Qbank 4 Flashcards
Proximal 1/3 of ureter receives blood supply from where?
Renal artery
Vitiligo: what causes loss of pigment?
- loss of melanocytes in skin
- autoimmune association.
Mechanism of antibiotic that is used for S. aureus skin infections, esp. MRSA, bacteremia, endocarditis, and VRE. Side effects?
- lipopeptide that disrupts cell membrane of gram positive cocci
- side effects: myopathy and rhabdomyolysis
Medications that can cause seizures?
buproprion, clozapine, isoniazid, imipenem, fluoroquinolones
Gardener’s mydriasis: dry mouth, flushed, hot temperature, double vision, dilated pupils, tachycardia. Cause? Antidote?
- Jimson weed poisoning, similar to atropine poisoning
- sympathethic effects due to blockade of muscarinic receptors
- treat with physostigmine
Mechanism of urinary incontinence in normal pressure hydrocephalus?
-hydrocephalus causes distortion of paraventricular white matter. Loss of cortical inhibition of sacral micurition center (S2-S4) leading to urge incontinence.
Lung hamartomas usually contain?
-disorganized cartilage, adipose, fibrous tissue
presentation of glucagonoma.
- Diabetes
- GI complaints: pain, diarrhea, anorexia
- Necrolytic migratory erythema: red papules/plagues that grow and coalesce. Leave central clearing that is bronze and indurated with peripheral scaling an blistering
- Anemia
- depression
motile gram positive rod with narrow zone of hemolysis. Grows well at refrigeration temperatures. What bacteria? What immune response is most effective against it?
-T cell mediated immunity
-listeria is intracellular, it produces listeriolysin
O which allows it to escape phagosome into the cytosol.
List intracellular bacteria.
obligate: rickettsia, chlamydia, coxiella
facultative: salmonella, neisseria meningitidis, brucella, mycobacterium, listeria, franciscella, legionella, yersinia pestis
Person with Strain of tb that has decreased activity of intracellular catalase-peroxidase. Which anti-TB drug will not work?
- Isoniazid
- bacterial catalase peroxidase needed to convert INH to active metabolite
Why is methadone drug of choice for treating heroin addiction?
- long half life, good bioavailability
- able to have continuing suppression of withdrawal symptoms
Amino acid transamination requires what cofactor?
-transamination occurs between amino acid and alpha-keto acid. Amino group from amino acid transferred to a-keto acid, and a-keto acid becomes an amino acid
Abdominal aortic aneurysm. Most common cause?
-atherosclerosis. Atheromas weaken underlying media.
Where do Viridians Streptococci bind on damaged heart valves?
-S. sanguinis makes dextran, which bind to fibrin platelet aggregates on damaged heart valves. Must have endothelial damage leading to fibrin platelet aggregates for binding.
Atelectasis, where does trachea deviate? Causes of atelectasis? X-ray findings?
- Towards the side of the lesion
- cause: bronchial obstruction, infection
- x-ray: opacification of lung
Management of drug induced parkinsonism by antipsychotics.
Rx: benztropine (antimuscarinic) or amantadine
-dopamine agonist may worsen psychosis
Symptoms are caused by blockage of D2 receptors in the nigrastriatal pathway
Mechanism of action of the following antifungals:
- nystatin
- flucytosine
- azoles
- terbinafine
- caspofungin
- griseofulvin
- nystatin: same as amphotericin. binds ergosterol and forms pores. Causes leakage of electrolytes
- flucytosine: inhibits DNA and RNA biosynthesis by conversion to 5-FU by cytosine deaminase
- azoles: inhibits cyp450, preventing conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol
- terbinafine: inhibits fungal enzymes squalene epoxidase (ergosterol synthesis)
- caspofungin: inhibits cell wall synthesis by inhibiting synthesis of beta-glucan
- griseofulvin: interfere with microtubule function
Cell type that stains positive for synaptophysin
Treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
-low dose glucocorticoids. Suppresses ACTH secretion and decreases stimulation of adrenal cortex so that will decrease androgen production
Niacin can by synthesized from which amino acid?
what cranial nerve can be injured in a transtentorial/uncal herniation? What artery?
What artery can be compressed in subfalcine herniation?
Define the following: Berkson bias, Hawthorne effect, Pygmalion effect.
- Berkson bias: study population selected from hospital is less healthy than general population
- Hawthorne effect: change in behavior in subjects as results of being aware they are being studied
- Pygmalion effect: Researcher’s belief in efficacy of treatment changes outcome of that treatment. E.g. More likely to document positive results if expect positive results.
Urine smells like burnt sugar. What enzyme is deficient? What enzymes can’t be degraded? Supplement with what vitamin would lead to improvements?
a-ketoacid dehydrogenase
isoleucine, leucine, valine: branched amino acids
-thiamine, is a cofactor for the enzyme.
Which vein has the most different oxygen content compared to aorta?
Carotid Sinus
- because there is high myocardial oxygen demand
- heart extracts oxygen more efficiently than any other tissue
Hyperacute transplant rejection is what type of hypersensitivity?
Type II -due to preformed antibodies in the host. Anti ABO or anti HLA (IgG antibodies)
- see gross mottling and cyanosis
- arterial fibrinoid necrosis and capillary thrombosis
Parasympathetics to lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual glands originate from which nerve?