red Blood Cell Indices
________ is the hemoglobin divided by the Hematocrit
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Platelet Count
Normal Range =
Critical Value (Low) =
(High) =
Normal Range 150,000-400,000/μL
Critical Value (Low) <20,000/ mm3 risk of hemorrhage.
(High) 1,000,000/ mm3 risk of thrombosis.
_______ is an abnormal high platelet count and has many causes such as stress or infection but may also be caused by: Splenectomy, Trauma, Iron deficiency
anemia or Cirrhosis
_______ is an abnormal low platelet count below 150,000/ mm3 this may be caused by various diseases such as TTP or DIC and may also be seen in leukemia and metastatic cancers.
Normal WBC Range= Critical Value (Low)=
Normal WBC Range 4.5-11.0 x 10^3 cells/mm3 Critical Value (Low) <2,000/mm3 (High) 30,000/mm3
________________ is a tally of the total number of WBC’s in a given volume of blood plus the relative percentages of the WBC by type.
WBC and differential
WBC count Normal Ranges: Neutrophils = Bands = Eosinophils = Basophils = Monocytes = Lymphocytes =
a) Neutrophils 50-70%
b) Bands 0-5%
c) Eosinophils 1-5%
d) Basophils 0-1%
e) Monocytes 1-6%
f) Lymphocytes 20-40%
The relative percentages of each WBC must add to ___%. If one cell type increases the percentage of all other types of cells will decrease.
During an acute infection there is an increase in the percentage of neutrophils known as _______, as they are released from the bone marrow and demarginate from the endothelium
The appearance of band cells in infection is termed a _______.
shift to the left
_____________________ (an increase in the total number of lymphocytes in relation to the total number of WBC) is typically an indication of a viral infection.
An increase in eosinophils known as _____ is typical in parasitic infections and allergic disorders
Elevated WBC is called ______________. This can result from bacterial infections, inflammations, leukemia, trauma, intense exercise, or stress.
A decreased WBC count is called _______. It can result from many different situations, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or diseases of the immune system.
______________is Hct value above the reference interval of age and sex.
________ are category of white blood cells characterized by the presence of granules in their cytoplasm.
What are the 3 types of granulocytes?
Neutrophil granulocytes
Eosinophil granulocytes
Basophil granulocytes
What granulocyte?
a) act as phagocytes and modulate inflammatory responses.
b) are increased with the presence of helminths, in which they destroy by generating potent oxidants and releasing cationic proteins.
c) participate in some inflammatory conditions, particularly allergic reactions, asthma, and certain myocardial diseases.
d) Another function is to dampen hypersensitivity and inflammatory reactions.
e) Normal adult peripheral blood contains 0 to 5% eosinophils.
What granulocyte?
a) Most abundant type of phagocyte, important in defense against infectious disease.
b) Constituting 50% to 70% of the total circulating white blood cells
What granulocyte?
a) One the least abundant cells in blood, 0 to 1%.
b) The cytoplasm of these cells contains a varied amount of granules; these granules are numerous enough to partially conceal the nucleus.
c) Granule contents of these cells are abundant with histamine, heparin, chondroitin sulfate, peroxidase, platelet activating factor, and other substances.
Atypical lymphocytes – it is used to describe
malignant appearing cells
Reactive lymphocytes – it is used to describe
formed or benign lymphocytes
The listed below cause Atypical lymphocytes
(1 Viral – Adenovirus, Chicken Pox, Cytomegalovirus, EBV (infectious mono), Hepatitis, Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, HIV, Influenza, Paramyxovirus (mumps), Rubella ( measles).
(2 Bacterial – Brucellosis, Parathyroid fever, Pertussis (whooping cough), tuberculosis, typhoid fever.
(3 Drug Reaction – During recovery from acute infections (children)
(4 Miscellaneous – Acute infectious lymphocytosis, allergic reactions, Autoimmune diseases, hyperthyroidism, malnutrition, Rickets, syphilis, toxoplasmosis.
They cause Reactive lymphocytes
What button is used to open the door on the QBC star?
Door Release Latch……….
What button is this
It is teal colored is located on top of the QBC STAR instrument, toward the right side.
Has several functions:
a) Start Testing – when an untested tube is in the analyzer.
b) Abort Testing – when the instrument is in the process of testing.
c) Reprint Test Results – after automatic test results printout, before
opening the door.
(1 NOTE: The button will only perform these functions at the times described above
“STAR” Button………
If any errors occur during the system’s self-tests or during operation of the unit, this information too is shown on the _____
A special coating in the QBC Star tube stains the two white blood cell populations
granulocytes appear ______
lymphocytes/monocytes appear _____
platelet layer appears ____
granulocytes appear orange-yellow
lymphocytes/monocytes appear green
platelets appear yellow-orange
It is important to gently mix the blood sample immediately before filling the QBC Star tube by inverting the capped tube. How many times?
12 to 15 times
The QBC Star tube fills itself by capillary action. When you touch the collection tip to the blood sample, it is drawn into the tube automatically.
a) Fill the QBC STAR tube to the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Blood must always be filled to at least the first black line. b) This results in a blood volume of between \_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_ microliters
a) second black fill line
b) 65 and 75 microliters
The QBC Star Tube must be placed into the instrument within how many minutes of filling
15 minutes
Rock the QBC Star tube back and forth at least ____ times to mix the blood with the orange coating.
When rocking the QBC start tube you want the blood to touch the white plug at the end of the tube
The QBC Star cannot process a tube that has been previously processed.
it can