Qbank 2 Flashcards
Location of neurotransmitters:
- Serotonin
- Dopamin
- Ach
- NE
- Serotonin: raphe nuclei in pons, medulla, midbrain
- Dopamine: ventral tegmentum and substantia nigra pars compacta
- Ach: basal nucleus of Meynert
- GABA: nucleus accumbens
- NE: locus ceruleus (pons)
derivatives of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds?
- ventral: main pancreatic duct and uncinate process (portion of pancreas head)
- dorsal: accessory pancreatic duct, body, tail, isthmus
What epithelium lines the true vocal folds?
-stratified squamous. Most other parts of respiratory tract are pseudo stratified columnar mucus secreting epithelium, except the pharynx (where air and food passes, is stratified squamous)
Treatment for narcolepsy?
The thymus is derived from what branchial pouch?
- 3rd. With the inferior parathyroids
- ear, tonsils, bottom, to top
For restrictive lung disease, describe FEV1/FVC, compliance, elastic recoil, lung volumes.
- there is restricted filling of lungs. Decrease compliance, and increased elastic recoil/radial traction because of fibrosis
- FEV1/FVC is greater than 80%
- lung volumes are decreased: decreased TLC and FVC
- there is super normal expiratory flow rate
Mullerian agenesis vs androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Mullerian agenesis: normal secondary sex characteristics, hypo plastic or absent uterus, no upper vagina XX
- AIS: breast present, no uterus, pubic/axillary hair XY
Describe glycogen regulation involving glucagon/epinephrine.
- Glucagon
- activates glucagon receptor->adenylate cyclase->cAMP->protein kinase A->glycogen phosphorylase kinase->glycogen phosphorylase–>breakdown of glycogen to glucose - Epinephrine: activates alpha receptor->->Ca release->activates Glycogen phosphyrlase kinase->activates glycogen phosphorylase
Vit E deficiency presentation.
-presents like B12 but without the megaloblastic anemia. mUscle weakness, peripheral neuropathy, hypotonia
Recurrent skin infections without pus. Delayed detachment of umbilical cord. Poor wound healing. Disease and mechanism of disease?
- Leucocyte adhesion deficiency
- deficiency of CD18. Inability to synthesize integrins.
Tredelenburg gait. What nerve is damaged?
Superior gluteal nerve. The damage is on the side that person is standing on that causes hip drop on the opposite leg.
What processes of collagen synthesis occur in the extracellular matrix?
- cleavage of N and P pro peptides by peptidases to form tropocollagen
- tropocollagen fibers assemble into fibrils and lysyl oxidase deamininates lysine and hydroxylysine residues, forming reactive aldehydes that form covalent crosslinks
Mechanism of spread of N. meningitidis
- nasopharynx, blood, to choroid plexus, to meninges
- H. flu spread from pharynx to lymphatics to meninges
What are the formulas for t1/2, loading dose, and maintenance dose?
t1/2= (Vd x 0.7)/Cl
Loading dose= (Vd x Cp)/F
maintenance dose= (Cl x Cp x dose interval)/F
Define reaction formation, displacement, suppression, repression.
- reaction formation: doing something opposite of your desire to cover it up. Homosexuals being homophobic and denouncing homosexuality
- displacement: taking out anger on scapegoat -yelling at dog when angry at wife
- suppression: consciously putting thoughts out of mind
- repression: unconsciously putting out of mind
hyperthyroidism following flu like illness. What is disease? histology? findings?
- tender thyroid
- increased ESR
- granulomatous inflammation, may see giant cells. Mixed cellular infiltrate.
Histology of Hashimoto thyroiditis.
- lymphoid aggregate with germinal centers, Hurtle cells. Mononuclear infiltrate.
- increases risk of non hodgkin lymphoma
Which secreted Ig forms a dimer?
-particular important in colostrum, first secreted milk by mom, provides infant with passive immunity.
antidote for beta blocker overdose
-increases cAMP of cardiac myocytes, and increases intracellular calcium
Mechanism of Cromolyin and nedocromil. Uses?
-inhibits mast cell degranulation 2nd line for allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma
List the overdose/poisoning for which the following antidotes are for:
- amyl nitrate
- dimercaprol
- methylene blue
- deferoximine
- penicillamine
- trientine, oral zinc
- amyl nitrate: cyanide
- dimercaprol: arsenic or lead
- methylene blue: methemaglobinemia
- deferoximine: iron
- EDTA: lead
- penicillamine: copper
- trientine, oral zinc: copper
Contents of crescent in RPGN.
- abundant fibrin
- macs, monocytes, proliferated glomerular parietal cells
Thoracentesis, which ribs to go between?
- mid clavicular: 5th and 7th (6-8 intercostal space)
- mid axillary: 7th and 9th (8-10)
- paravertebral: 9th and 11th (10-12)
Cystic tumor in cerebellum of child with Hair like glial processes. What is the tumor and what other histological features seen?
pilocytic astrocytoma
-spindle cells, rosenthal fibers and eosinophilic bodies